Chapter 2

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I looked at all the dazzlings lights strung up across the town that illuminated the night. There were plenty of tables holding food and drinks and many more that were surrounded by chairs, all of which were nicely decorated. Waiters and waitresses were running from table to table, dropping off food, and refilling cups of water. The whole place was full of people, some of which I knew and some of which I didn't. I couldn't help but think that this was just a tad bit extravagant.

Skyla, who had let me ride with her to the party, was also surprised. "Wow, Touko, I knew Bianca was planning something, but nothing like this!"

"I can say the same thing." I looked around and I spotted Cheren at a central table. I walked over and sat next down to him. "Hello, Cheren. How's it going?"

Cheren returned the greeting. "Fine, thank you. I still can't believe that Bianca did all this. It's a bit much."

I laughed. "That's Bianca for you. I'm going to go see if I can find a place that isn't so crowded. Want to join me?"

"Thank you for the offer, but I'll pass." He fixed the tie of his black suit a bit and took a sip from his water. I left him to his business and began to search for a secluded spot. I found some beach away from the party and sat down on the sand. I took off my high heels, which were killing me, but I decided to put them just for this occasion.

I released my team from their Pokeballs and let them roam. Moxx cheerfully dug into the sand while Orlean paced by the water's edge as if hoping a fish would show up for him to catch. Gray came over to me and curled his body around mine in which Lovely landed on him and started to sleep. White jumped into the water and swam around and Chickadee jumped into my arms, licking my face all over.

"Haha, Chickadee! Calm down!" I laughed as he pushed onto Gray. He calmed down when I started to pet him. The sounds of the party reached here, but they weren't as loud. I rested my head on Gray and stared at the stars above. I was about to doze off when I saw a flash of blue and some of the sky go completely black. I knew immediately who it was.

"Zekrom!" I got and ran over to him. Well, it wasn't really a him, but I called Zekrom a him because it was easier and I've gotten used to it. Zekrom roared and bowed his head as I approached. "Hey there! What're doing here?" I asked as I patted his head. He looked off into the distance as some of his parts glowed blue.

I remember when I caught Zekrom. It was five years ago, just when I was about to face N. I didn't think I deserved him, so I released him, but every now and then Zekrom drops by. Who knows what reasons he has for visiting, but it's nice when he does.

Trying to keep my mind off of N, I asked, "would you like to sit with us? We aren't doing much, but it'd be nice if you sat down for a bit, then you can do whatever you need to do."

Zekrom glanced over his shoulder for a second, then he dipped his head and followed me back to Gray. He raised his head when Zekrom neared, looking suspiciously at him, but he didn't do or say anything. I laid back down and looked up at the sky once more. I thought I saw a white figure fly past, but I just chalked it up to a Swanna. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me.

"Touko!" Cheren's voice broke through my dream. I opened my eyes drowsily and looked up at him. I noticed that Zekrom was gone.

"Eh?" I rubbed my eyes in an effort to try a fully wake up. Gray yawned behind me and glanced at Cheren. Lovely was still sleeping.

"Come on. Alder wants you over for the speech he's having." Cheren held his hand to help me get up, and after putting on my shoes and trying my best to dust the sand off my once white dress, I followed him to the party. Chickadee climbed onto my shoulder as I put everyone back in their balls.

Chickadee chirped happily when he saw Bianca, and I made my way over to her. When she saw me, Bianca's face lit up, and hurried she over to hug me. "Touko! There you are, I was looking all over for you!"

"Hi, Bianca. I was over on the beach over there, and I kinda dozed off. Sorry I didn't come to see you earlier." I smiled apologetically.

"That's fine, I'm just happy to see you! It's been a while, hasn't it?" Bianca rambled on about this and that. I was just happy to see her happy. She was stopped short when Alder called for the party to be quiet so they could hear his speech.

Bianca led me to the table where Cheren, all of our parents, and both Junipers sat, which was also right in front of where Alder was speaking. At gave them a quick as just as the speech started.

"Welcome everyone and thank you for attending this celebration! Before I continue, I'd like to thank Bianca, Professor Juniper's assistant, for planning and throwing this party." Bianca waved from her seat as people clapped. "Today marks the fifth year that three trainers, Bianca, Cheren, and Touko, left their home to start their journey. Along the way, they made life-long friends in the form of both Pokemon and humans. They have grown significantly since then and accomplished many things. Bianca aids Professor Juniper with her research and works diligently to help us understand more about the Pokemon that accompany us. Cheren has become a gym leader, helping trainers and their Pokemon grow stronger as well. Finally, but certainly not least, Touko. She was able to take down Team Plasma and their king, N, as well as the mastermind behind Team Plasma, Ghetsis. She was also able to find the Seven Sages and help arrest them. Touko was also able to become Champion and..." Alder continued, but I couldn't listen. My head swirled with images of N and all I could think of was him, and how he left. I wanted him back, but that was impossible. He was gone.

I felt tears fill my eyes. I didn't want to see anyone see me cry, so I excused myself. I weaved through the tables until I ended up at the beach I was at. I let White out of his Pokeball and mounted him. "Can you take me to our island, bud?"

White nuzzled my hand, feeling my sadness and he went into the water. I had discovered an island a ways from Undella Town two years ago. It was a small island, it was mainly a valley and it is beautiful. The growth there is lush and there are flowers and Pokemon everywhere. I went there from time to time and I'd let the team out to play. There a cliff overlooking the valley that had a tree for shade. It's my favorite spot on the whole island.

We arrived there soon enough and White made his way up the island to the cliff spot. I could hear many different Pokemon run around and look at the newcomers. They reached the place and I got off of White and let everyone out of their Pokeballs. I sat down, leaning on the tree. White stayed with me and laid his head on my lap in an attempt to comfort me.

"Thanks, bud. I love you too." I scratched his head as I looked up at the sky. There was only one thing I could think about, and that was N. Why did he have to leave?! That question ran through my head thousands of times. His beautiful green hair, his deep blue eyes, his kind smile, his warm personality, everything about N made me love him so fiercely! But would he have even returned the love? What if he didn't feel the same way about me?

I closed my eyes and hugged White. At least I had my Pokemon with me. I heard the flapping of wings behind me, and I craned my body to look past the tree, to see if I could identify the source of the noise. I gasped loudly as I saw who was standing there.

Tears filled my eyes as I shakily said, "N?"

On That Ferris Wheel (NxTouko Fanfic) (Work-in-Progress)Where stories live. Discover now