The Beginning

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- Alexa (15, me)
- Elena (16)
- Stefan (171, Vampire)
- Damon (178, Vampire)
- Caroline (16)
- Bonnie (16)
- Jeremy (15)

One morning, a beautiful bright sun shines in the window. Elena walks in my room, "Alexa! Your still not up? We have school in 20 minutes!" I reply, "Elena, privacy? You could of knocked." Elena sighs, "Sorry, I should respect your privacy. With mom and d-" I stop Elena from talking, "I know, I know. Your just trying your best to take care of me. I understand. It's okay." I hug Elena. I start to talk, "What about Jeremy? Is he up yet?" Elena replies, "Yeah, since it's our first day, he wants to be early!" I laugh silently, "I'm surprised" Elena starts talking, "Well enough chattering, you have to get ready for your first day! I made breakfast downstairs, and it's your favorite!!" I reply "Okay!" Elena says, "I'll have Caroline pick you up, Bonnie is waiting for me outside. Make sure you lock the doors!" I reply, "Okay, okay! Go on now!". Meanwhile, I get dressed. I look in my closet for something cute, but classy! I sigh, "My clothes are so old styled!" I need some new ones, or at least an outfit for today!" I run to Elena's closet. I scan through Elena's closet quickly. I smile, "This outfit is perfect! I hope Elena doesn't notice it's hers" I laugh. I quickly change and go downstairs to eat breakfast. After I finish breakfast, I check my phone. My mouth opens widely, "Omg! It's 7:30!, I have to get going!". I leave  the house and locks the door. I arrive at school and goes to my new locker by the office. I see Elena across from me at her locker. I freak out, "Omg, I hope she doesn't notice I'm wearing her clothes!" Elena starts to walk over to my locker with Bonnie. I say, "Oh hey guys! I love your outfit Bonnie!" Bonnie replies, "Thank you, Alexa! I love yours." Elena stares at my outfit. "Alexa.. Is that my shirt I got from that Ariana Grande concert?" I sigh, "Yeah.. I'm sorry, Elena. My clothes are just so old and out of style! I promise I will return it." Elena sighs, "Okay! Just don't get it stained!" I say,  "Alright, Elena!" I grab my first period books out of my locker, I looks over at the office to see a new hot guy with a leather jacket signing in. I mumble to myself, "He's kinda cute from the back". I laugh silently. I wonder, "I wonder where Jeremy is and why is he so off. We all know he doesn't like school!" I'll go look, I say to myself. I start walking, I go check the stoner area. "Nope, he isn't here!" I start walking back into school, I see Jeremy walk into the men's bathroom. I follow him in there. "Jeremy!" I say, "I've been looking for y-". I stop talking and sees Jeremy's eyes. They are so red as if he has been dealing with the stoners. I gets frustrated, "Jeremy, what the hell! I told you to stop dealing!" I sigh, "I bet Elena would love to hear about this." Jeremy looks at me, "Well what am I supposed to do?! Our parents died, Alexa! I took that really hard!!" I stop in silence. "Well we are all going through the same things Jeremy! But we're not going ruin our lives because we can't find happiness, Jer!" Jeremy looks down in disappointment. Jeremy replies, "Fine. I'll lay off the drugs" I look up, "No, Jeremy! You need to quit them." Jeremy rolls his eyes at me. "Whatever, Jeremy! I'm tired of protecting you." I say. I storm out of the men's bathroom, I quickly run into the new guy with the hot leather jacket. I stop and look at him, "Omg, I'm so sorr-" He stops me. "No, no. It's perfectly fine! It wasn't your fault. He says and smiles at me. I smile back and blushes. He starts to talk, "What were you doing in the men's bathroom anyway?" I stand in shock and disappointment. "Oh, uhm. Family drama. It's nothing! I should get going to class." He stands in front of me blocking my way for me to go. "Can I get your name cutie?" I blush really hard and smile. "It's Alexa, Alexa Gilbert." He looks into my eyes, "You have gorgeous blue eyes", he says. "Tha-ank you" I stutter. I ask him, "Can I get your name?" He smiles, "My name is Stefan Salvatore", I smile and look up. "Well nice to meet you Stefan Salvatore." I smile and blush even harder. "Nice to meet you too cutie." I bite my lip and walk to class. I arrive to class and the teacher tells me, "Pick a seat wherever you like", I reply, "Okay, Thanks!" I find a spot right on the side not in the front but in the middle. I see my sister arrive in my class, She sits right on side of me. I smile, "Hey!". She mumbles back, "hey, alexa!". I see Stefan walk into my class, I smile so hard and blushes. My sister looks at me and says, "Why are you blushing, Alexa?! Is it that new guy? I saw him earlier, he is hot." I look back at Elena, "Elena, stop it!". Stefan walks over here. He smiles and looks at me, "Hey, Cutie". I look at him and say, "Hey, Stefan! I didn't know you were in my class." He smiles. My sister, Elena looks at me with no emotion. In the middle of class, I receive a note from Stefan, it says, "Meet me at the Mystic Grill after school, Cutie. - Love, Stefan". I look back at him and smile. The teacher interrupts, "Miss Gilbert, would you like to share what you and Mr Salvatore are talking about?" The class starts to look and a few students start saying, "Oooooooh!" Stefan replies to the teacher, "Nothing important Mr Saltzman". Then we al get back to class.

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