Out of the Pan, Into the Fire

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Light looked around the exercise yard fearfully, he was new, fresh meat, and scared. The other prisoners could tell, they could taste his fear and he knew it. He sighed miserably to himself and adjusted himself against the wall to try and get more comfortable, he was sentenced to 2 months in jail for stealing. He had been living on the streets and saw someone's food laying on a street vendor's tray, he grabbed it as he hadn't eaten in a week but suddenly found himself being grabbed by a furious vendor, while a crime like that is generally only a fine, he was homeless and had no money to pay and so had to end up doing time, it was bad luck for him, he worked as a prostitute for both males and females as well as shooting gay and straight porn. He was expecting a job soon when he was arrested, meaning his chance at income and feeding went straight down the drain. Light shifted and swept some of the black hair from his eyes, 'fuck' he thought to himself 'I just have to be a prostitute AND a porn star.. in a fucking all men's jail'. He punched the wall and then swore off softly as the coarse, solid concrete of the walls grazed his knuckles. Suddenly a shadow fell over Light and he looked up, he couldn't make out much of the person standing in front of him because the sun was in his eyes, but he instantly disliked the way the man was standing. "Hey there Light" he said, grinning down evilly 'What? How does he know my name?!' he wondered, terrified 'who is this person?' "Wha-what do you want?" he stammered out "I've seen the videos you're in.. I want that" The man said menacingly, Light gulped and looked around for an escape but found none. He tried to back further into the wall but to no avail, suddenly a loud klaxon blared and the prison wardens came out to get all the prisoners back into their cells. Light sighed with relief and slid down the wall gratefully until quickly jumping to his feet and heading towards his cell as a warden noticed him and started yelling at him. He quickly hurried inside and went towards his cell. A few days had past and apart from a few wolf whistles and ass slaps he was relatively left alone. That was, until one day in the prison showers.

Light looked around warily, he knew all about don't drop the soap, and rumors such as those that floated around about the showers and as he was already getting the kind of attention he didn't want. He knew now was going to probably be culmination of it. He scanned the area and though he noticed the man from the exercise yard, but he seemed to of not spotted him yet, sighing Light turned and stripped, looking at himself in a puddle of water, A 22 year old stared back, he had medium length light brown hair, he was of average height and slightly skinnier than usual he had a tanned, toned six pack, and a prominent collarbone and V-line. 'All part of the line of work I guess' Light thought to himself biting on one of his snakebites slightly, he blew a stray strand of hair out of his eyes and then turned to the shower, he turned it on and closed his eyes, blotting out everything but the sensation of the hot water hitting his back. Suddenly he was jerked out of his reverie by an arm grabbing his own roughly, Light's eyes snapped open and he saw the man from before standing in front of him with an ugly smirk on his face "Hey there gorgeous" The man said "Get your hands off me!" Light yelled, knowing there was nothing else he could do, the man snarled and drew back a hand to hit Light but just before the blow came a voice yelled out "Don't lay a finger on him.. He's MINE!" A tall muscled stranger walked towards them, he had a close curly black hair and the build of an athlete. A group of spectators had formed and at the blacked hair's entrance the group began to mutter 'Agua and Ben's in for it' Agua, as was the stranger's name that walked towards them. Ben went to sat something and then bit it back, snarling wordlessly but retreating none the less. Light only had a brief moment of hope before fully understanding what Agua has said, 'his' Light gulped again, 'out of the pan into the fire' he thought bitterly to himself. To his surprise though Agua made no move towards him but just stood there looking Light up and down, he turned around and left the room and slowly the crowd dissolved leaving Light wondering what on earth had happened.

Later that day Agua approached Light in the prison yard "I guess you're wondering why I saved you.." Agua said "Well.. yes.. why would you go out of your way for me?" Light asked bewildered, the only reason he could think that someone would want to save him was so that they could take the prize themselves, but Agua showed no interest in that "You remind me of my brother, before he was killed" Agua said softly, Light said nothing but just stood there with his head down, letting his hair cover his face "You should come and stay at my cells, I don't know how safe you are going to be, and besides, being under my protection will create some enemies" Light just nodded slowly and then turned and walked away, head still bowed under his thoughts.

