A Bourgeois Was Born

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Thanks for the support! Hope yall enjoy this one.
André and Audrey were in a hospital room. Audrey giving birth to a baby girl any moment. Paris was shook about the big announcement. First time Audrey A famous fashion designer has given birth. At least thats what they taught.

                     3 YEARS LATER

"Jean, carry Clor- I mean Chloe. I have to make a call with someone!" Audrey said as handing Chloe to Butler Jean.

Butler Jean carried Chloe as she was sleeping. He remembers when she was a newborn. But with both of Chloe's  parents busy, He was like a dad to her.

Chloe woke up from his arms. He smiled hugging her and walking up to her room. He put her down and Chloe tried talking.

"Jeans?" Chloe as a baby mumbled her first word.
Butler Jean was shocked but also laughing because Chloe said "Jeans."
Chloe as a baby started giggling.
Butler jean let her play and roam around her room while he went to go tell Audrey the exciting news.

"Mademoiselle, Chloe has said her first word." Butler Jean said.

"Oh yeah, well if she can talk tell her to get her shoes on, were going to a friends." Audrey said unpleasant.

Butler Jean did everything for Chloe. He held Chloes hand taking her into the car with Audrey. He had a frown on his face when they left.

"Hello, Audrey!" A guys voice comes from a distance.

"Hello, Gabriel!" Audrey saud with her hands crossed.
Behind Gabriel was a little boy named Adrien Agreste.

"Hello Emilie, and Adrien! This is Chloe." Audrey said introducing her.

"Awe, she can play with Adrien up in his bedroom. He has some games on his tablet." Emilie said in a happy mood.

Emilie lead Adrien and Chloe up in his room. This was just a beginning of a friendship.

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