~Episode 1: Part 2: DETENTION TIMEEEE~

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hey, Aurora, I have no idea if you're getting these recordings, I also don't even know why I bother sending them since your kind of a shitty friend, but I kinda love u and stuff soooo.......... I'm still sending you these even though you're toxic as HELLLLLL!!!!! and if you're wondering why I keep sending you these even though you're a manipulative piece of shit, is not because I'm a FUCKING SIMP 🤬 anyways, bye Aurora 😻 , yeah, I know, not much to say.... but I miss you!?? anyways. Mars out!

"sigh, yet another recording done!" I muttered to myself as I walked into the classroom while putting my phone in my pocket. It was time for detention, stupid fucking detention. When I nervously walked into the classroom, I could hear the other kids giggling and see them gathered around each other, until a tall man with strawberry blonde, kinda orange or red or whatever hair at the front of the class interrupted.

Now, who is this dude you may be asking? Well....that's Mr.Q. The cool teacher, who also happens to be in charge of running detention, pretty sad.

"welcome detention dwellers," Mr.Q said in a deep tone, immediately grabbing everyone's attention. I looked at him while he scanned the room, looking over all the kids. " for the law-abiding citizens making their first appearance,  am Mr.Q", he exclaimed with his hands in his pockets, still scanning the class. " and yes, I am at least as cool as you've heard" Mr.Q said with a small smirk as the kids giggled. "however, I want you all to use this time productively, so no goofing around, especially since you have standardized gift tests coming up, but anyways, if you have any questions, you can always ask the experts". Once Mr.Q had finished explaining everything, he seemed to be wandering around the class looking at what the kids were doing. Of course, the other kids pretended to be doing work when he passed by, which Mr.Q most likely knew that, but chose to not say anything.

||MR.Q POV|| (ayo, genz media, give him more screen time)

I wandered around the classroom, looking at all of the kids I was in charge of. Now, do I like my job here? Well HELL NO!!! But I choose to stay, since.. well I really have no choice, I just have to deal with it for now...... I kept walking in my usual laid back kind of way, until I reached the spot where Mars Patel and his  friends were sitting. I have heard a lot about Mars Patel, especially from a certain person... a certain I guess  you could say...  friend. But enough about that. When I came up to Mars and his gang, Mars to be worrying about something, now... a few days before, one of mars' friends, Aurora disappeared, so I expected him to be worrying about that, since he seems to well... really like Aurora... I bet you know what i mean by that. But, he seemed to be worrying about something else. 'worrying about Aurora again?' I asked, sorta expecting him to say yes. 

'No, it's something else' Mars responded, seeming kinda pissed off.

'What is it now?' I said, smirking while I crossed my arms.

'well... during code red, Jonas went to the bathroom, and well... HE NEVER CAME BACK! Yet another kid just disappeared' mars explained, seeming almost angry. 

'well Mars, I understand that can be pretty scary, but maybe don't jump to conclusions' I responded with a small laugh.

'what do you mean JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS??? IT'S OBVIOUS HE DISAPPEARED!!' Mars responded, more angrier than ever.

'I mean, he does have a point' Caddie said, as she looked at mars, slightly smiling.

'I mean, he usually does have a point' I replied, looking at Caddie. Suddenly, a faint voice came from outside the classroom. It was J.p. The student that was always in detention.

//J.P POV//

'J.p McGowan, 43rd straight day of detention, a new record' I said confidently as I walked down the classroom, smirking. While high-fiving the other kids that were in the room ( I know, I'm pretty cool) 'Oh hey mars, hey Caddie.. where's toothpick?' I asked asked while I leaned on mars' desk. 

'he's over there taking attendance' Caddie answered, pointing over to where toothpick was standing. 'why do you wanna know?'

'uhhh.. no reason hehe... i just wanted to know, is that so strange to you!????!!!??? anyways what are y'all up to?' I responded responded in a rushed tone as their face turned red, trying to change the subject. AND BEFORE YOU ASK, NO I DO NOT LIKE HIM OR SOMETHING OK???? SO STOP IT.

'well.. we were talking about the fact that Jonas disappeared during code red this morning'. Caddie responded, soon feeling her throat clog up from nervousness... I mean I'm sure it was hard telling me that, since it's kinda crazy 😜. 

' WAIT.. WHAT THE FU- uhh i mean WHAT THE FUDGE?????!?!!??!?!?!!' i replied, freaking out from the news, also cause i noticed that Mr.Q was standing by, and I may or may not have almost cussed. 

'wait, Jonas is gone??' Toothpick said surprised, stopping at the desk they were at.

'finished attendance?' Caddie asked.

'yep' Pick responded.

'Oh uhh.. hi pick!' I said as i looked at him, smiling. ( yes I call him pick, i think it's a cool nickname, also his actual name isn't toothpick it's Randall. but we call him Toothpick because we can, I mean his parents aren't as dumb as to name their kid toothpick) Turns out I had been looking at him for a little too long, so i quickly faced the opposite way,  covering my face with my hand as i had in fact zoned out again, stupid me. 

'So... did he leave anything behind???' toothpick asked in his usual curious tone.

'Nope, nothing' Mars responded, in an almost disappointed tone. I looked at mars while crossing my arms waiting for him to say something. 

'he's having one of those idea moments isn't he?' I thought to myself. I was still waiting for him to say something as i started to rock back and forth, playing with my fingers while humming some of my favourite tunes, until he FINALLY said something.

'I HAVE AN IDEA!' Mars explained excitedly.

Oh great.....


The Unexplainable Disappearance of Mars Patel, but I re-wrote it 🤯Where stories live. Discover now