02. Meteor Ring

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Jungkook's POV

The class is done, F3 and i went to our lockers. The memory that i can't forget. The memory with Shan Cai. 

The most important thing that i still have is the Meteor Ring. It's already a past, i have to forget it. But, how? Shan Cai is my bestfriend. Plus, she was the one who's always there for me.

After thinking about that, i'm going to the Cafetaria, but then, i saw a group of girls, they bullied that new student. She must be... Wait, i forget her name. Who is she? 

"All of you, leave her alone." I said with a deadly voice and a deadly glare.

"Jungkook oppa! We're sorry.." The girl who had brown hair said, i nodded.

Good, now they're gone. I stare at that girl for like 5 minutes. She is beautiful, and that is no lie.

"Is there something in my face?" She asked, i shaked my head.

"What is your name?" I asked, suddenly, she giggles, Oh my, her giggles.. Too.. Soft and cute..

"Yo, your okay?" She asked, i realized that i was just staring at her.

"Yeah, i'm okay."

"W-What's your name?"

"Seriously, you don't remember my name?" She asked, i bite my lip slowly.

"Y- N- Actually- Uhm.. Yes..." I said while stuttering, she giggles again, suddenly, i smiled.

"I'm Kim Jisoo, you can call me anything that you want, and you're Jeon Jungkook?" Jisoo asked, i nodded.

I hear a notification rings from Jisoo's phone i guess. And, it's true.

"Oh, my mother is going to take me to my home. I'll see you later, Jeon Jungkook." says Jisoo, i nodded.

"Annyeonghi Gaseyo." I said while smiled, she smiled and nodded to me.

And now, she's gone.

It is my time to wait Sang-min (Jungkook's bodyguard) to take me to my home.

Suddenly, Shan Cai is in my mind, well, it is a past, i have to forget it.

But i can't, i'm still thinking about.. Shan Cai, and.. Barcelona.. And.. The Meteor Ring i gave to Shan Cai when we are in Barcelona.

I still have the Meteor Ring with me, i take the ring from Shan Cai at Teughbyeolhan Hospital without her knowing.

I opened my locker and searching for the Meteor Ring. And, gotcha, i found my Lovely Memories. Me, and Shan Cai.

Oh and yeah, we both use this Meteor Ring, but, my ring is gone, i don't know where it is

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Oh and yeah, we both use this Meteor Ring, but, my ring is gone, i don't know where it is. All i see is Shan Cai's Meteor Ring.

I have to find the other one. But how? It is impossible. Because it's gone for like years ago.

Oh and, i wonder where is F3. I look around to find F3. I decided to asked Ryujin.

"Ryujin, have you see F3?" I said, she nodded.

"F3 is on the rooftop, they're waiting for you." Ryujin answers.

"They're waiting for me? Why?" I asked,

"Can you just stop asking and go to the Rooftop? I'm busy." says Ryujin.

"Well, Ryujin being Ryujin." I joked, she rolled her eyes.

And now i'm at the Rooftop.

Jisoo's POV

"I'm Kim Jisoo, you can call me anything that you want, and you're Jeon Jungkook?" I said, he nodded, then, there's a notification rings on my phone.

I checked and it's.. My father..

Father :

Jisoo! Go home now! You're going home at 12:00 AM! If you're late, i'm going to hurt you!

I decided to hold my tears, because, my father is a really bad guy. He punched Mother, he cheats on my Mother, and now he's going to hurt me if i'm late.

I wish i can live my life with a good father. I hate Father.

"Oh, my mother is going to take me to my home. I'll see you later, Jeon Jungkook."

"Annyeonghi Gaseyo." says Jungkook while smiling, i smiled back and nodded to him.

And, my mother and me have to be in home at 12:00 AM. We can't be late. Or both of us will be hurt.

Jungkook's POV

"Sup Jin, Yoongi, and Hoseok." I said, "Annyeong" They all said.

"So, why we should meet at the Rooftop? Ryujin said that y'all waiting for me." I asked.

"Well, it seems like you can't forget Shan Cai." Jin said, i slowly nodded and starting to flashback my moments with.. Shan Cai.

I remember, the first day we met, 11 December.

"Jungkook, i guess you should forget Shan Cai. Cause it's already a past." says Hoseok.

"But.. What if she.. Remember all of her memories, without me knowing?" I asked to them, they are speechless.

They're about to say something but there's hesitation.

"I think we should forget all of this by drinking our 'Favorite' drink." Yoongi said, Jin, and Hoseok nodded, except me.

"Sorry, i can't Yoongi. Sang-min is going to take me home." I said, they all pouts.

"But it's okay, next time, i will drink with you guys." I said while smiling to them.

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