Chapter One - Your First Dose

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The drug feels like feathers,

tingling inside you veins.

Your heart starts beating fast,

Not of fear. But pleasure,

The kind of pleasure you'd sell your soul for, sacrifice your life for just a taste.

It's so precious, so wonderful that you'd give anything for its intoxicating beauty.

Your hallucinations are great.

You picture rainbows, and unicorns.


What's that smell?

Ah yes, it's pie.

Homemade apple pie, with extra cinnamon.

"Oh yes, that's the stuff", you say as you slowly close your eyes.

You are in your happy place, for that one second that feels like decades.

It is so wonderful, so great, you never want to leave.

But the glittery feeling slowly starts to fade away as your snapped back into reality

"NO", you scream, try to hold on because this reality is the only one that you want to be in ever again.

You take it again quickly after.

This time it changes a bit,

You still smell apple pie, but with less cinnamon.

You feel a soft warm hand on your shoulder,

"Come with me", the soothing deep voice says.

It's Misha.

You are not hesitant. You turn around and quickly grab for his hand.

You know this is the right choice,the only place you'll be truly happy

This warm fuzzy place just outside of reality, with Misha, who smiles up at you kindly.

"Everything is going to be ok now", he says in a soothing voice.

The warm scent of apple pie lingers in your nostrils as you take in a deep breath and let out a sigh.

Not a disappointed sigh, a relieved one.

Because with Misha things do seem to be ok, to be alright again.

That feeling of ten thousand bricks being lifted off of you shoulders as you take Mishas hand in your own.

You follow him where ever he leads, you don't mind as long as you have his warm comforting touch on you hand and soothing voice in you ear telling you that everything's going to be alright.

You walk with him into a brightly lit room.

His piercing blue eyes looking deeply into yours.

He takes your hand and reaches it up to his hip.

You stare at that hand, loving the warm intimate feeling of his hand touching yours.

You know that he is your only love,

the only one who can make you feel as if you matter in the world.

With your other hand you smooth back his hair looking into his deep blue eyes like an endless ocean.

Your emptiness is gone now, you feel warm and safe in his arms.

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