Later Light grabbed what meagre possessions he had and took them to Agua's large and spacious cell, he began to understand why everyone was scared of the male, as well as being physically big and strong he also seemed to have all the wardens in his pocket, so Agua had a large 4 man cell all to himself and plenty of things prisoners weren't meant to have. Light entered hesitantly and quietly put his stuff on the ground, but Agua heard none the less and looked up, he saw Light standing there and gave him a quirky smile before going back to what he had been doing before, chiefly; watching TV. Light just saw down on a spare bunk and then watched Agua for a while before looking away and closing his eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep. In his dreams Light saw Agua as he has seen him in the showers, completely naked, but this time they were alone and Agua was pinning him to a wall "You're mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, Light!" Light jolted awake. Agua was looking at him in an annoyed way "Jesus Light. Hurry up its meal time" Light shook his head to clear the grogginess and quickly ran out after Agua, he still wondered why Agua was looking after him, he hadn't showed any physical or any other interest really, and Light couldn't help wondering if maybe despite what people said, Agua really was just a good guy.

Light sat awkwardly next to Agua at during the dinner, though slop would of been a much better way to describe it, Agua noticed Light's lack of interest in the food "Just eat as much as you can, out here I don't have much control, trust me, I'm not the only one that is on the friendly side of the wardens, but when we get back to my cell I will ask one of them to get you something" Light nodded slightly, his hair falling down and covering one of his eyes, he pushed it out of the way and then went back to picking slowly at his food. When dinner finished Light stood up and walked back to the cells with Agua, and as he promised Agua got one of the wardens over. Light's eyes widened slightly when the warden came back with still hot roast chicken and a sticky date pudding. He smiled shyly at Agua and when Agua just sat down on one of the bunks, quickly dug into the food. "Tomorrow we have yard exercises and then mass" Agua said lazily as Light finished his food, Light growled slightly at the thought of mass, "I'm guessing it's compulsory?" He asked Agua "Yes but it won't be what you think, trust me" Agua gave him a wink and a smirk before he settled back down to watch TV.

Light woke up groggily blinked a few times before his eyes shot open, and he let out a small gasp before realizing the person standing over him was Agua, the taller male looked at him with an odd expression on his face before motioning Light to get up, "Yard exercise soon" he said simply before wandering back to his own bunk and casually putting a shirt on, it was then that Light realized that Agua had been shirtless the whole time. Light blushed and then got up quickly got changed into yard gear. A warden walked past all the cells banging on the cell doors and yelling for them to 'get their hands off cocks and put on socks' and get to the exercise yard quickly. Light and Agua walked out with the others and into the yard. Light looked around for something he could do before settling on just laying down and doing push ups, out of the corner of his eye he noticed Agua effortlessly doing chin-ups on a bar, Light managed to see Agua do five chin-ups in the second that he was looking, and realized why Agua had such a reputation, one day though he was going to ask what Agua had done to end up in jail. He pushed all that out of his mind though and focused on the push ups, because of his job he was expected to have abs and good arms so it wasn't too hard for him, but it was exhausting none the less. When the yard exercises were done Light groaned happily, he had managed to go though sit ups, push ups, chin-ups and planking, but managed to stay as much away from people as he could. Mass was called and Light groaned again, this time in irritation, but remembering what Agua had said he walked in and finding Agua, sat next to him. A prisoner appeared dressed in priest's vestments "Now I want all of you to turn to page number 300, psalm 4 verse 2 line 7 and if any of the words strike you as the words of God speak with me" Light looked around confusedly but looked inside the bible on that page saw a variety of numbers circled, and then he saw a few people stand up and talk to the priest quietly, each was given a large envelope "What's going on..?" He whispered to Agua "The Lottery" Agua replied with a wolfish grin, "When the 'priest' say the page number, psalm number verse and line, those are the numbers 30,0,4,2 and 7" Light smiled suddenly and nearly laughed, he could understand why everyone had seemed so excited to go to mass.

Agua x Light (Yaoi BoyxBoy Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now