Chapter 3

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Katherine POV:

I am in a dressing room trying on a black lace dress with Klaus watching my every move making sure I don't escape his claws again. I have fought and ran for 500 years and look where it has left me. I am a 17-year-old human girl again and back in the clutches of the man I ran from all those centuries ago. I am so over this game of chase but who am I if I don't try to run. My daughter is what I worry about after all this time she is alive and if I run what will happen to her. I lost my family as a result of turning into a vampire. I may be known to the supernatural world as a selfish bitch but Nadia does not deserve to pay for the things I have done. She deserves a better life than the one I doomed her to the one where she is the daughter of the famous Katherine Pierce.

I pull the curtain of the changing room and pick up my next outfit to try on a pair of black skinny jeans, a black off-the-shoulder top, and a leather jacket. "Are you almost done? I have watched you try on over a dozen dresses Katerina. Do I need to remind you that you are being held captive.No major outings are occurring in your future that would require you to dress up "Klaus says arrogantly as he sips more champagne from the glass offered to us by the store? At least Klaus is buying me quality clothing because I am not dressing like some girl next door.

I grab my glass of champagne and reply "No need to remind me of my current state as a hostage" Returning to the changing room and putting on my new pair of jeans. All I really have to do is ensure that Nadia's identity as my daughter stays a secret. She is probably long gone since I will be nowhere to be found in Mystic Falls. It's better for her if she just moves on from her search for her mother. I put on the rest of the clothes and look at myself in the mirror and I am definitely looking more like my usual self. All I need is time to come up with a plan. I have survived worse than being a blood bag. I have leverage Klaus needs me alive to build him an army so right now none of my other enemies will be idiotic enough to pick a fight with the hybrid for revenge. I guess that's an upside to this abduction.

Klaus is apparently in a good mood or something because we are stopping in a nice hotel for the night instead of driving to New Orleans without stopping. We enter a luxury suite with two beds I just hope there is a nice tub I can wash this day away in. Suddenly my thoughts of a calming bath are interrupted by Klaus walking towards me. I step back as he approaches and then I feel my back hit the wall. He probably hears my heartbeat speed up, my breathing becomes more shallow, He stares at me like I am a prey he has finally caught. Using his finger to tilt my head up he looks me straight in the eye and for a moment I am lost in the blue color of them.

" You will not make any attempts to escape and you will not leave this hotel room unless I say so," He says and then backs away going to grab a drink from the minibar. He compelled me. I take a moment to compose myself steady my heartbeat and grab my newly bought items and enter the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I start to run the bath and get in once the water is ideal. I laugh at the ridiculousness of it all the fact that I was fed to Silas, taken by Klaus, and I am ending the day by taking a bubble bath with Klaus on the other side of the door. I let myself relax after 500 years on the run you learn to take the little moments when and where they may come.

I put on a black satin sleepwear set and turn myself so that I am facing away from Klaus who seems unfazed by the entire situation as he sits drinking his bourbon and reading from some ancient-looking poem book. I am tired and sleep overcomes me quickly.

Klaus POV:

Katerina fell asleep as soon as she made it to the bed. She shifts in her sleep and I get a view of her face she looks peaceful and innocent as she sleeps. Nothing in her face alludes to the woman that has faced some of the greatest hardships by my hand. I slaughtered her family and sentenced her to a eternal life on the run yet she still keeps her head held high. As I prepare to get ready for bed I hear her murmur in her sleep " Klaus"

Katherine's Dream:

" My Lord where are you taking me," Katerina says with her eyes closed per Klaus' request. They were finally having a day all to themselves. Katerina was ecstatic she wanted to spend more time with the mysterious man that had chosen to court her. He claimed to have a surprise to show her which required her and Lord Niklaus to horseback ride a little far from the manor grounds. Now Katerina's eyes were covered as she walked led by Klaus. He leans into her ear and whispers "Well if I told you then wouldn't the ruin the entire surprise Luv." Katerina pouts " I suppose. "

" No need to wait any longer ." Klaus removes the scarf around Katerina's eyes. " You can open your eyes, Katerina. " In front of them was an amazing lake surrounded by luscious trees that had beautiful flowers growing from the branches. There were also rose bushes surrounding the clearing and a perfect picnic was already awaiting them. Katerina's smile grows."I take it you like the surprise." Klaus says with a rare smile. Katerina enjoys when he lets the mask he seems to often wear fall when they are together alone. She goes to hug him wrapping her arms around his neck and he leans down and kisses her. Klaus wraps his arms around her waist and the kiss they share is loving and passionate. It makes her feel special when she is wrapped in his embrace safe. They pull apart Katerina out of breath. Klaus extends his hand "Shall we take a seat on the picnic blanket" "We shall " Katerina replies as they sit and begin to enjoy the small pastries set out for them.

"Klaus, this place is absolutely beautiful " Katerina states looking out at the lake.

"It is I often come out here when I need to clear my head it's peaceful here. I like to come and work on my art. I thought you would enjoy it since I often see you walk the gardens of the estate. You love nature and have a clear fondness for roses. But the beauty of this place does not hold a candle to your own."

Katerina blushed under his stare she often felt like he could see all the parts of her even the ones she rather keeps hidden. " Would you teach me how to paint one day?" She asks curiously.

Klaus enjoyed her spirit she had a spark that Tatia lacked if he was really honest with himself "Well painting is a skill that took me a very long time to master but one day in the future I will teach you all my secrets" He says as he tucks a piece of her wild curly hair behind her ear and then Katerina stands up abruptly grabs her skirt turns to him with a playful smile "Chase me, My Lord ?" Then proceeds to run.

"Always Katerina, Always." He stands up and runs to catch her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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