First Time too Soon?

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When I woke up her arms were still around me which made me think I was right about her arms being around me all night. I turned around in her arms to face her only to see she was already awake. She smiled at me for a moment and I smiled back then buried my face into her neck.
"I hope I didn't snore," I mumbled into her neck staying close to her.
"You did, but only a little bit, it's cute though," she told me and rubbed my back lightly.
"It's not cute, it's embarrassing," I chuckled softly.
"Only to you beautiful." She always knew the right things to say to me, she was perfect. It was like she was made just for me and me alone. After a moment I kissed her shoulder then her neck and was surprised when I felt her body tense up slightly. It made me smile to know I could cause that kind of reaction out of her. I kissed the same spot once more and her hands, that had been rubbing my back, stopped and rested at my waist. Was this what I wanted? What she wanted? Of course I wanted it, I got turned on just by the feeling of her body against mine, but was it what she wanted? I kissed along her neck before kissing her jaw slowly making my way up to her lips and when I reached them she kissed me back almost instantly. I found myself trying to get even closer to her, though there was little space between us already. She was the only girl that made me feel like this. Slowly I moved so I could straddle her waist without breaking our kiss. I don't know where all the boldness was coming from inside me but I kind of liked it. It was something I wasn't use to. I let my tongue explore her mouth while her hands made their way under my shirt. Pulling back I sat up and pulled off my shirt revealing the pink bra I had on under it. The look on her face was priceless. It was a mixture between surprise, desire and shock all at the same time. "A-are you sure you want to now?" She asked after her eyes roamed my upper body. Seeing her so nervous made me smile softly, normally I was the nervous one.
"I wanted to the first time I was over here," I told her honestly. That seemed to make something click in her mind, or body, or both because her nerves were no longer noticeable on her face, they were all but gone and before I knew it I was under her. She kissed me deeply while her hands roamed over my body.

