Chapter 4 - The movies

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"Y/n! Are you going to get ready or what?" Alissa said, walking inside y/n's room. Y/n jumped out of her trance alarmed, and looks at her sister with her eyes wide open. "Shit, Alissa! Knock!".

Alissa: "Jeez. Sorry." She stands still, narrowing her eyes. "Im not that ugly. And It's not like you were masturbating or something." She sarcastically says but rethinks for a solid second. "I mean- Were you?" She asked with disgust.

"Ew- No. What the fuck is wrong with you." Y/n answered even more disgusted. "Im literally just in the floor thinking. Can you just leave me alone?". Y/n sarcastically asks Alissa.

Alissa with a small laugh, looks up, and back down to her sister. "You have been there doing nothing for the past 4 hours, so no. I just came here to let you know we have to leave in an hour. If you're not ready in 30 minutes I'll go to the movies with Jenna."

Y/n growns. "Okay. I'll be ready in 10." She slowly gets up from the floor, and goes through her closet to find something to wear.


It's been 15 minutes and y/n just finished getting ready. She was wearing a white top, with a black leather jacket over it, and some mom jeans. She was wearing her high classic black converse -as always- with high Nike socks, and something that she never forgets, her rings.

Alissa was waiting for her sister, where she has been this whole time, on the couch.

"I'm ready, we can go now." Y/n said as she walked towards the couch where Alissa was sitting.

Alissa: "Finally, I was about to do a marathon of the hunger games since you were starting to take forever." She sarcastically said.

Y/n rolls her eyes. "It was less than what you usually take but fine. Let's go." She walks out of the house. Alissa stands up, and follows y/n outside.

On the way to the cinema they were discussing about what movie they were going to watch. They should've done that earlier, but they like to think about a movie at the very last minute. It's better not having any plans, it makes the moment worth remembering, they say.

They got to the location and went quickly inside the cinema. When they entered, they were told that the movie "Annabelle" was the only movie available at that hour. So they decided to watch it since there wasn't really any other option, and they didn't want to go back home when being already there. It wasn't really a problem for neither of them, specially for y/n, since she loves scary movies. After they bought the tickets, they went through the hallway to find the room where the film is being played. They found it and entered, when they walked inside, they saw that all of the sits were empty, nobody was there.

"Damn! They do be fighting over the sits." Alissa says sarcastically.

They walked up the stairs and sat at the very first line of chairs, next to each other. Commercials were just starting, y/n knew they were going to take a while, so she felt like buying popcorn before the movie starts.

"I'm going to go buy some popcorn, want anything?" Y/n asks before standing up.

"Can you buy me some nachos?" Alissa says. "Oh, and a drink." She adds.

Y/n stands up from her sit, and walks down the stairs.

Y/n just bought the popcorn, some nachos, and a drink, and walked all over again through the hallway finding the room. She walks up the stairs, again, and gives Alissa what she asked for.

Alissa: "The movie started 5 minutes ago." She says.

Y/n: "I'm sorry, the guy who gave me the food was flirting with me." She laughs, and sits back on her sit.

Alissa: "Ha! If only he knew."

They both laugh.

Y/n: "Did I miss anything?" She starts eating her popcorn.

Alissa: "No, not really."


The movie was over, they both enjoyed it.
Y/n couldn't stop laughing at how scared Alissa looked in some parts of the movie. They were walking out of the cinema, thinking of getting ice cream on the way home, but everything was closed at that time.

On the way home, Y/n got a call. It was from Lizzie. She was driving, and she didn't like using the phone while doing it, specially when it's dark outside, so she decided to connect the phone through Bluetooth to the car.

Before answering the call, she told Alissa to shut up so she could talk to this person with no interruptions.


Lizzie: "Hey." She says with a weak voice. "How are you?  I hope I'm not bothering you calling you at this time."

Y/n: "Hi, I'm great." She says smiling. "Also, It's ok. I am actually just heading home, I was watching a movie with my sister."

Alissa noticed how a smile grew in y/n's face the moment this person started to speak.

Lizzie: "Oh, cool. What movie did you guys watch?"

Y/n: "We watched 'Annabelle'. It was really good, mostly because my sister was scared the whole time." Y/n looks and laughs at her sister.

Alissa rolls her eyes and stays silent to not ruin the conversation that y/n was having with this person.

Lizzie: "Sounds really fun... Anyway, I won't distract you anymore. I'll call you later, drive safe."

Y/n: "Oh. Okay. Thank yo-"

Call Ended


Lizzie hanged up without letting y/n finish her sentence. Y/n noticed she didn't sound very well, but she didn't want to ask anything personal, since her sister was next to her. And even though she trusts her, Lizzie doesn't know her, so she wouldn't like to say something Lizzie wouldn't want to be said.

"So...? who is that?" Alissa asks with a smirk.

Y/n answers without taking her eyes off the road. "None of your business."

"Oh come on. You have to tell me." She says.

Y/n: "Trust me, I would, but there's literally nothing to tell you. She's just a friend. I met her through the phone, so I barely know her." She rhetorically said still looking at the road.

Alissa furrowed her brows. "What? How can you date someone you don't know."

"First of all, I never said we were dating. Like I told you, I met her through the phone by accident and she kind of became a friend." They now arrived to their house, she parked the car and looked at Alissa. "And second of all this is the 3rd time we talked and also- I don't even know how she looks like."

"You like her. Don't you?" Alissa crossed her arms, with a smile on her face.

"What? No, I just told you I don't know her. How could I like her." Y/n laughs getting annoyed.

"So? Her voice is sexy. Too sexy in my opinion. She reminds me of someone I know, I just don't know who-"

Y/n opens her door and gets out of her car ignoring Alissa. Alissa also gets out of the car and follows her sister to their house. Y/n gets the keys out of her pocket to open the door.

Alissa: "All I'm trying to say is that I don't think there's nothing wrong with falling for someone you barely know, I think-" She says standing behind y/n. "Or just for simply falling for someone. Maybe you guys are soulmates." She shrugged.

Alissa: "Unless she's straight...Or married...Or has kids-"

Y/n has already opened the door, and they were both inside the house.

"Seriously, Alissa. Shut the fuck up already, please." Y/n told her, annoyed that what Alissa said might be true.

"Night." Y/n said before entering her room.

"I LOVE YOU." Alissa yelled after y/n closed her door, she growns and walked to her room.

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