Chaper six

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Sooyoung's POV
A few days after what happened at the cafe, Jinsol and Jungeun finally dared to make it official and actually started dating, which meant that I wouldn't have to third wheel at their every single date again. Haseul was also clearly having success in her relationship with a foreign girl who's also a year older than us and is apparently called Wong Kahei. Because of this, they started spending less time at the dorm and, therefore, less time with me. I'm not someone who will complain about not getting attention, but they seemed to feel really bad about leaving me by myself for such long periods of time every day. Because of this, both Haseul and Jinsol sometimes even cancel their dates, just to spend a bit more time with me. Another thing they do practically 24/7, was talk about a certain girl who they though had feelings for me.
"Jiwoo has to be the most adorable creature you're ever going to meet, Sooyoung and she clearly likes you. If I were single and someone like that had a crush on me, I wouldn't think for even a second and would immediately start dating her"- I had heard this speech from Jinsol at least a hundred times this week. And, for an equal amount of times, I've always had to say:
"She is adorable, I agree. But that doesn't magically solve the fact that my past experiences have not been so good. I don't want to get into a relationship just to be betrayed and heartbroken again".
"Do you honestly think that Jiwoo is capable of doing something like that?"- asked Haseul.
"I don't. But I didn't think she was capable of it either".
Haseul sighed. Having relationship conversations with her always scared me, because she has the talent of saying something that will stay in your mind for weeks. And this time was not any different. She did it again.
"Sooyoung, I know you have trust issues and a cute girl can't just magically solve them, but we're all missing an important part of this story. I think that it's not just Jiwoo who has feelings for you. You totally have a thing for her, too, but you're trying to suppress it and act like it doesn't exist. I think we both know that pushing someone you like away for forever is impossible. The feelings won't go away. The further you push her away, the more you'll want to spend time with her and when that happens, you won't be able to run from your own self anymore. Honestly, I look forward to that happening".
I didn't give her an answer after this. I don't think I needed to. But it did put me deep into thought. Do I have feelings for Jiwoo? I don't know. Maybe I do. At this point, i'm not sure about anything anymore.
Time flew by pretty fast. We were already halfway through the semester. I was walking down the hall to the library, when I heard a familiar voice calling me. I didn't need to look back to know who it was.
"Sooyoung! Wait up!"- Jiwoo was chasing me with all her might. Watching her try to catch up is always funny, because she's just too tiny, but still has a lot of determination. It always puts a smile on my face. She's adorable.
"Sooyoung, let's go to the library together, okay?"
"Sure, Jiwoo, but you'll have to promise me that you'll try to tone down your voice a little bit"- as I said this, she nodded and then smiled.
No matter how stressed I was because of college, spending time with Jiwoo always made me relax. I don't think she realizes how calming her presence and energy actually is.
"Jiwoo, you're the most calming person I've ever met".
She clearly didn't expect me to say this. I could see her cheeks get red and also noticed how she struggled to hold eye contact with me. She still managed to say "thank you" under her breath. After this we stayed quiet, until two familiar faces walked up to our table.
"Hello, lovebirds"- said Jungeun, who had her fingers intertwined with Jinsol's-" we're here to tell you that a friend of mine who also studies here is hosting a party and has invited literally everyone. I figured you'd want to come?"
"Of course! I love parties!"- Jiwoo exclaimed and got a few looks from other people in the library because she was being too loud-" what about you Sooyoung?"
"I don't know. I have a lot of work and I don't think I have enough time to go to a party".
"Oh come on Sooyoung"- now said Jinsol, who probably knew I was going to answer like that-" it's going to be fun and you can't possibly be that busy".
"Jinsol's right! Besides, if you hear stories about how fun the party was, you'll regret not coming!" Jiwoo said and then, surprisingly, she got closer to my face and, with a pouty face, whispered:
How the fuck can I say no to that.
"Okay, fine, i'll come. It better be as fun as you all think it will be".
"Well, then we'll let Haseul know too. Maybe she'll bring along her girlfriend and we'll finally be able to meet her"- said Jinsol with a wide smile on her face.
"See you tonight"- Jungeun said to us as she was walking out of the library.
"It's going to be fun"- Jiwoo reassured me.
I didn't know why, but I was having a weird feeling about the party. I felt like something interesting was going to happen.

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