Part 8

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At 1st it started with once a couple of weeks, Then it became once a week, Then it became a couple of times a week. It got to the point that Marinette was spending more time at Adrien's house than her own. It was the day before the anniversary parade of Hawkmoth'ss defeat. Nino, Alya, Marinette, and Adrien were having a game night at Adrien's house. Since Marinette had been going over to Adrien's house, It seemed warmer and more lively. Marinette and Adrien had gotten much more comfortable around each other, enough to make Alya question the status of their relationship. Alya looked around and saw the boys with Emma talking about... cars? She couldn't tell, but they were preoccupied."So Marinette..." Alya said, "How come you spend so much time here, with Adrien?"

Marinette turned to Alya, "We're friends and he helps me with Emma, Adrien loves Emma and Emma loves Adrien."

Alya raised her eyebrow and asked with a smug smirk, "Does Emma's mom love Adrien?"

Marinette choked on her drink and placed it back down onto a coaster. "Alya!" she exclaimed, "We're just friends you know Chats the one for me."

Alya sighed, "You used to say that about Adrien."

"I don't have a child with Adrien." Marinette retorted, "plus I know Chat still loves me." She pointed at her chest, "I can feel it."

Alya took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes, "Marinette... I know you still love Chat, but it's been a year. What are the chances that he's coming back?"

"Alya I get where you're coming from but put yourself in my position, What if Nino disappeared one day, what would you do?" Marinette explained, "Even if I move on from him, he still has the right to meet and love his child."

Alya sighed in defeat, "I guess that makes sense but promise me that if you'll give up once you realize you're chasing a ghost."

Marinette nodded her head, "That kinda hurts to hear but I know that you just want me to be happy."

Alya patted her back, "you know it girl," She gained a mischievous glint in her eyes, "let's go harass those boys over there." The girl tip-toed into the living room where the men were in a deep discussion.

Adrien POV

It was weird for Adrien. This day last year he was happier than he had ever been before. He was dating the love of his life, they were closing in on Hawkmoth, and he was planning to propose to her shortly after they caught him. Oh how that all changed, now he was a semi-broken man courtesy of Marinette and Emma, which was an improvement from being a fully broken man. He sighed. He hadn't made any progress with Plagg. Even after months of trying he still couldn't bring himself to open that miraculous box and face Plagg. Though now he can hold the box with mostly steady hands. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. He was here with Emma and his best friends hanging out. Suddenly Nino's voice rang out. "So dude what's the deal with Marinette."

Adrien's face suddenly got violently red but he tried to play it off. "What do you mean,"

Nino smirked, "She spends an awful lot of time here and Emma and she both have rooms here."

"That so I can help her with Emma," Adrien said tapping Emma's nose, making her laugh. "Honestly I love Emma."

"and her mom," Nino stated, Adrien choked on his drink and placed it on the counter. He didn't respond but looked away. "You do...dude, I was just fishing."

Adrien groaned, "please don't tell her." he pleaded, "I still love my ex and a little bit of me will always but," He sighed. "I can't help it. Though she reminds me of my ex a lot and I don't want to love her because she reminds me of the woman I loved but maybe I fell for Marinette because of the same qualities." he sighed. and chuckled in aspiration. "Sorry, I'm rambling."

Nino stared at him for a minute and said, "Adrien it ok, but I have one question. When the fuck did you have a girlfriend and how serious was it?"

Adrien stared at Nino for a minute "NINO CHILD!" Then he realized that he never mentioned ever dating Ladybug. Adrien's face got hot, "um, like 9 months before the... yea and it was pretty serious I even asked her best friend if I could marry her." Adrien scratched the back of his neck.

"So..." Nino said, "You were going to marry a chick and not tell me? Who is she?"

Adrien chuckled, "I was going to tell you just we decided to keep it on the down-low. And you know the girl I was like super into during high school. It was her. I finally won her over, just for me to blow it and disappear." He sighed, "But now I think I've fallen for Marinette and hard. It just feels so right, but she doesn't love me so I'm not going to make a move."

Nino sighed, "I get it, dude, you don't want to make her uncomfortable."

"Yea," Adrien said as he played with Emma. Suddenly he heard a loud noise and a light shove at the same time. Though little, it was enough to set off the hero reflexes. He quickly ducked Emma under the coffee table and spun around to defend himself against... Marinette and Alya? The woman were laughing with Nino as he saw them and decided to say nothing. He quickly relaxed and grabbed Emma. "Jeez, guys y'all are going to be the end of me."

"Wow Adrien," Alya said through her laughter. "You have pretty good reflexes, I guess those years of fencing paid off right."

Adrien smiled, "You could say that."

"Anyways," Alya said, "I just came over here to retrieve my boyfriend because I have work tomorrow."

"Oh yea," Nino said jumping up. "It was nice seeing y'all"

"Same here," Adrien said. The 4 friends said their goodbyes and the couple drove off.

Alya POV

For the 1st couple minutes of the car ride, it was silent. "So.." Alya started, "What were you and Adrien talking about?"

"Alya he loves Marinette, but he's confused." Nino confessed, "He doesn't know if he loves her because she reminds him of his ex that he still loves somewhat or if he feels for her because of her and they just happened to share the same attractive qualities."

"Well..." Alya said, "I can't be surprised. But now it's like high school again but like reversed." She giggled for a second. Then she stopped, "Wait what EX?!"

"That's what I said too!" Nino exclaimed, "He even asked her best friend if she could marry her and didn't even tell me!" Alya froze at his words. It couldn't be... Right? They're nothing alike... Right? Her thoughts were interrupted by Nino's voice. "Babe, are you alright?"

"Yea," Alya said, "Just thinking.... never mind it's stupid."

"Nothing that comes out of your mind is stupid. What is it?" Nino asked

"Well like a week before Chat disappeared he asked me if I was ok with him asking LB to marry him." Alya said, "I mean I think I'm seeing some connections that I want to see because I want Adrienette to sail again."

"Yea, probably," Nino said.

"Yea most definitely," Alya said as they pulled into their driveway.

No one's POV

Adrien always volunteered to put Emma to sleep. Marinette agreed because he can do it a lot faster than she can and she decided to clean up quickly before going to bed. After she finished up she went up to watch Adrien put her to sleep. Once she got there she watched him put her into her bed that had a couple too many stuffed animals. He quickly leaned down a kissed her forehead and said, "Goodnight Princess." Marinette let out a barely audible gasp. Marinette looked Adrien up and down. His blond hair, his build, for some reason he looked so much like Chat Noir.

She unconsciously whispered under her breath, "Chat?" Adrien froze in terror when he heard her say that. It was pretty quiet so he wasn't totally sure that was what she said he prayed that his ears heard wrong.

Adrien turned around a gave her a fake smile to hide his sheer terror. "I thought that the nickname of 'princess' would be appropriate." He watched as Marinette physically relaxed. "If you don't want me-"

Marinette cut him off. "It ok, You just reminded me about someone for a second."

As Marinette tried to fall asleep, the events of just 30 minutes ago wouldn't leave her alone. Adrien wasn't Chat, He couldn't be Chat... right?

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