14. Beer and Birds

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-Bakugo's POV-

"Bakubro...! It's been forever! There's obviously nothing here!" Kaminari whined, pacing inside the abandoned warehouse as he waited for Bakugo to finish searching.

"Dumbass, there could be secret entrances! You never fucking know!" Bakugo continued to send small explosions along the walls, searching for a place where it made a different sound.

Kirishima came back into the room, Amajiki trailing behind him. Fatgum had left to help in the search in the streets, since the four of them had this place covered. "Still nothing?"

"Kiri! Tell your boyfriend to stop exploding the walls! All it's doing is causing a dust storm!" The dunce sneezed and as if this proved his point, waved dramatically at the air.

Kirishima sighed, "He's being thorough."

Just as Kaminari was about to argue, Fatgum came back into the warehouse, looking slightly dirtier than before. "You guys can stop looking. The plan is in motion."

Kirishima tensed, "It worked?"

Fatgum nodded, "Todoroki has been taken."


"Why can't we help them go after him?" Kaminari sulked for what seemed like the hundredth time today. Bakugo really debated sending an explosion into the other's mouth, just to see if it'd make him shut up. He restrained himself, though, choosing to just grumbled insults at the idiot.

"Because, fuck face, the pros claim to have better control over the situation. Just let them do their fucking job and stop whining like a five-year-old." Bakugo leaned against the wall of the warehouse, watching the people in the street walk by hurriedly.

"Just because they've been in the rebellion longer doesn't make them pros," Dunce face protested, crossing his arms.

"It does when they're better than you," Kirishima rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Amajiki is a pro to me, too."

"Then why isn't he helping?" The bright yellow haired male looked to the shy boy staring at the wall.

"Him, Mirio, and Nejire are backup, and we are backup to the backup. Get it?" Shitty hair clarified, trying to get through to the moron.

"Just fucking deal with it and shut the fuck up." Bakugo added for good measure, succeeding in silencing the male for a bit.

Bakugo continued to watch the streets, taking note of the different people who passed and how they held themselves. Some rushed like they didn't want to be seen while others strutted and stumbled as if drunk or wanting acknowledgement. Bakugo never understood why people walked so openly. When he was younger, you were supposed to stay out of sight. No one could describe you to the local authorities if no one ever saw you.

Bakugo's gaze lingered on one individual in particular, taking his time walking through the shadows of the streets, but occasionally coming forward into the light to observe something or ask someone a question. He ducked into the nearby tavern, his dark figure quickly disappearing as the door closed.

On instinct he stood up, making his way to the tavern. Denki questioned him on it, but he didn't answer. He knew Kirishima would follow him, and he was right as he felt the red head's presence beside him. Kirishima said something to Amajiki and Kaminari before following Bakugo into the tavern.

The inside was small and dank, and Bakugo instantly felt longing for his own tavern on the other side of town. The smell of urine and stale alcohol penetrated his nose, and he restrained himself from covering his nose, instead falling into his terrible posture and rough exterior. Kirishima followed him as they sat down at a table, ordering two mugs of beer.

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