Chapter 1

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July 22, 2020 12:13am
It is raining heavily and a gunshot is heard in the middle of the night. There is blood scattered all over the place and is flowing like a stream on the road due to the rain
*Ring Ring* ?
1: Hello?
?2: Well done on your first mission Agent 01
Agent 01: Thank you sir, it wouldn't be possible without agent 02 & 03 They all smile at each other
Boss: Yeah well done all of you, Now are you guys ready for your next mission??
Agent 02: Sirr!! We just finished this mission few minutes ago. What is the hurry >whining<
Agent 03: Yes sir!! We were planning on partying since this mission took months to complete >whining<
Agent 01: Agents... FOCUS!! I'm sorry for their behaviour sir. We are ready for our next mission..
Boss: Thank you Agent 01 >chuckling< Ok, you guys can party or relax and do whatever you want cause this mission might take years......
Agent 02/03: What?!?!!! Nooooo >whining<
Agent 01: >rolls eye< Are you perhaps talking about the mission which was delayed for years??
Boss: Yes.. And now it's time for us to complete it...
Everyone went silent waiting for their boss to complete. They were completely into listening to their boss that they even forgot about them standing in the rain completely wet.
Boss: >sighs< You girls should be really careful. It's not like your other missions.. It's like all your previous missions combined in one. You can even loose your lives..
The girls look at each other not with fear but with confusion because this was the first time they had been warned about their lives.
They were trained to not show fear which would become the strength of their enemies who were gangsters and that is what they would want
Agent 01: Yes sir we will make sure to neither loose or lives nor disappoint you
Agent 03: But sir..., what is this mission about that it sounds so dangerous???
Agent 02: Yeah... Do you know about it <looking at Agent 01>
Agent 01: No.... I've only heard of it...
Agent 02: OMG it sounds so good!!
Agent 03:1 know right!!
Agent 01: Girls... >annoyed < Agent 02: Do you think there will be action like shooting and fightin
Agent 03: OMG OMG I'm so excited it sounds so interesting
Agent 01: <face palms>
Boss: Girls....
Agent 03: Since it's so dangerous do you think luck will be on our side
Agent 02: I-
Boss: GIRLS!!!!

Agent 02:......
Agent 03.......
Agent 01: >chuckles softly <
Boss: >clears throats< Okay, so as you were saying, no.. your not in luck because you are being promoted
Agent 01/02/03: Yay!!!
Agent 02: But.. what is bad luck in that???
Boss: It's not as easy as you think girls, because you have to bring down..........
Agent 01: Bring down the what?!?! Hello?!?! Sir!??!
There's a gunshot heard across the phone, the girls froze for a moment
??1: Hello Ladies >laughing< you wanna know a secret? Your Boss is DEAD!!
Anger is filled among all the three girls
Agent 01: Who are you?
She says trying to control her anger
??1: Hmm.. I'm quite surprised your not scared at all there is no hint of fear in your voice
Agent 01: WHO ARE YOU >raising her voice
??1: Ever heard of 'BLACK SHADOWS' *Beep Beep* Call ended....

*??? P.O.V*
*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring*
?1: Ughh!!!! Shut Up >groaning<
*Ring Ring*
?1: Fine!! I'm Up!!
She turns her alarm off and lazily rolls from her bed falling down on the floor and bumping her head, she groans and makes her way to the washroom, does her morning routine and gets ready for her school
?1: Hmm > nodding her head< Not bad >checking out her new uniform<
She takes an apple and heads to her school And she is none other than......
SHIN RYUJIN She is a high schooler who has been transferring schools, she's been to almost all the famous schools in South Korea {no one knows the reason but she says it's due to her parents work, but..... is it the actual reason?
You'll have to find out....} and now she is back from where she started 'Seoul National University

Seoul National University/Seoul University, one of the largest universities in South Korea is where she studied two years ago she is the most famous person you'll find in that university. About her personality.... she can be worse than you think. Not everyone is a fan of her, some think that she is cool but the rest...
which is almost 80% of the college are her enemies.....
She enters the university with a smirk on her face...
She walks along the hallway with all the eyes in her, as she is about to reach the office she meets the last person she ever wanted to see.....
Ryujin: We meet again >smirks< .....

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