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You wade in the shallow water, the coolness soothing your sore paws.

'My darling,' You call, watching the Wasp hum happily, lapping at the water droplets soaking your fur, 'Can you swim?'

The Wasp buzzes loudly, laughing, the sound music to your ears.

'Nope! I would get swept away all too soon.' It says.

'What a shame,' You say, 'You'd look so beautiful if you could.'

'I wish I could. Swim, that is.' It crawls upon your snout, resting on your nose.

'Some days I wish for lots of things.' It says.

'Like what?' You say, 'You know I will do anything for you, no matter the price.'

'I know, my love, but this is different. I don't think it's something you could obtain, no matter how much you try.' It says, large black eyes gazing at you.

'Tell me.' You insist, wanting to please your beloved.

'Some days I wish I was a Tiger, like you. I wish to be able to kiss you, to groom you, to love you when only the stars and moon bear witness.' It says.

'I want to go back with you, to your den. The other Wasps, their so mean to me. Sometimes I wish you'd just eat me, or step on me. I wouldn't even sting you.' It says.

'I wish I could do anything for you, just as you do for me, yet I am barely strong enough to pick a flower.' It says.

Your eyes prickle, 'My dear,' You say, 'I still love you. Even if all you could bring me was flowers, I'd cherish each one.'

'I would pick all the flowers in the world for you, if I could.' It says, small legs tapping, tapping, tapping upon your snout.

'And if you were a Tiger,' You say, 'I'd hunt all the prey in the world for you. I'd groom you and kiss you, love you when only the stars and moon bear witness.'

You leap out of the water, thumping onto the ground. You move throughout the jungle, carful of the flowers strewn upon the ground.

The Wasp hums beside you, waiting to see where you'll take it.

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