1.02 Bright

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The room falls silent as Julie, finished with her mother's last song, hugs the sheet music to her chest. Her shoulders never shake but her head is down, and they can all tell she's on the verge of tears.

Max resists the urge to step forward and comfort her. He's been ghosting long enough to know that he won't actually be able to give her the hug she obviously needs.

Alex, of a similar mindset but completely new to the whole ghost thing, goes to do just that. He's stopped by Luke who shakes his head and gestures silently for them to leave the studio.

"Dude, why'd you stop me?" Alex asks as soon as they're outside. "Julie needs a hug."

"Bro, a ghost hug isn't the feel-good moment that you think it is. Trust me," Luke tells him. He tugs slightly on his sleeveless hoodie to readjust it and glances at Max. "Right?"

Max nods. "He's right," he agrees. "All you'll do is phase through her and give her a cold chill."

Luke gestures at Max with a smile. "There. See? What Julie needs right now is just a bit of privacy."

Alex is absolutely not buying that, even if it is technically correct. "You know what? I think you poofed us out because you can't handle it when other people cry," he accuses.

Luke's mouth moves wordlessly for a second before he turns to Max with a betrayed look when he hears him snicker.

"Come on, Luke," he says with a shrug. "You know it's true. I handle crying and you handle pep talks," he adds.

"We do make a good team," Luke says happily, easily getting over the 'betrayal'.

"I should know," Alex goes on, completely ignoring their side conversation. "I cried in a room for twenty-five years and I didn't get a single hug from either of you."

Reggie sighs and moves in for a hug. "Alright. Bring it in."

"Don't touch me!" Alex snaps.

"This is why no one hugs you," Reggie mutters to himself.

Max chuckles at the two of them and wordlessly opens his arms. Alex is quick to wrap his own arms around him, sinking into the comfort of the familiar embrace.

This is what he was missing in that dark room. This is what he'd been missing through more than one panic attack for an entire year.

"There, see? You got your hug," Luke says, easily ignoring the look Alex shoots him for it. "Now, I think the first thing we should do once we get the courage to go in there is ask Julie why she lied about playing the piano."

Max and Alex exchange an exasperated but unsurprised look as the blond finally detaches himself and takes a step back.

"Yeah," he says slowly. "Maybe tell her how amazing she is?"

"And make sure she's okay," Max adds. He tilts his head slightly in thought. "Then we ask about the piano thing."

"Yeah," Luke agrees with a scoff. "Of course."

"She's legit," Reggie interjects, eyes wide in something almost like awe. He holds out his arms. "I got ghost bumps."

Max raises his eyebrows with an amused smile. "Yeah. I bet you're impressed by Julie, huh?" His smile only grows when he sees the flush on Reggie's cheeks. "Can't wait to actually meet her."

Any further discussion is halted when a pretty girl with long braids and a rather colorful outfit walks by them. Her breath is hitched as she sniffles slightly and makes her way into the garage.

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