part 16

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Few weeks ago

Eunwoo looked at the mirror in his bathroom. He remembered what happened between him and Bom at the company. He shut his eyes muttering a chain of cursing to himself. He didn't have any remorse. He didn't regret. But he is indeed hurt for hurting her. It's all because of his insecurities. He was scared. To lose her. And he was selfish. He didn't want to give Bom's love to anyone else.

He remembered her bruised wrists and the way she was looking at him. Without thinking a second,he punched the mirror making it cracked into pieces. Blood ran down through the broken mirror pieces. He just punished himself. For hurting her. The broken reflection of Eunwoo reflected his own broken self.

"I never regretted loving you Bom. The lie will hurt you now but I will never hurt you after taking you into my arms again. I am ready to give you the world but you need to open up yourself for me. Whatever you are hiding isn't good for you"


Bom went out from her apartment that night. She fixed her black cap hiding her eyes and ran towards a car which was stopped a bit far away from the apartment complex. She got inside the car and sat on the driving seat. Car was empty. Like someone had kept the car in that place for Bom to take.

Bangtan was watching from far. They were inside a black van keeping their eyes on her.

Bom drove away. She parked the car infront of a club. She got out wearing a mask and walked inside.

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The loud booming music only annoyed her today. She licked her lips looking around. People were in their worlds dancing into the beats. But not innocent type. The club was an illegal club under the name of a random mafia gang. A stripping club. Half naked girls roamed around. Thirsty men were all over girls.

Bom walked towards the dance floor and pulled out her gun and aimed to the ceiling.


The club was filled with screams. People started to run like a bunch of ants. Bom stood in the middle like a statue. Few men came near Bom who were also wearing masks and caps. She nodded and ran towards the bar area. Soon the whole club was a war zone. Bom placed her palm on the bar table and jumped over the table kicking the bartender. She took the nearest glass bottle and hit his head making him unconscious. Her empty eyes snapped towards another bartender who was about to attack her. She caught his wrist and kicked his stomach making him bend down. She held his head kicked his face by her knee and punched him.

Crowd was getting reduced but Bom and her men kept attacking the some specific people. Bom ran towards the VVIP area before giving a side look to her men fighting with some enemies. She tightly held her gun close to her chest and walked forward like a silent cat. She kicked a door revealing some men inside the room. Without a pity,she shot everyone like a beast.

She looked back when few more men inside the room. She thew her gun to the first man who approached her and the gun hit his head knocking him down. Her beasty eyes then snapped to the rest of the men.

Time skip

Bom came downstairs. Her men had already caught the boss of the club. Everything was silent now. Only the boss left to be killed. Bom walked infront of him.

"Who a-are you?" The boss asked clearly feeling terrified seeing his gang being whipped out in a single night. His all important men had gathered to the club this day and killing them means the end of the gang.

Bom removed her mask and smiled. "Greetings. I'm from LJ group. The agent sent by the president to whip out your gang. She had given you two warnings before  but you were too busy to notice. Now,in the name of her, I will take your life"


The body fell onto the floor. She looked at her members. She frowned feeling like the number of men had increased in her team. Everyone had masks so she couldn't recognise the faces. But she shrugged her shoulders and took few steps to leave the club.


The sudden gun shot sounds halted her in the spot. She didn't turn around. She gulped knowing something is wrong. Everything went silent for few seconds. She still stayed like a statue without turning back. She felt like someone was approaching her.

The heat of the person behind her brought chills to her spine. She felt someone's breathing near her ear.

"Hi sis"

The awfully familiar voice greeted her. She slowly and hesitantly turned around. She saw his men lying on the floor lifelessly. But there were 7 alive men standing infront of her. Now she didn't need to see their faces to say who are they.

They removed their masks. Even before she could open her mouth,Taehyung appeared infront of her. She widened her eyes when he lit up his lighter infront of her. Her mind went blank and she got trapped in that fire.

"You are tired. And sleepy. So sleep tight Bom"

Her body went numb and soon she was in Jungkook's hands. He lifted her up in bridal style. He smirked looking at her sleeping figure.

"Time to go home Bom"

Bom opened her eyes slowly. Everything around her was dark. No different even after opening her eyes. She tried to move her hands and that's when she knew that she was being tied to a chair. Her hands were in her back and she couldn't even move. And the most shocking thing was,Bangtan did this to her.

All of a sudden, the room was eliminated with a small white bulb. And she guessed where she is. It's the underground basement in Kim mansion. How can she forget this basement. She felt her heart being tightened inside her. She didn't know what will happen. She remembered how her brothers pointed their guns to her 4 years ago. And she already knew that it wasn't them who shot her. Bum had explained her everything but the trauma was too big for her. And she couldn't help but to think that the same thing might happen.

She heard the door being opened. She didn't look at them. She kept her head hanging low. The footsteps of them got her nervous. She messed up a big time with her Bitna drama. But only herself knew the truth. The sacrifices she is doing for them are only kept inside her heart.

Namjoon walked forward and stood infront of her with his hands inside his pockets. "Bom"

She hesitantly looked up.

"Oh so you are really Bom?"

Bom looked down not uttering a word.

"Why?" Namjoon asked with a calm tone." Why Bom?"

A sad smile played on her lips. She looked up."Why? Because I choose this path"

Jin appeared from behind with a file in his hand. He opened it and looked inside.

"Lee Jun Jihyun. Lee Joonkie's sister. Got anything to say?" Jin raised an eyebrow throwing the file to her feet.

Bom tilted her head with an amused grin."Got me. Yes, she is my father's sister. My aunt "


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