Part 1

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Hello guys,.. first of all thanks a lot for all your wonderful comments on my previous OS.Please keep your love pouring in.. so again I didn't like the turn of events which happened during the wedding. this is my version of how things should have gone, less dram more reality.. I hope you like it


Day of the wedding

Ahaan looked at Isqhi and thought she looked so beautiful in red, her lehenga bought a beautiful glow to her cheeks and her simple jewelry made her look more delicate, stop thinking like that, she will b married in sometime, he scolded himself. Riya was the right girl for him, his mind said, and his heart was screaming Ishqi.

The wedding proceeding started, Ishqi was in total turmoil with her thoughts. She had heard the manager saying that Mayank had not paid the bill. So why did he lie to her that day, also he hid that sonu was his ex-girlfriend.

She looked at Mayank and he was busy on his phone. Is this guy even serious about this wedding, who sits with a phone in the mantap she thought, she pulled the phone out of his hand and saw the marks on his hand. They were the same marks which she was searching for, the nail marks. She quickly took the phone and saw all sonu pictures and slowly showed them to sonu as well.

Sonu couldn't stop her tears, it was Mayank who did all that to her. Why don't guys understand the meaning of no, she had already moved on from Mayank and she had told him so, why he couldn't understand that and take her refusal. She looks at Ishqi and questions with her eyes.

Ishqi drops the gatbandhan cloth is the fire and says she won't marry Mayank. Everyone gets worried and questions her. Mayank hold her hand and said he won't allow her to go.

Even before he could realize a slap had fell on his cheek and everyone was stunned. He held his cheek and looked at Isqhi

"How dare you touch me with your filthy hands, you are a disgusting person"

"How dare you" Mayank is angry

"How dare i.. how dare you haan.. what have you thought girls to be... they aren't a doll or a puppet who will keep playing to your tunes. Tell me does it hurt your ego when a girl says no, and you are out to take your revenge by spoiling her life. A no is a no, is that so difficult to understand"

"What are you saying Ishqi" ahaan questions her angrily

"This Mayank here is a looccha lafanga person. He drugged a girl's drink on that party night and took obscene phots of her. Not just that, he was blackmailing the girl with those photos"

"She is lying" Mayank says

"What proof do you have IShqi" Ahaan asks her

Ishqi looks at him, of course he doesn't trust her, after all Mayank is his best friend.

"Mayank had not paid the bill that night, when he said he was actually paying it. " the manager can confirm that.

"So where was he that night, when you called him.. he was with that girl whom he had drugged. Later on he has even deleted the CCTV footage so that no one can see it" Ishqi explained.

"Mayank where were you that night, even I couldn't see you anywhere" Ahaan questioned

"Why are you even listening to Isqhi" he looks around, but all of them see him with doubts in their eyes.

" I was in my room" Mayank says "what other proof you have ishqi" he was waiting that ishqi will tell everyone about the phots herself, so that sonu wedding will break

Ishqi falls silent

"who is that girl, if she can tell about this... we can confirm" Karthik says

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