
16 2 1

One. Two. Three.

I closed my eyes even stronger and try to ignore how the pieces of the family happy that my mother had tried to form a fourth time, fell on top of me, above Anne too, but she just slept well that's what she made me believe every time mom and her husband - now Steve - had a fight, Anne pretended to sleep, so that I did, she thought that if I saw it, I would copy because she was my example, not for nothing was the most old and I understood that for her this situation was complicated, much more than for me because I did not understand much of it but I knew that she did, and she was strong, just for me.

Four. Five. Six. Seven .... Fifteen. 'ANNE.' Our mom shouted for my older sister, Anne dropped her mask and ran out of our room, but not before warning me I should stay there and should not move at all. But I could not do that, I wanted to know if my mom was right, I wanted to know if Steve had gone back with bottle in hand, if everything would be the same tomorrow night. I took off the covers and I left my side of the bed, as my bare feet hit the cold floor I shuddered hard, I did not like at all go barefoot, unless it was with my super socks that Grandma had given me for Christmas but unfortunately now I did not have them in my little feet. Knowing it was wrong what I did, I followed the path that Anne had done before, and was surprised when still listen cries, when a dispute took place in the bedroom of mom and her husband, after a while everything calmed and aura of peace filled the room, but now was not. It was when I had the urge to go back to my room, but curiosity and the fact that my feet were moving unconsciously, eventually leaving me in the doorway, watching as a first step all the blood scattered on the floor, the carpet overlying my mom's room was bright red, the think that Steve always drinks -which resides in glass bottles he usually charge around the house- was also gracing the floor, with some pieces of brown glass that had pieces of tag. Then I watched my mother, kneeling on the floor, clutching her stomach, crying, sweating, fear.

She looked at me and his eyes widened, my sister who was a few steps ahead of me turned quickly, perhaps as fast as Steve had. 'Go to your room, Franca' She ordered seriously, but I felt like her words trembled on her lips, Anne was afraid, everyone had there, including Steve, he trembled how ever saw him do, he smiled at me in a way that managed to scare me a little more and when I least felt I had him before me, resting on one knee on the ground reaching a little below my height in that position, his hands clenched my bare arms hard, making them instantly were red, and I would remove pain.

' What happens to you beautiful? You wanna say something? ' He asked raising an eyebrow and sifting my body a little, I refused, wanting to escape from the tight grip that kept me unable to get out, I should have listened to Anne and have stayed in our room. 'C'mon Princess, say something, c'mon.' He growled near my face, making me close my eyes automatically, I felt such revulsion at the time, that nasty breath that characterized him was much closer me than it had ever been. 'C'MON.' He yelled at me, and that's when I felt my legs buckled, but I did not fall, he had me in his arms. I heard the voices of my mother and my sister asking him to leave me alone, and I wanted to do the same but could not, I just felt like my tears streaming down my face and my body failed in so many ways. 'Ah, I forgot that you are crap, that you are a useless person who cannot speak.' He sneered, his words found a direct way to my chest, hitting it with violence and taking my all air, I felt suffocated by the truth that he was mentioning. 'You're a mute bitch' He growled and was when he got tired of me. I pushed backwards so hard that I was pulled halfway down the hall. I backed up hitting my back to the wall and let all the anguish I was carrying out abroad and had not just kill me so painful and agonizing.

'Get out' Mother's whisper came to me the same way despite the screams, I looked up and when the tears fell from my eyes could see her smile at me a little. Anne grabbed my arm and made me get up in one blow, I felt like my body was shaking, and hers too, then my sister started running throwing me with her and forcing me to do the same, and as I could follow his path she arrived the room and took the phone from the base and then walking back, this time taking us out of the house. I heard more screams, but I felt safer having Anne beside me, the issue was that I could not stop worrying about my mom, she was there alone, with Steve, and he had not behaved very friendly lately.

'Dad, please look for us in the square near home, please' I heard how my sister whimpered and understood what was happening. She intended to stay away from our house. I dropped her hand while she pulled the device in the front yard. 'Let's go, Fran' She said while she was seized my hand, I refused with my head. I would not go until I know if my mom was fine, we could not leave her. I let go of her grip trying to get home again but my sister took me again by the arms and back crawl. 'Please Fran, we have to go now. It is dangerous to be here.' She whispered as I was coming in from the street that was dimly lit by streetlights of sidewalks, and windows with lights neighbors, who were aware of what was happening at home but they would not call the police, if they do then Steve would stay in jail and they would be without show at night. I pointed out the house with my hand and she refused, she stared at me and then I saw her eyes, completely wet and realized that this was not easy for her. 'I know, but we have to go, it's what she wants. She'll be fine.' She mentioned, I returned to deny, but there was no time for argument, Anne pushed me down the street toward the point he had already agreed with dad.

As we were already in position I saw Anne dried her tears and composed his face, but I could not stop mourn. Dad came to minutes, with a worried and frightened expression, you could tell he was asleep before the call. Jhon, dad, he really was not our real father, was the second husband of our mother and the only one we really got to appreciate enough to call him Dad, and he was the only one who had truly taken care of us, although we were not under his wing and they really did not behave well with us, he would always be for me, my dad, and I knew also to Anne. Him under the car and he hugs our shoulders with his arms. Anne had at that time 15 years, and I was 9, but the comfort that I felt at being with dad turned me back into a girl of 5 years, he was the best part of my life, and the only one I like to remember with continuity and affection. We got into the car without mentioning a word, both we were in the back, I was still crying, but Anne seemed to be living a normal day of her life, and then I admired her as I had never admired anyone. She was my role model, and wanted to someday be as strong as her.


Hope y'all like it, and comment as u were doing. 

If I saw more view&vots/comments i'll post faster, I promise. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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