Special Date

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Kaminari and Jiro were currently on the bus, ear buds connected the two. Kyoka was quietly looking out the window as songs skipped through her ears.

They were currently using kaminari's phone so he was skipping through his playlist trying to find a song he'd actually want to listen too. Eventually he found a song clicking on it before putting his phone in his pocket gently.

He laid back into his seat eyeing the girl besides him. Her face was pressed up against the window. He smiled to himself as his eyes gazed down to the seat.

His sight was now fixed on her hand, her finger gently tapped on the seat to the beat of the song that was playing at the moment. His body seemed to move on it's own, his hand slid down to hers entwining their fingers.

Kaminari looked away the second he had felt her lightly squeeze his hand. The blush on his face got stronger as he stared at the wall. Lightly he squeezed the girls hand back.

When kyoka turned to face kaminari she was met with the back of his head but even then she could see his blush crawling over his ears.

The girl couldn't help but giggle at his cute antics. She could feel herself falling even more inlove with the boy as every second past.

She lightly squeezed his hand before leaning her head on his shoulder. She could hear his heartbeat increase from her actions. She didn't mind though, she found his heartbeat relaxing in a way.

Soon the two had finally made it to the karaoke bar they're fingers still being entwined with one another's. Kaminari only let go of her hand when they were being seated.

Luckily they were seated right infront of the place were people would be singing. The place was dimly lit the color purple, and the walls had hung up guitars, music discs, and different posters of different bands that kyoka had seemed to recognize.

You could say the interior was pretty cool.

Denki took a good long stare at the girls face, beautiful as usual even if she was wearing makeup she was just as beautiful without it.

"You look nice" kaminari complemented the girl.

"Thanks you do too!" She smiled thoughtfully.

"You know any of those bands? I only know a couple" Kaminari asked the girl who seemed to be looking at the posters around the two.

"Yea they're pretty cool bands" Jiro's eyes danced in the dim light kaminari loved the look of excitement she had on her face.

"Ah, yea? Your singing probably 1,000,000 times better" Kaminari leaned back in his chair smiling at the girl.

"Shut up!" She shouted in a flustered tone her cheeks were turning pink but it was hid by the dim light.

"Hahah, what I'm telling the truth! You sound like an angel when you sing!" The boy went on as the girl began to become more and more embarrassed.

"Oh, yea? You're about to see an angel if you keep it up!" Kyoka raised her ear Jack at the boy as her cheeks tingled.

"I already am though" Kaminari leaned his head on both his hands winking at the girl.

"Shut upppp! Moron!" She covered her face as her cheeks began to feel hot.

Kaminari chuckled softly at the sight of the girl being so flustered with his actions, he adored when she'd turn red from a simple compliment.

"Good afternoon, my names Emiko! what drinks can I get you two started with today?" The girl smiled as she waved at the two.

"I'll have Strawberry lemonade. Thank you" Kaminari smiled.

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