Chapter 14

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Playlist: dancing with the devil Demi Lovato
You need to stop, I giggle because Harry's hair tickles my face, while he  indulges himself in my neck

But I don't want to I wanna lay here forever he wines like a baby and laughs at how ridiculous his being

Well you need to go we have an hour before school and if anyone catches you in here, we both dead I instruct seriously but he just holds onto me tightly.

Fine but tomorrow you sleeping in my bed this whole jumping and climbing windows are tiring he sarcastically remarks and I question him

It's not my fault that you refuse to not sleep with me I mock and he gives me that sneaking smirk before he ambushes me with kisses making me laugh but suddenly a knock appears on my door making us both stop in fright

Ally are you awake we need to talk about some dinner arrangements my aunty sally says behind the door. Oh lord

Shit, you need to hide I whisper in a panic to Harry who jumps up searching for his shirt. There's no time for him to climb out my window so he hides under my bed with his jeans. 

Allison I'm coming in my aunt says worriedly and I hop on my bed to make it look as if I was sleeping. Who knows are I might be permanently sleeping if she finds out he slept here in my bed

Aunt sally what's up I act groggy while rubbing my eyes

Huh, I heard a lot of movements In here didn't know you were still sleeping my aunty says questionably. Shit think of a lie fast

Well I wasn't sleeping, I huh decided on doing an early morning clean and jumped on my bed right when I was done so I'm quite tired you know I try to play it off Cooley .she looks around my room suspiciously obviously not so fooled by my weirdness but decides on leaving it alone

Anyways I came up to tell you that Tommy and your mom is coming through today to celebrate your birthday coming up, I told her you won't be here on the day of your birthday because Stacey said you guys are going on a camp, but she's very excited to see you ... she says she hasn't heard from you well since the incident my aunty taps on ice afraid I might break. But I'm not worried about that I'm embarrassed that Harry is hearing all of this

Well great I huh can't wait to see her I say in honesty because I haven't seen my mom or little brother for a while now, but also I need aunt sally to leave before she spills more beans

I know right, I told her how well you doing and how therapy with Linda has been going well and you eating!  Not forgetting that hottie Harry, She's so happy Allison my aunt says in a happy voice as she rubs my cheek.

Well I need to get ready for school I wouldn't want to be late you know I change the topic fast anxious that she might continue rambling

Oh gosh sorry dear, I'm keeping you back .... well breakfast is ready so you and Stacey can get into that. Oh and Robert and I are going to an early campaign meeting so you won't see us in the kitchen... but you guys know the rules no boys in the house without adult supervision she says with a warning finger as she walks towards the door and I  smile, not a smile of love but a smile of mischief

Oh my word I am such a hottie Harry mocks and I smack his arm

Eavesdropping on women's conversations is a crime you know I sarcastically remark and he chuckles while he slips on his jeans

Sorry baby I just couldn't help my self he winks and I'm happy he doesn't ask me more about how I was sent to hospital for trying to kill myself .although he knows my past I don't want to drag him into all the circumstances

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