🌼Chapter 1🌼

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Before we start some of the meanings for those who didn't know (please don't feel dumb if you didn't know these phrases, I didn't really understand most of them until about a week and a half ago. I also might have made some up un-knowingly, but must are pretty common ones found in x reader books)

f/f= favorite food

f/d= favorite drink

f/c= favorite color

f/di= favorite dino

y/n= your name

I was walking out of my personal room, which is inside the Jurassic Park, to get breakfast for myself ready. I had just finished packing for a surprise that my father had planned.

"I wonder what he's planned this time" I thought aloud.

My father came downstairs at that moment and said "Well then, if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?"

I yelped a bit not having heard him. "Dad you scared me" I yelled.

"Sorry darling" he said with a chuckle. "I didn't mean to scare you"

Dr. Wu, my dad, has been working day, and night on some extremely big project. I think now is the best time to ask him about it. "Hey dad I've been meaning to ask you, but what's this super special project about. IF you can even tell me. I know Masrani doesn't exactly want you to go, and tell everyone but what about me? I mean you have been working day, and night on this, and I've started to miss you a lot"

He set down the pot of tea he was making, and sighed. "I'm sorry y/n, but I can't tell you. But you know I would if I could, right?"

"Of course dad. But when you can, please do tell me" I pleaded.

"Well of course honey" he said with a small smile.

"Well to change the subject, I finished packing for this surprise"

"Okay I'll get one of the staff to bring your bags to the room you'll be staying in"

"Thanks dad"

"No problem"

I finished making myself a bowl of my, f/f. Dad made his breakfast, and we both sat down at our dining table, and ate our food talking about things that he could take about with his work. Like how Owen Grady was supposed to be looking at a new dinosaur, that dad had created.

"I wish I could tell you more about the dinosaur, but you know how this goes darling. I hope that they'll let you, and the public see it" he said.

"Even if they don't, then it's okay because I'll know that you were proud of something that you made." I replied.

"Thank you honey. You know that your mother would be very proud of you, and she was"

This brought on a wave of sadness my mother had died about two years ago. Me and her were very close, but then a helicopter she was operating malfunctioned, and crashed. Now I have a huge fear flying things, even the dinosaurs here that fly.

Dad must have noticed I got a little sad. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned it honey"

"It's okay dad it's been about two years now, and it doesn't affect me as bad as it used to"

"Still, I should've thought it through more. Well to make it up do you want to know the surprise earlier?"

I jumped out of my seat, excited "WHAT IS IT!?" I exclaimed.

"Well you know that knew camp that they're having, I was told that they have an extra spot in the place, and that's where you're going to go. For two weeks. There there will also be six other kids"

I began to panic. Six other kids, I've been home schooled for my entire life. The only friends that I had ever made were workers that dad hired for when he was away for more than a day doing lab work.

So anxiety levels are now through the roof.

(Okay so, well uhmmmm, it's slow going right now. But it will eventually pick up, I swear. I tried to paint Wu in a better light than people normally put him in, because for some reason I feel really bad for him.)

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