Alexa and Damon's Dirty Little Secret

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- Alexa (15, me)
- Elena (16)
- Stefan (171, Vampire)
- Damon (178, Vampire)
- Caroline (16)
- Bonnie (16)
- Jeremy (15)

As soon as Stefan leaves to go pick us up some food from the grill, I tell Damon. "I'm going take a shower Damon!" He replies, "Okay, hottie. See you in there". I stop and look back in shock and smile. I head to my room to go take a shower, I start running the water and starts taking off my clothes and I hop in the shower. I hear walking noises but i ignore them knowing that it's probably Damon. The door opens and Damon says, "I told you I'll see you in here, cutie". I try and cover up my body as most as possible and says, "Damon, I do think your cute but what if Stefan finds out about this." Damon looks up and down at me, "He won't find out about anything, love" Damon's says and smirks. I start washing up and Damon starts undressing but I am trying to ignore him and his naked body. Damon gets in the shower with me and says "You lookin good". I just wash up and ignore him and think about what Stefan would say if he saw this. Then I turned around to put the soap back, forgetting that Damon was behind me, once I turned he kissed me, not on the cheek, not on my body. But on my lips, I didn't want to resist it because this was my first kiss so I kissed him back, we didn't stop to breathe or take a break. We just kept going and eventually we did it. He took my virginity that night and we fell asleep in the same bed. I woke up and check my phone and it was 12:36 am. Stefan wasn't home yet, thank god. Until I hear his car pull up. I quickly shook Damon and woke him up and he said, "what's wrong baby" and I replied with, "Damon. Stefan is home, you have to get out." Damon replied, "Okay, baby. I love you" and he slowly walks away. I freak out because he probably thinks we're together now that we've slept together but the truth is, I have feelings for Stefan and Damon! I quickly go downstairs because I can't sleep, and I see Stefan. I say, "Hey, Stefan". Stefan replies with, "Hey, Cutie. Why you not sleeping?" I reply, "Oh i don't know, I guess i just can't sleep because of the drama with my sister." He says, "Well I can fix that" and I smile. Stefan starts kissing me all over my body and eventually we end up in his room and we did it that night, he didn't know that I lost my virginity to his brother and I hope he never finds out. So, I wake up the next morning for school in Stefans bed, Stefan walks up to me and says, "I made you pancakes, baby" and I smile. I kiss him and says, "Thank you baby". He replies with, "No problem, I love you." Then we walk downstairs to find Damon sitting on the couch drinking burbon. He says, "Well goodmorning to you too. You children better get off to school, and also, I heard that last night" He says drinking his burbon and rolling his eyes. I go to the kitchen to eat my pancakes and after that I get dressed and head off to school early with Stefan. I go to my locker and Stefan goes to his, which is right on side of mine. Then I see Elena with Bonnie and Caroline. Elena freaks out and says, "Alexa! Where have you been?! I've been worried sick!" I replied with, "Don't act like you care, Elena." And soon enough, Elena gets frustrated and sees Stefan on side of me. She says, "Oh, let me guess. You were with Stefan?!" I stood there silently biting my lip then looked at Stefan. Stefan says, "Yeah, she was with me. If you got a problem with me and my girlfriend being together, just say it." Elena, bonnie and Caroline stood there in shock. Elena says, "g-girlfriend?!" Then I say, "Yep." Then the bell rings, Stefan and I kiss before I go off to my first period. Stefan says, "I love you, baby." Then I say, "I love you too!". Then I walk to my first period which is math then Stefan walks off to his which is biology. I sit in my seat and Elena goes to hers. We do our work then I see Elena put a note on my desk saying, "How could you?! You know I have a crush on him!!" I write back, "Well, It's not my fault we slept together Elena!" Then we finish our school day. 2 Days go by, Elena is still mad at me, I'm sleeping at Stefan's house and me and Stefan are perfect! Then I receive a groupchat notification with the whole school including my sister, that's says. "Party at my house! Friday, September 26, 2018. - From, Stefan" I think, "Omg, he's hosting his first party, this is gonna be lit!" I go to the mystic grill to find my sister and her friends there as always and I grab a lemonade to go. She sees me and says, "Well, Well, Well, we haven't seen you at the house in a while. Let me guess, your pregnant with Stefans baby now?" She laughs at me sarcastically. I just roll my eyes and walk away. I go to the clothing store to find an outfit to wear to the party tonite. I find this perfect outfit. It has a black crop top and nike pro shorts with ripped jeans on top of them. It's 7:00pm and the party starts at 9:30pm. I go to Stefan's house to see him and Damon setting up. I say, "Hey guys! I found this perfect outfit to wear tonight!" Then Stefan stops me and says, "me and Damon have something to tell you, Alexa. But you can't be afraid okay? Promise me you won't leave me after I tell you this." I replied with, "I promise, baby". Then we all sit down and Stefans says, "Damon and I, well.. we're vampires" and I say, "okay". Stefan replies with, "soo you don't care?" I say, "nope! I still love you the way you are." Then Stefan replies with, "That's exactly why I can't be with you, Alexa". Damon stops and looks at Stefan in shock. Then I say, "oh.." Then I get up to walk out, Before I can leave the house. Stefan stops me and says, "I will still love you forever, Alexa." and I say, "Whatever". Then damon says, "atleast tell me your coming to the party tonite" I reply with, "Fine, Damon." Then I walk out. I walk home slowly in tears. I see Caroline and I try and put my head down so she doesn't recognize me. She stops and says, "Alexa?! Is that you?! What's wrong?!" I say, "It's nothing, Care" Then she says, I know when something is wrong with my Friend" Then I tell her, "Stefan broke up with me" She stands in shock and says, "Why hunny?" I reply with, "Personal Reasons, i can't tell anyone". Then I walk off and go home and get changed for the party.

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