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she wears this outfit towards the end. she's not wearing this in the morning:)

Harry Styles

I jumped out of bed, feeling dizzy from the immediate change in position. I look at the alarm clock on the nightstand. 7:00 A.M.

Sweat is lacing my skin, and I can't tell if I'm breathing or not.

She doesn't want you.

It's happening again.

Leave her.

I start rushing over to the bathroom, now realizing I'm completely naked. I can't leave. She does want me. I softly close the bathroom door behind me, not wanting to make too much noise and wake her up.

I take deep breaths, turning on the shower. I turn the water setting to the hottest it can get. I needed to know this was real.

I get in the shower, feeling the scorching water on my bare skin to my back. The smoke was surrounding me, making my sweating worse from the humidity. The shower is in fact real.

I step out, dripping water all over the floor. I didn't care. I grabbed a white and blue striped towel from the floor, wrapping it around my waist.

I stand in front of the large vanity mirror, scanning my body closely. My skin was red from the heat. I'm real.

I need to know if she's real.

I walk out of the bathroom, my wet feet making splattering noises on the tile. I twisted the nob, slowly and silently, I walked towards her.

She looked so peaceful. Curled into a small little ball, her curls scattered on the pillow, her breasts exposed. I reach my hand out to her face, being very careful not to touch her. I slide my finger under her nose, feeling her delicate breath graze over my finger.

She is real.

I suddenly feel my head start to spin again. My hands uncontrollably shake, and goosebumps flood over my skin. I need to get out of here, before I start screaming, before I wake her and scare her.

I throw on clothes, quicker than ever, grabbing my socks and converse, rushing out of the room. I race down the stairs and out of the door. I had grabbed my keys from the counter, walking barefoot to my car. I didn't care.

I quickly unlock it, getting in. I throw on my shoes, not even bothering to tie them before I drive off.

I needed to clear my head. I had no clue where I was driving to.

Go faster.

The voices pushed me, they echoed through my ears. I turn the knob to the volume of the radio, turning it as high as it could go. Some random pop song was blasting through the speakers but the voices didn't back down. As the noises around me grew, so did the voices.

She doesn't want you.

She hates you.

Your mother would be disappointed.

I slammed on the brakes, and thankfully I was in a partially empty street. The car behind me was ages away, having time to stop. But frankly, I wouldn't have cared if another car would've come head on with me. I wouldn't have cared if I had crashed.

Now, I heard whatever new song the radio was blasting, car horns, and still, the voices.

Get out of the car.

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