Rejection part one

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hi losers idk how to write so dont bully me i don't need more me slander the gc and the discord server gives me enough of that but anyways jordyn we're going to make you fall in love with us

also a warning: stupid shit that came into my mind at the last second ahead

"...he also probably has a small penis. And that is why Grisha Jaeger is musty." some random kid concluded their summer presentation as the class murmured in agreement.

Y/N groaned as they watched the clock waiting for the day to end. 10 minutes until class was over. 

"Now class, even though its the first day of school, I have some homework for you. You have to..." Y/N tuned the teacher out as they continued staring at the clock.

7 minutes.

Giving up on the one-sided staring contest, they scanned the classroom for a certain redhead as the teacher was getting ready to dismiss the class.

"Remember that your summer project will be your first grade for this school year, so if you haven't presented yet make sure to look over it. Y/N, will you be able to present yours tomorrow?" 

Y/N snapped their attention to the front of the class, realizing everyone, including the girl they were looking for, was staring at them.

"Uh.. yeah I can totally present tomorrow." they said knowing that they hadn't even started the project.

"Great!" the teacher replied as she turned her attention to the rest of the class "remember to get your syllabus singed by your parent or guardian, and have a nice day!"

 As if the teacher had planned it, the bell rang as she finished her makeshift speech. Y/N grabbed their backpack as they rushed out of the classroom, eyes scanning the hall like they were searching for someone. Y/N turned a corner and found the person they were looking for talking to some tall ass dude.

"HEY JORDYN" Y/N yelled over the other students in the hallway and the redhead and tall ass dude turned around and groaned as Y/N walked over to them.

"Jordyn wanna go out with me" they said after catching up to the couple.

"Y/N.... we've been over this, I've been dating Jordyn for like a year-" the tall ass dude started.

"Shut up tall ass dude, I wasn't talking to you"

"Y/N we've shared classes for 5 years now, you should know that my name is-"

"Shhhhhh it's okay bert-turtle kinnie, it's okay" Y/N interjected, turning their attention back to Jordyn.

Jordyn sighed. "Y/N, you've asked me out like, every week for 3 years, and I reject you every time."

"I know. I WAS planning on asking you out at least every day, but then I realized that was probably like, borderline harassment." Y/N replied nonchalantly 

"I think you should get a restraining order." the tall ass dude whispered to Jordyn.

"Hush tall ass dude I'm supposedly dating, I'm trying to convince Y/N I don't like them so we can have an enemies to lovers arc." 


"Yeah birth control kinnie, shut up so we can stop breaking the fourth wall and i can steal Jordyn from you."

"I'm sorry?"

"The point is," Y/n started, "You should go out with me, Jordyn."

"Y/N I'm straight."

"TECHNICALLY I'm not a girl nor a boy."

"Y/N I literally don't like you, platonically or romantically," Jordyn deadpanned.

Y/N scoffed. "Aw c'mon, name one thing i did to make you not like me."

"You talk to much, you don't listen to people, you set my history paper on fire sophomore year..."

Bitches, bros, and non-binary hoes, this is where Y/N starts to zone out.

" steal peoples food at lunch, you're overly obnoxious, you set my math homework on fire.."

'She's talking about homework. Did we have homework? I'll find out tomorrow. Don't I have to do my summer project in one night? I think it was a powerpoint..'

" tired summoning a demon in chemistry, and you ask me out every single week. That's why I don't like you." Jordyn finished.

"Mhm. Yeah, uh you should go out with me so i can make you NOT not like me," Y/N yawned.

Jordyn scoffed and stomped away, with the tall ass dude following behind her like a lost puppy. Y/N sighed, and exited the school to walk home. 


When Y/n got home, they went straight to their laptop to start their project. Unsure of what to do, Y/N just stared at the computer screen while zoning out. 

'Didn't someone write a 5 paragraph essay on why Grisha Jaeger is musty? They passed right?'

With an idea in their head, Y/N started typing.


ahahahah notice how i haven't written fanfiction before lmfao, anyways yes jordyn this will be a multichapter fanfiction so you just have t suffer as this gets worse and worse.

anyways if you aren't jordyn please give me tips i literally pulled this out of my ass 🧍🏽‍♀️

bye losers

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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