The Avengers

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I Am Hariasa Laufeydottir, but I go by Odindottir since he saved me when I was young. I am the Goddess of war and Loki's twin sister. Being Loki's twin sister was annoying to say the least. He would always pull pranks and get me into trouble, at first it was small things but now he's trying to take over the world. Up until yesterday I thought my twin dead. We all did as he fell off the Bifrost after it had been destroyed, but he's still alive and now terrorising Germany.

"I'm coming with you Thor" I shout at my big brother.

"No, you're not. Your going to stay here on Asgard" He replied

"So, you expect me to sit here with my fingers up my ass while you try to talk some sense into our brother? No thank you. And we both know he's more likely to listen to me."

"I don't care you're staying here".

"we both know that's not true, either you take me with you, or I find my own way there".

"Hariasa please just stay here" I go to reply but fall silent as we reach the throne room. Once our father learned of what Loki was doing on earth, he summoned us to speak with him. Once we walk in, we go up to the throne and bend down on one knee bringing one arm across our chest as a sign of respect. We both stand up and speak with our father.

"Thor, Hariasa. I'm going to send you both down to Midgard to collect your brother and stop what he is doing." Odin, my father, says.

"Father, I think it best that Hariasa stays on Asgard." Thor buts in.

"Father said I'm going, get that in you head." I snap back.

"Don't fight my children. Thor, Hariasa is going." Father tells Thor and I have to resist the urge to go 'in your face'. About an hour later I am in my full armour with my Sword standing next to Thor who is also in his armour. Father calls on the dark energy and we are surrounded by it next thing I know we are on earth in the middle of nowhere.

"Do you know where he is?" Thor asks me.

"two minutes" I reply whilst using my magic to track him. "found him, he's flying somewhere."

"lead the way sister" and with that we are flying towards my brother Thor using his hammer and I'm using my magic. Finally, we see the ship he is on and Thor starts a storm almost hitting the jet with a blast of lightening.

"we want him alive Thor, not deep fried." I point out and Thor just scoffs as we land on the roof, next thing I know there is a door being opened and Thor jumps down so I follow. Loki is strapped to a chair, there is a red and gold metal man and a blond-haired guy wearing the American flag as well as a pilot who sounds like a woman. The metal man lifts his arm but before he can move Thor has thrown Mjolnir hitting him and the American flag. Thor grabs Loki and we fly out of there. We land on top of a mountain and Thor throws Loki down quite hard making him groan.

"Where is the Tesseract?" Thor shouts in his booming voice.

"Oh-ho, I missed you too." Loki replies sarcastically.

"Do I look to be in a gaming mood?"

"Oh, you should thank me. With the Bifrost gone, how much dark energy did the All-Father have to muster to conjure you here? Your precious Earth."

"Ok, I'll thank you right after I shove my Sword down your throat" I shout at him gaining his attention, he looks over me then turns back to Thor who has dropped Mjolnir and is storming towards Loki, pulling him to his feet.

"we thought you dead" I tell him.

"Did you mourn?" Loki asks in reply.

"we all did. Our father..." Thor starts.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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