Secret's Out! (Sanders Sides)

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This one was from @O-N-Y-X--P-Y-L-O-N who came up with the idea and allowed me to write it! 

A is closeted gay, B is closeted trans, they're dating. The only one who they're out to, other than each other, is C, who can't keep a secret for the life of them. Hijinks ensue. Such as-

C laughed as A and B kissed, "That's so gay."

D and E looked at C in confusion, "But they're both straight? In a straight relationship?"

"Oh, you didn't-" C began.

"Nope," B whispered.

"So I can't-"

"Nada," A mumbled.

"Excuse me, what?" D asked.

"Uh, nothing. Got mixed up," C quickly replied.

For as long as Remus could remember, he had an attraction to guys. The type didn't matter; it just had to be a guy who would love him as much as Remus would love him. Remus's family didn't know, and Remus preferred it that way; He didn't want his homophobic family to know about his homosexuality, especially his brother, Roman, who can't keep a secret to save his life.

As was mentioned earlier, Remus didn't care what kind of guy he dated, as long as he was able to put up with his chaos, but Remus never expected to be attracted to Lu- er, Logan Blackberry. Logan was a closeted trans; Remus learned that on their 1st date when they stargazed in the park. Remus originally dated Lucy Blackberry to get his parents off his back, but after learning Lucy was really Logan, Remus had a feeling their relationship would work. Logan and Remus dated for a few years, two, to be specific. With the two being in high school, they were afraid of coming out to anyone out of fear they would be torn apart. The only people they were completely comfortable around were each other.

It wasn't until one day where they didn't have a choice but to change that.

Remus and Roman's parents were out on a business trip, leaving Roman and Remus at the house for a week or so. Remus invited Logan over, seeing this as a perfect opportunity to spend time with him. Roman stayed in his room, loudly singing show tunes while dancing in his simple prince costume.

When Logan arrived, he immediately raced to Remus's room, where Remus was waiting, running into his embrace. Remus chuckled.

"Careful, Nerdy Wolverine. You almost knocked me over," Remus joked. Logan giggled back.

"Sorry, I was just really excited to see you," Logan said. Remus smiled and sat Logan on his bed, which creaked under Logan's weight.

"I got a little something for you," Remus said with a smile. Logan chuckled.

"It's not something inappropriate, is it?" Logan asked as Remus lifted his own hands to cover his eyes.

"Noooo, it's not thaaaat! Trust me! I know you'll love it!" Remus said, walking to his closet and reaching on the top shelf. Logan giggled from his place on the edge of the bed, eyes still covered and full of anticipation. Remus grabbed what he was looking for then walked back to the awaiting nerd, holding out the gift.

"Okay, open your eyes!" Remus said, practically bouncing with excitement. Logan removed his hands from his face and gasped as he saw what was in Remus's hands, his eyes filling with tears.

"You-... You got me a binder..?" Logan muttered, looking back at Remus's smile that almost hid behind his mustache. Remus nodded happily as Logan carefully took the tight fabric from Remus in awe.

"M-may I..?" Logan began asking, getting another quick nod from Remus as he turned around and covered his eyes. Logan wasted no time taking off his blue tie and black shirt, exposing his chest that was a tad chubby, just like the rest of his body. After removing his bra, he slipped on the binder and gasped as he saw his chest flatten as if he had a man's chest for his entire life. Logan placed his shirt back on and turned to Remus's full body mirror on the wall. His eyes fill with tears as he covered his mouth, staring at himself.

"Oh my gosh... I'm flat..!" Logan cried. Remus turned back around, hugging his boyfriend from behind.

"Anything for my wonderful boyfriend," Remus muttered to him, slightly kissing his cheek.

"Wait, WHAT-?!" Logan and Remus quickly turned around, seeing Roman at Remus's open bedroom door, wide-eyed and mouth open in shock.

"You're GAY?! She's TRANS?!" Roman yelled in disbelief.

"Excuse me, brother of mine. She is a HE. His name is Logan, not Lucy. And we would prefer it if you... didn't tell anybody," Remus said, keeping Logan close.

"O-..kay... Why? Don't you want people to know you're not a lady?" Roman asked Logan. Logan blushed and faced the ground.

"Not many people I know are okay with this... I'm worried if certain people find out, Remus and I will get separated," Logan explained in a quiet tone. "I can't lose him. He's the only one who accepts and loves me for me..." Roman was silent.

"So whatever you do. Don't. Tell. ANYONE!" Remus threatened. "You know how our parents are! They'll kick me out! They might try to force Lo back to being what he's not! They might hurt him! They-"

"Okay, okay, okay! Calm down! I won't tell anyone! I promise!" Roman interrupted, cutting Remus off from a ramble of intrusive thoughts.

"Are you sure you can keep this secret? No offense, bro, but you're not exactly a good secret keeper," Remus pointed out.

"I'm sure I can do it! I keep a lot of secrets! Like that one time where I caught Lo in a unicorn onesie at his house one time."



It's been a few weeks, and everything has been going well. Logan usually only wore his binder around Remus, being the only person who wouldn't question his suddenly flat chest. Roman kept the secret to himself, and Logan and Remus were still seen as straight Remus and Lucy by everyone else. They even gained a small friend group; consisting of Remus, Logan, Roman, and Roman's friends, Virgil and Patton. On multiple occasions, Patton has brought up the fact that he was a Christian, making Remus and Logan worry about coming out to him, while Virgil never gave an opinion about the LGBTQ. So, for now, Remus and Logan were safe.

The group was in the middle of lunch, sitting at their usual table in the high school cafeteria, a few eating the school food and others eating food they brought themselves. Remus was teasing Logan about having some jam on his cheek when there was nothing there. Logan, catching onto the joke, wiped his cheek in a fake attempt to remove the non-existent jelly, causing Remus to kiss his cheek, the real reason he mentioned Logan having anything on his cheek at all.

"Aw, that's so gay," Roman commented. Logan and Remus froze, quickly glancing at the other two. Patton and Virgil looked confusingly at Roman.

"But they're both straight? In a straight relationship?" Patton pointed out, glancing at the two to make sure he wasn't mistaken.

"Yeah. Remus is straight, and Lucy is straight. Male and female," Virgil clarified. Roman froze, glancing at Logan and Remus, finally seeing their frozen faces.

"Oh, you didn't-" Roman began.

"Nope," Logan whispered.

"So I can't-" Roman continued.

"Nada," Remus mumbled, clarifying for Roman, whose face went pale with realization.

"Excuse me, what?" Patton asked, clearly confused.

"Uh, nothing. Got mixed up," Roman quickly replied. Patton and Virgil glanced at each other in confusion. They both shrugged and went back to eating. Remus and Logan took a small sigh of relief, glad that neither of them said anything negative. Maybe in the future, they will come out to their friends. Maybe. Just maybe.

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