+ Chapter 4 ~ Adjustments +

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~ With Junior right after he was announced Free to Roam (So a few hours back) ~

Junior has a smile on his face as he walks into a vast empty but well-decorated courtroom. Unlike the concrete that acted as flooring in the room with Osamu, this room had thick carpet and many warm lights instead of just one white light. Junior immediately liked this place compared to the previous room he was just in.

Only a handful of guards were present, but Junior noticed that these guards were much more relaxed than the ones he'd encountered before. Here, they have their guns lowered and are talking amongst each other. Some even laughed.

'Huh, so they aren't just statues or robots...' He thought to himself with a small laugh.

The laugh turned the heads of the few guards in the room, their conversing ceasing as they noticed they had a new guest among them.

Junior's smile quickly dropped as he noticed everyone present in the room was now staring at him, no words being exchanged. His eyes widen as he feels his face heat up at the sudden attention.

"U-uh...Hey. I'm Junior," More silence. Junior began squirming in place, moving his hands as he talked again, "Well, you probably already know that...Didn't mean to interrupt, by the way...I was just thinking that...I mean, I thought you all were..."

Junior looked around at the guards, some smirking at him now. Realizing he's just digging himself a deeper hole, he simply said, "I'm just gonna go sit over here, continue with your lives."

Junior walked stiffly to the wall opposite the guards and quickly sat down, putting his head inside his tan shirt to avoid the guards' stares. He suddenly heard a chorus of laughter directed at him and his awkward actions. Junior groaned and closed his eyes, ignoring the laughter and embarrassment he felt. 'Why did I have to be the first one free? This is so weird!' He thought, feeling slightly alienated from the humans.

Luckily the laughter stopped after a short while, and Junior heard the humans conversing once more. "Thank god..." Junior quietly said as he popped his head back up, finally settling into a relaxed position against the wall, knowing the guards weren't paying attention to him. "Didn't realize I hated attention this much. Wonder if it's a human thing..." He spoke absentmindedly.

Minutes pass as Junior sits waiting for something to happen, his eyes closed and his back slightly slouched. He seemingly dozed off.

'Hang on a sec. What is my dad going to look like as a human? I don't even know who I'm looking for,' He questioned.

Junior opened his eyes and looked at the door expectedly, still thinking. 'Well, we're the same species, so he should resemble what I look like a bit, just bigger.'

"Hmm..." He put his finger on his chin as his eyebrow furrowed in thought.

"If my hair is dark green and my scales were also dark green, then dad's hair should be black. He may also have the same eyes like mine, sharp nails, and pointy teeth. Okay, now I gotta wait," He said quietly to himself as he smiled at the door with excitement, now that he knew what he was looking for.

His heartbeat began to pick up as he heard the door open. Junior quickly stood up, ready to sprint towards the human-kaiju if they turned out to be his father.

However, his face quickly dropped as he saw the exact opposite of what he envisioned his dad looking like.

A man who seemed just a bit taller than Junior entered the room. His short hair was quite unusual as most of it was colored dark brown, while the tips of his hair were a very light yellow that could easily be mistaken for white. The ends of his hair also pointed up instead of flowing down like normal hair.

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