Chapter 06 shows a little freshness in the show.

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    When Ye Fei woke up the next day, it was almost eleven o'clock. Except for the few days when he was sick in bed, this was the first time he slept until this time.

    No wonder so many people cried and wanted to be salted fish, it was so comfortable. Ye Fei yawned, lazily stretched out a hand from the quilt, fumbled for a while on the bedside, found the remote control, and opened the automatic curtain.

    Bright light slowly poured into the room, dispelling the darkness of the room. He squinted his eyes to get used to it for a while before he got up to wash.

    As expected, Yan Xiao was not at home. Ye Fei swayed to the kitchen, grabbed something from the refrigerator at will to fill his stomach, and went out.

    Yesterday, he donated all his clothes, and there was nothing left to change and wash them. Today, he has to replenish what he says.

    Yan Xiao's villa was far away from the downtown area, and Ye Fei drove for an hour before reaching the destination. Fortunately, there are many big names in this mall, and they are all located on the same floor, which saves him a lot of things.

    He has a neat personality, and he buys clothes quickly. I didn't even bother to try it. I thought it was good and asked the shopping guide to pack it according to his size, and the order and payment were one-stop. It was very happy, and there was no room for the shopping guide who prepared a lot of rainbow farts.

    Within two hours, I bought everything I needed.

    Sending the big and small bags to the car, Ye Fei did not go home directly, but went to a famous snack street in the city.

    It coincides with the weekend, even if it is not a meal, there is still a lot of people in the snack street. People in twos and threes walked in groups, joking and joking, very lively, with a breath of lively firework.

    Ye Fei watched interestingly, and walked slowly behind the crowd leisurely. Occasionally, go to the stall with the largest number of people to buy some snacks, and learn to walk and eat like other people. It is very pleasant.

    In his previous life, he lived like a pool of stagnant water. All his life was work and Ye family, and he missed too many beautiful things. In this life, he wants to make up for the same.

    The corners of Ye Fei's lips were slightly raised, and he gave a lily that he had just bought to a little girl on the side of the road with a gaping front tooth. As he was about to find something to eat, he received a call from Gu Ruijia.

    "At eight o'clock tonight, BOSD bar, don't forget."

    "BOSD?" Ye Fei changed his mobile phone, pointed at the egg waffle on the menu, motioned for the boss to have one, and frowned, "It's not the golden age." "Hehehe," Gu Ruijia smiled wryly, "Sun Qiong said that these new girls from BOSD are good..."

    He didn't say the rest, but Ye Fei already understood everything.

    "Fuck you," Ye Fei laughed angrily. He took out a few notes from his pocket and handed them to the boss. He walked to the parking lot with the egg waffles.

    "What a shit." "Why can't we talk about it?" "," Gu Ruijia looked upright, "Let's just look at it and don't do anything else. Look at you, think more."

    Friends for so many years, Ye Fei still doesn't understand Gu Ruijia's virtues? As soon as I saw a beautiful girl, I couldn't walk, and there would be ghosts if I could really be like what he said.

    Gu Ruijia also knew that she had bad credit. Seeing Ye Fei's unbelief, she rightly said: "This time it is true, I swear! Otherwise I will live swallow Rexiang live!"

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