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Nova looked at the class with sad pitying eyes.

"Why are you looking at us like that..?" Vlad asked hesitantly.

"Because you're not going to like this one" Nova said, barely above a whisper.

The class tensed.

"Well, I guess we should just get it done and over with" Kendo said with a sigh.

Nova nodded, snapping her fingers and starting up the screen without another word.

It showed Shinso walking into a dark hospital room with a basket full of fruits and a sad look on his face. The screen panned to Todoroki and Uraraka sitting on either side of a hospital bed. Todoroki was holding one of their hands up to his forehead. Todoroki wouldn't look up so they couldn't see much of his expression but Uraraka turned around looking heartbroken and like she hadn't slept in days.

"Who's in the hospital?" Kamakiri questioned.

A single tear slipped down Nova's cheek as she turned away from the theater.

The class observed her movements and realized that the best thing to do was just watch the video that the girl had put up and not ask her anything about it. It was pretty clear that this was hard for her and even clearer that they weren't going to get any answers.

They turned back to the screen with a sigh.

It zoomed into Shinso looking down at whoever was lying in the bed. "Enough with the bad joke already. Okay?" He said to the person he was gazing at.

"He's in denial isn't he..?" Tokage asked, turning to her teacher.

Vlad sighed deeply. "I'm afraid to admit it but it seems so."

"Hero" He said lightly. It then showed an unconscious Midoriya laying in a bed, over half of his face covered in bandages.

The theater gasped out loud as the saw the bubbly green head in such a state. Even Monoma couldn't hide his worry for the boy.

"M-midoriya?" Tsunotori stuttered at the sight of her friend bed ridden.

-a month ago-

"What happened a month before...that" Honenuki wondered.

"If you knew you were going to die soon," Midoriya's voice sounded.

"DIE?!" The class yelled.

"What would you do?" The screen showed Shinso eating a sandwich and glancing over at Izu. "What do you mean? Are you going to die?" He asked.

"Please tell me he isn't" Komori said quietly.

"I hope so too Komori" Shiozaki said, grabbing the girls hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Ah, no, I'm not really going to die!" Deku waved one hand back and forth while he sweat nervously. "It's just a hypothetical conversation!"

The theater let out a breath of relief.

"Tsk" Monomo said in annoyance. "You worried us for no goddamn reason" He snarled at the girl who had brought them to the theater. But he didn't get a response, or even a glance.

"Hypothetical?" Shinso asked his broccoli friend. "Yeah!" He answered. "Like for example if you suddenly lost your sense of taste." It showed somebody setting down a full tray. "And you couldn't swallow anything other than liquids." Izuku picks up his hand and makes a circle around one of his eyes with his thumb and index finger. "If your vision would suddenly go dark without warning." A scene of a panicked Midoriya with a hand placed over his eye saying "Why can't I see anything?!" was shown.

The theater's eyes widened at the reveal that this hypothetical may not actually be so.

"And there was such a ringing in your ears that you couldn't sleep at night." An intense, high pitched, and incredibly loud ringing was heard as an ear was shown.

The class winced and covered their ears and until the sound subsided.

"I can't believe that someone could be going through all of this and still be so happy..." Awase said with sadness painted over his features.

"I guess that's just how Midoriya works. Though I wish he would say something about his pain instead of hide it away like that." Shishida said with a sigh.

"If he was able to hide this, what else has happened with him that we just haven't seen?" Rin asked, voice filled with worry.

The theater fell silent as the digested the fact that something awful could have happened to the boy and no one would have even noticed.

"And bad attacks of nausea that seem strange." It showed Midoriya with his hands under his mouth. "It hurts" He said, voice full of pain. You could barely hear two light sobs. "It hurts. Why does it hurt??"

Some of the class registered the tears rolling down their cheeks while other members of the group were too stuck staring at the screen with a horror stricken expression to notice.

"If you went to the doctor." And unknown voice saying "This may sound cruel but..." "And they told you it was too late for treatment. What would you do?" It showed Izuku sitting with his shirt open, revealing awful looking wounds (scars?) and the man continuing. "In your condition Midoriya, the amount of time that you have left is not long."

"No! He has to live!" Fukidashi said desperately.

"Is this, honestly just hypothetical?" Shinso asked. The green head looked down with a small smile. "Yeah" He said lightly, the time flashing back to the first scene and his bandaged arm with an IV cord stuck in it.

The class either broke out into sobs or began to have teas flowing down their cheeks. Monoma gritted his teeth together as a few droplets fell from his eyes into his lap, where he was clenching his fists.

Nova who was sniffling and still crying turned back to the class with red rimmed eyes. "T-that's all for right now" She said, her voice cracking and shaking.


(923 words)

I realized after I had finished that I missed what Shinso said at the end of the video but I like the way it turned out and I don't want to rewrite the ending to put in those words.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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