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The next day..

a typical Monday morning — students are already flooding the hallway

" im sleepy " jiwon said while walking with a girl beside her
" who doesn't? ah! " the girl with her hair tied in a ponytail said and stop their tracks

" what? " she said
" did you hear we'll have a
new student " she said as her voice sounds excited
" oh really, which class? " jiwon said suddenly interested

" well that.. I'm not sure "
" I see " as she yawns

" you should definitely wash your face, anyway I'm going first bye! "
" wait-han saeri! " she yelled at her friend who's leaving her in the middle of the hallway

Kang Jiwon

I arrive at my locker to grab my pocket mirror

I didn't get enough sleep last night how am I going to concentrate today's class

I put down my phone on the back side and sees something

" this picture-!" I quickly take out the polaroid picture of me and jungwon

I didn't mean to put our photo there , I forgot to took it out from our trip

if saeri sees that she'll be suspicious all day
I slipped the picture in of my unused notebook and close my locker

" speaking about him.. nah " I shake my head before going to the bathroom


Yang Jungwon

" yang jungwon? welcome to our school! " as the principle greets me
" nice to meet you sir "

" here's everything you need and you're set to go " as he gives me a few papers
" thank you very much sir, I'm leaving now " I bow once again and leave the office

" class 04-1 .. "

time to find my class , hopefully I didn't get lost


Kang Jiwon

I'm literally fighting with myself to stay awake on Mr Jeon's math class

" in conclusion x is equal to- hold on class " someone knocks the door as Mr Jeon walk towards it

" oh yes " as I put down my head on my table


Mr Jeon walk back to his place with a boy following behind him

the class started whispering —mostly girls about the new good-looking new boy

" attention class! we have a new student joining us today, please introduce yourself "

" nice to meet all of you, my name is yang jungwon " he gives a little smile before bowing

" you're handsome jungwon-ah! " a girl confidently shout
" please be my friend! "

" quiet down class, now.. Miss Kang " he said as he sees jiwon sleeping on her desk
" someone please wake her up " he orders

the student who's sitting beside her tap her shoulder

Jiwon eventually wokes up and quickly rubs her eyes

" mr kang did you dream about the answer of question 5? " he said as the others laugh

" im very sorry sir.." she quickly stand up
" now we have a new student here, please introduced yourself "

💌 ; as always I'm very sorry for any grammar mistakes , enjoy ~skareetjwoos

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