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"I wanna drive you to the morning light and...I wanna leave you in the middle of the night"


the whole of lunch, for the past month, mingyu only payed attention to jeon wonwoo. strangely no one picked up on the taller boy swooning over the older.

mingyu suddenly fell for everything wonwoo did. his smile, the way his nose would scrunch up when he did so.  his voice, the way it deep and monotoned. his height, which may seem weird but,  the way he's a couple inches shorter that himself, is too cute for mingyu to handle.

the adoration mingyu suddenly had for the boy was unexpected in such a short amount of time.

most times mingyu just wanted to shower the boy in kisses- for example when they had a sleepover at Soonyoungs and he came in cat pajamas. and mingyu is petrified that one day he would unwillingly do it without even thinking.

at this point junhui and minghao finally got together, and are both trying to persuade mingyu to meet someone, but like always mingyu is stubborn and sticks to his word, so no way in hell would he go out with anyone except the god jeon wonwoo

"c'mon gyu! just one night! it'll be fun!" the two Chineses tried to push mingyu into going for about 20 minutes now but mingyu wouldn't budge.

"ugh fine but Minghao has to style me" he gave in.

'sorry wonwoo'

he apologised hoping that his and wonwoos minds where connected so that he could receive that note.

finally the boy was dressed

minghao being the fashionable man he is, dressed mingyu in a pair of black skinny jeans that showed off his leg muscles perfectly and a light, dark red button up shirt that had black dragon designs dotted around the shirt, it hung loose around his torso. not forgetting shoes minghao picked out mingyus most expensive shoes he has, a pair of slip on black gucci shoes.

after decades mingyu left the two lovebirds apartment and headed to the designated area that he was way to familiar with

finally at the bright lighted place mingyu quickly ordered a drink before tossing the liquid in his mouth

couple of shots down mingyu got the urge to dance.

he slithered into the large group of squashed bodies, not forgetting to say excuse me.

finally having some space mingyu dance freely, like that white girl trend on tik tok.

letting the music take control of his body mingyu closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. if he were to describe it, it would be like he forgot about every little thing.

mingyu finally opened his eyes as he was met with the irraceable face of who he had been thinking about all that month.

jeon wonwoo.

"hey!!~ wonwoo! come dance!" mingyu said with a slight slur in his speech

as wonwoo applied to what mingyu had said he was quickly enveloped in mingyus pleasant warm arms.


"enjoy the moment Jeon" the boy buried his head into the smallers neck as the swayed their bodies to the music.

minutes passed and somehow mingyu and wonwoo were still dancing together.

mingyu couldn't stop staring.

he was perfect.

as the two made eye contact it was like the world stopped. like their was only them.

and that's when mingyu took his chance

kiss him

and so he compiled with his heart

mingyu lightly kissed the older, hoping it didn't make him uncomfortable.

but wonwoo kissed mingyu back.

the kiss was long, yet passionate and filled with love

and that's when mingyu knew he'd never let go of jeon wonwoo

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