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Name: Saya

Age: 28

Looks (with picture if possible): long silverish white long hair, slightly tan skin, 5'3 and Crystal blue eyes. But they change color depending on her mood. They can mix colors too.

Eyes: Crystal blue when calm, red when mad/angry, green when healing, gold when defensive, and black when rouge or losing control. Darker the color is, the stronger the emotion is. The colors can mix depending on what's she's feeling.

Outfit: A short sleeve medium green t-shirt, faded army cargo pants, black steel toe boots, and black knuckle protected fingerless gloves. And a slightly pale pink heart with half opened rings necklace that used to be Angel.

Backstory: Her and her younger twin sister, Angel, were taken from their family at five years old after The Lab killed their family. That was three years before the apocalypse happened. When she and Angel were being being experimented on by The Lab, they grew close and eventually fell in love with another set of twins. Ten years later, they escaped. Or at least try to. As they were escaping the burning place, but Angel and Oliver sacrificed themselves to save Saya and James. They really didn't want to leave at first, but they had no other choice as the ceiling collapsed in between them and blocked the way. They ran after that, but then ran into a hoard of zombies a few days later. As they were fighting them off, she got bit by one. But she didn't want to worry James even more than he already was. So she hid it from James. A true master artsmen at all forms of fighting, and shooting.

Weapon(s) of choice: Twin katanas, a costume made eight barrel gun, a costume shotgun, a musket, and twin pistols.

Weapon(s) of choice: Twin katanas, a costume made eight barrel gun, a costume shotgun, a musket, and twin pistols

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Infected by the zombie virus, immune to it, or none: immune to it, but is still infected

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Infected by the zombie virus, immune to it, or none: immune to it, but is still infected. And has seizures from time to time. But it's completely random.

Armor or none: Some armor. A bullet proof vest, knuckle protected fingerless gloves, and shin guard boots.

 A bullet proof vest, knuckle protected fingerless gloves, and shin guard boots

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Markings/scars/tattoos: She has a few healing burns and scars here and there

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Markings/scars/tattoos: She has a few healing burns and scars here and there. But the main ones is the jagged scar that goes from the top of the left shoulder blade to the bottom of the right shoulder blade, with the smaller part on her chest. And a long thin scar above her right hip.

Personality: Extremely protective of ones she considers her pack. Kind, sweet, fun loving, motherly like a mother wolf, very caring, though can be extremely aggressive and mean when she needs to be. A bit guarded, tense, and a bit more care free when fighting since she can't actually die. But still very careful not letting the others know or find out she's immortal. She's also the leader type.

Sexuality: bisexual¹ and pansexual²

¹ = sexually attracted not exclusively to people of one particular gender; attracted to both men and women.

² = means that an individual is physically, emotionally and/or romantically attracted to a person, regardless of this other person's gender identity and/or sexuality.

This includes people who don't identify with any gender (agender). Many pansexual people describe themselves as being attracted to people based on personality, not gender. Note that pansexual doesn't mean you're attracted to all people. For example, heterosexual men aren't attracted to all women, and vice versa.

For A Zombie Apocalypse Show I'm Still Working on. (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now