Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I was so nervous about the job interview that I had almost forgot to pack my resume. What kind of fool walks into an interview for a potential employer with no resume in hand? I must have really been losing it.

I hustled back into my room to snatch it from my desk, taking a second look at myself before I left for real this time. I wore my brand new above the knee pencil grey skirt with a lavender button down tucked in. My curly dark brown hair was neatly, as best as I could get it, pulled into a bun. I kept the makeup as minimal as possible that way they didn’t think I was high maintenance or something. Silly, I know but sometimes they really do pay attention to that sort of thing. For now I had on my ‘on the go’ flats for comfort until I got to my destination. Only then would I nestle my freshly manicured toes into my new babies. I tucked my resume in a brown folder and dropped it into my red bag as I speedily headed down the stairs of my apartment.


A quick glance at the time on the dashboard and I knew I only had moments to spare before I would be considered late. Thankfully I found a parking space on a busy avenue, which was only a block away from the firm. I switched out of my flats and into my nude YSL 6-inch stilettos. I loved heels, especially a gorgeous pair like these. You could never go wrong with nude heels and I firmly believed every woman should have one.

Ten minutes to go! Yes! I walked up the block carefully and proudly switching my hips with every stride up to my destination. There stood Trevino & Co. a massive brown building with grand steps and gorgeous Roman styled columns. Please let this be my new home. I thought to myself with fingers crossed.

“Good Morning, I’m Carressa Philips. I have an interview scheduled for 11 o’clock with Mr. Trevino” I said to the blonde middle-aged woman behind the lobby desk.

“Ah, Yes. Hello dear, we’ve been expecting you. Please have a seat right there and Mr. Lucott will be right with you.” She responded directing me to one of the empty seats in front of the desk.

Mr. Lucott? I was under the impression I was meeting with the headman in charge if I was planning on being his assistant. I adjusted my skirt as I sat back comfortably in the black leather seat. Just as I was about to reach for one of the magazines on the short oak end table a tall slender man with wavy black hair gestured for me to follow him.

“Ms. Philips correct? So glad to meet you, sorry Mr. Trevino won’t be joining us today but you will meet him soon. I am Bryce Lucott.,” he said walking fast and reaching for a handshake all in the same breath

“A-nice to meet you” I clumsily blurted out reaching for his hands. Which were surprisingly warm against my damp palms. How attractive Carressa?!.

“Nervous?” he said chuckling as he opened the door to his office letting me in first. “Have a seat will you.”

Bryce Lucott was a slender man of what appeared to be 6’1 of gorgeous. His wavy black hair sat perfectly tousled on his head. He looked no more than 32. He had piercing green eyes, full lips, a chiseled jaw, and 5 o’clock shadow. Guess he skipped a shave this morning. He wasn’t buff but you could tell he spent some time in the gym just from how he filled out his suit appropriately. He took off his black suit jacket and threw it over his chair. I must have been staring at him like a hawk because he met my gaze and flashed a sly smile as he rolled up his sleeves.

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