(Sexual content will be placed in its own book so those who want to read it can)
Laying in her arms I sighed happily to myself smiling. We had gone all the way and I was laying here still trying to figure out what she saw in me. Why she liked me was beyond me. Though I was happy about the sex a small part of me kept saying I shouldn't have had sex with her so early. But to be honest I couldn't bring myself to care at this moment, specially not with her feverish body still pressed against mine. Could the small voice in my head be right though? What if it was too soon? What if she kicks me to the curve because I wasn't good enough? Or what if she breaks up with me because she got what she really wanted?
"What are you thinking about so hard?" She trailing her fingers down my back lightly.
"How amazing you are in bed," I smiled giving a soft laugh.
"You aren't too bad yourself," she leaned down to kiss my lips and I kissed her back. I playfully tugged her lower lip. She tugged my back and as soon as she did her stomach growled making us laugh.
"Let me make your breakfast baby," I sat up.
"Are you going to cook for me naked?" She grinned arching her eyebrows some.
"I don't cook naked till the third date babe," I smirked and got up from the bed. I went over to her dresser going through it till I found a pair of boxers and chuckled some. I pulled them on and found one of her many low cut tank tops smiling over my shoulder at her. "Now I'm not naked," I shrugged then blew her a kiss before walking out into the kitchen.
"There's still some veggie bacon in the fridge, though I must admit I ate half of it already," she called from her bedroom.
"Okay babe." I made eggs, French toast, and veggie bacon. I didn't eat eggs often because of the fact that I'm a vegetarian but I always made an exception for French toast. When I was fixing our plates and orange juice she came out the bedroom wearing sweatpants and a tank top similar to the one I had on if hers.
"Smells good," she pecked my lips.
"Thank you." Handing her her plate and juice I smiled then grabbed mine following her to the living room.
"What are we doing today beautiful?"
"I don't know, I didn't really think about that," she shrugged some.
"Let's go to the mall," I suggested.
"What are we going to do at the mall?" She asked curiously.
"I don't know, just walk around and get a few things," I smiled. "Plus, I kinda want to pick up another pair of ear rings to put in my third hole," I shrugged.
"How many hole do you have in your ear?"
"Um, four each. Three on each of my ear lobes, one on each cardlig," I shrugged.
"Didn't those hurt?"
"Not really, I've got a pretty high tolerance for pain."
"I've only got one hole, though I've been thinking about getting another one."
"You can get it down at the mall, let's go get you one," I grinned at her. "And you're eighteen so it would be easy too."
"I don't like needles," she shrugged.
"But you got your ear pierced already," I pointed out.
"I got them done when I was a baby, my moms choice."
"It's not that bad, I promise."
"You'll hold my hand?" She asked.
"Then we'll go get them done," she smiled. And we did. We took showers and then got dressed and she drove us down to the mall. We listened to Fall Out Boy on the way there. It took forever to find a parking spot. We ended up parking in the back and playfully racing to the front door.
"I won," I grinned and she nudged me
"You didn't win! I did," she laughed.
"What? No way, I won," I shook my head laughing.
"Nope," she disagreed as we walked into the mall.
"Come on, let's get a coffee first," I told her grabbing her hand pulling her towards Starbucks. We both ordered then walked down towards Claire's joking and giggling.
"Let's go to Holister after," she suggested.
"Okay, then can we go to champs?"
"Yeah, why not?" We walked into Claire's and I was greeted by the girl that had did all of my piercings, her name was Ashely.
"Hey, Charlie," she smiled.
"Hey, what's up? How have you been?"
"Nothing much, I'm great! Thanks for asking. Back for another hole?"
"No problem and no I'm just here to support," I shrugged smiling some at her.
"So I'm guessing you'll be getting your ears pierced?" She turned to Kim with a soft smile.
"Uh, yeah," she hesitated some.
"Nervous?" Ashely asked as she moved to grab the ear rings she could pick from. "Just pick which ones you want and we'll get started." I watched Kim as she looked at the ear rings.
"What about those?" I asked her pointing to a pair of golden stars.
"Yeah those look nice."
"Then we'll go ahead and get started. Are you eighteen or older?"
"Eighteen," she pulled out her drivers license as proof.
"Awesome, just follow me over to the chair." And we did. I watched Kim sit in the chair and smiled softly. I took her hand in mine standing to the side as Ashely cleaned her ears off before getting the ear rings ready. "You'll just feel a little pinch." She squeezed my hand for both ear rings.
"See that wasn't so bad," I told her as she looked in the mirror.
"It wasn't that bad," she agreed. We paid and grabbed the ear ring cleaner before we made our way to the Holister store down the walkway.
"What are you buying from here babe?" I asked arching my eyebrows.
"I want to get a shirt or two," she smiled softly. She held my hand and we walked over to the guys section. The guy clothes here were always more stylish if you ask me. We ended up picking out three matching shirts before heading over to Champs. I wanted to grab a few pairs of Adidas soccer pants. "I thought you didn't play soccer," Kim smiled.
"I never said I didn't play, I just said I play softball," I grinned while I paid for my two pairs of pants.
"I see your point there," she chuckled.
"Plus the pants are really comfortable," I shrugged grabbing my bag. When walked out of the store smiling at each other. Today was starting off as a good day.
"Where to next beautiful?" She asked.
"Uh, I don't know. Anywhere you want to go?"
"Not really... Did you ever pick out the ear rings you wanted?"
"Shit, I forgot to get them," I laughed softly.
"Let's go back and get them," she shrugged.
"I can get them later."
"It's fine really," she gave a soft laugh.
"Okay," I smiled softly. We turned around and headed back down to Clare's.
"Back for more?" Ashely asked arching her eyebrows some.
"I wanted to get another pair of ear rings and I forgot earlier," I chuckled softly.
"Well, guess it's a good thing you came back," she smiled. I smiled back at her before going to look at the ear rings with Kim.
"What do you think about these babe?" I asked Kim holding up a pair of pink diamond ear rings.
"Which hole are they going in?"
"The third one."
"Yeah, I think those are cute," she smiled nodding some. I went back to the counter and paid for them and like always Ashely gave me a discount.
"We need to hang out sometime," she told me.
"Yeah maybe go to the movies or something," I suggested while I changed my ear rings.
"We can go out to eat at Kickback Jack's like last time," she grinned.
"That was pretty fun huh? We can make it a double date, you can bring Lily and I can bring Kim."
"Yeah that sounds like a plan." Ashely was only nineteen so it was easy for us to become friends.
"What do you think babe?" I looked over at Kim.
"Yeah, sounds fun."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2015 ⏰

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