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Homework flooded the table as she shut her eyes tightly before throwing her head back in frustration, Saeron was bored to death by how repetitive her life is at this point

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Homework flooded the table as she shut her eyes tightly before throwing her head back in frustration, Saeron was bored to death by how repetitive her life is at this point.

Yes, sure she's got stuff to finish, like a five-paged essay due in three days or another project for next week, yet boredom striked her in a blitz as all she did everyday is dealing nothing but school work and sleep- and eat. She barely even hang out with her friends anymore because of it.

Saeron groaned before heading towards her bed, throwing herself on it like she always do. "What am I gonna do now?" she asked herself, "but I still have an essay due." The girl was in a state of dilemma, neither does her mind want to cooperate with her.

It was not long until a voice called for her from downstairs, "Honey, dinner's ready!" She sighed before standing back up on her feet, "Coming!"

Once she stepped into the dining room, she saw the table full of platters- a whole goddamn feast if one could say. Saeron was flushed by confusion as soon as she laid her eyes on the variety of trays filled with different types of food.

"Are you feeding the whole neighborhood?" she joked, letting out a small laugh and Taehee gave her a smug look. "You'll see," she said before walking off but she backed a few steps, peeking over the wall to eye her daughter's appearance.

Saeron was wearing her usual lazy attire, a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. Noticing her mother's gaze, she followed her stare- looking down towards her outfit. "What?" she asked. "Hurry and go change, " Taehee urged, making her daughter knit her brows, "What- why?"

Taehee straightened her body and laid both hands on her hips, making a 'tsk' sound with her tongue rapidly. "Didn't I tell you we'll be having guests?" Taehee inquired and the girl tried to recall anything about having guests, but none came to mind. "Um.. no- I don't think so," she said, still trying to remember.

Taehee sighed and shook her head, "Go change, there'll be guests coming in- hm," she paused before looked at her watch, "15 minutes?" Saeron widened her eyes, "You- oh my goodness mother," she ran up to her room, passing by Taehee who only let out a small chuckle at her daughter's silliness.

Saeron barged into her room, immediately running towards her closet, eyes raking amongst the variety of clothes that were hanged. "Shit shit shit- why all of a sudden," she cursed under her breath. "Gosh, it's gonna take me time to choose a decent outfit," she mumbled again, sweeping her hands across her wardrobe to come up with a look.

"Aish, fuck it," she randomly pulled a set of clothes, quickly putting it on then brushed a thin layer of makeup afterward. She quickly glanced at the mirror, nodding in confidence before making her way back to the dining room to see her mother organizing the table.

The sound of her tired breathing was heard by Taehee as she looked up at her daughter, a smirk appearing on her lips, "Looking good darling." Saeron snorted at her mom's compliment and rolled her eyes, followed by Taehee who laughed at her response.

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