Chapter 4

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Another short one....Just to give you something. :)

I didn't have much time to pack but I somehow managed to find suitable clothes for the trip. Keira had popped in after I called her and brought over some dressy tops for me. While we packed I managed to give her a play by play of everything that happened that morning.

"Oh my goodness!" she screeched as she threw herself onto my cream sofa. "This is better than any soap opera OUT!"

"Stop it! This is bad. Very bad." I scolded amused at her reaction "Why did he kiss me!?" I asked joining her on the sofa "He could have just left without a word. This just screws with my head. And not even an hour after he was done tonguing down his fiancé in my FACE!" I covered my face with my hands appalled

"You're making me laugh!" She responded with a smile "Just don't let it happen again. You've got the best self control I know of, a week wont be difficult."

Keira was right. I did have some impenetrable self-control. But with Bryce it all seemed to turn to mush. He did things to me, unexplainable things when he was around that I couldn't understand. Given its only been two days since we've been around each other. How on earth could I survive a week, when I couldn't manage 48 hours without a hitch?

After an intense discussion of my impending trip, Keira and I watched our favorite 80's movies then she left. I was putting the wine glasses into the sink when my phone shrilled to life. Who could that be?

"Hello" I said quizzically

"Carrie, its Adrian." His accent still as alluring as ever "I just wanted to apologize for last night, and this morning—" he continued sweetly

"It's fine Adrian." I interjected, saving him from the speech "I'm not upset anymore."

"Are you busy?" he asked instantly switching subjects "I thought we could hang out, dinner, I don't know, something. Start fresh."

I smiled, even though he couldn't see me "I would love that actually. I need a distraction."

"Great. Do you mind if I cook for you instead?" he suggested boldly

"I'll meet you at your place in thirty?"

He agreed and I jumped into the shower quickly. Once I was done I threw on a pair of navy blue skinny jeans and teal jersey draped one shoulder top. I left my hair out in its naturally curly state, followed by minimal makeup and jewelry. I slipped my feet in black flats, grabbed my purse and headed out the door.

I was surprised I remembered where Adrian had lived. The brick exterior didn't look familiar to me but once inside it was as though id been there a million times. It was beautifully decorated and well designed it made me wonder who did it all. The sheer masculinity of it all mixed with unusual eclectic pieces and brightly accented walls really fit his personality.

I took off my shoes at the door and followed him in resting my purse, once again on the coffee table. Adrian looked as handsome as ever even with a white apron on and a dishtowel hanging on his shoulder. He was currently in front of the stove tasting something from one of the many sizzling pots on the stove. It smelled heavenly in his apartment. I didn't know he was that skilled. I could kiss the cook now.

"What are you making?" I asked leaning against the kitchen counter watching him maneuver around effortlessly. "It smells amazing"

"Patience." He said turning to smile his mesmerizing smile in my direction. "Wine?" he asked gesturing to the brand new bottles of Moscato and Pinot Grigio

"Sure" I stated returning his smile as he turned to open the Moscato. "Don't get me drunk" I joked

He winced slightly but lightened up turning too hand me the half full flute, "Never my intentions. I want you just like this."

A blush crept up to my cheeks and I shyly tucked a curl behind my ear before I took a sip. Adrian was perfect for me. He was a gentleman and he was single. Never mind the flub of last night, which I'm sure, I initiated in a drunken stupor, but he was a decent guy worth giving a try too. I continued to sip the wine slowly, savoring the taste with every gulp.

"Come here." Adrian said gently over his shoulder "Taste this" he continued lifting a wooden spoon to my lips once I was near.

I slurped the liquid as delicately as I could and almost died a the burst of flavors hitting my taste buds, "Oh dear Lord Adrian! This is amazing." I squealed like a schoolgirl Simmer down Carressa.

He chuckled taking the towel to wipe off the excess liquid at the edge of my mouth. "You really like it?" he asked, his icy blue eyes glimmering under the kitchen lighting

"Absolutely! You're really frickin good!" I practically shouted hoping for another sample.

"Thank you" he smirked returning to the pot. "It's just sauce, but the pasta is done and we can eat soon"

Once the sauce was done he made me a plate and escorted me to his sitting room where we sat and ate in a comfortable silence. Adrian was a really good cook. The food tasted exquisite especially with the wine to wash it down. I was impressed. I took another bite of the bow tie pasta and savored the flavor.

"How was work today?" he asked as he brought the crystal flute to his lips.

"It was something." I said half-heartedly "I'm going to France in the morning with Bryce. Apparently I'm supposed to 'keep him focused'—not sure what that was about"

"France! Jetsetting already", he quirked leaning back in his seat. "I'm sure you'll get the job done" he continued his blue eyes sparkling at me.

I smiled back at him as we fell into a comfortable silence eating. The evening continued on perfectly with the two of us joking around and talking non-stop. It was just like how we were back at the restaurant my first time on the job. After what felt like hours of conversation I called it a night. Tomorrow would be an early morning and I didn't want to be exhausted the whole trip.

"I can take you to his private air hanger in the morning, it's no problem" Adrian said as he held the front door open for me.

"Really? I was just going to call a cab, but thank you, that would be great" I responded smiling at him warmly.

"Well get going! If you stay outside my door any longer I might not let you get any further" he said as his lips formed a seductive smirk

I smiled in response and turned to leave as I felt a blush rising up my throat. To be honest, it was quite unbelievable that here I was blushing, in reaction to Adrian. Given he was very attractive, and probably a better option than Bryce and his complications, but wasn't there something against feeling this way about two men at the same time? A taboo of some sort I am sure. But damn-it, it was happening, and quickly.

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