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You were walking on the beach like you always do. It was a peaceful walk but you saw a man playing with a small object. You couldn't quite figure out what it was because you were quite far away. As you got closer, the man took notice of your presence, turning to face you. The closer you approached him, you got a better look at the man. You took notice of his beautiful long blue hair, with horns and pointed ears. He was also wearing white garments.

He said "Hello there, is there anything I can help you with?"

You looked at him and shook your head. He then continued to play with the object, which you now see it's a Jianzi game he's playing. You never knew how to play the game, you always watched your brothers play.

He noticed you watching and decided to ask you a simple question. "Would you like to join?"

You looked at him somewhat surprised. "No, it's fine, I'll just watch."

You then found a rock and sat on it. You watched as he practiced for longer. Eventually, 30 minutes passed and the man was still practicing.

"Miss, what is your name? You have been sitting there for a while yet I don't know your name."

"It's Y/n. What is yours?"

"Ao Bing. Are you sure you don't want to play? It is fun. My friend, Nezha, showed me it."

You looked at Ao Bing, shocked. You stood there and silently thought to yourself, 'Nezha, the demon!? Why would anybody befriend that brat!'

Ao Bing studied your reaction, his expression shifting in concern. "Is something wrong Y/n?"

You looked at him, nearly screaming, "Well, yes! Nezha has been tormenting my village ever since he was born! How could someone as kind as you be friends with someone like him!"

Ao Bing seemed upset with your words. "He is not a bad person! He is my one and only friend! And.....my first."

You looked at him with surprise. "I didn't know Nezha even had the ability to be kind, I'm sorry."

Ao Bing gave you a soft smile. "Don't worry about it, but I want to prove to you Nezha is a good person. He will hopefully be here at the same time tomorrow."

"Alright then, I will come. But if anything goes wrong, I ask that you protect me. I'll even be on my best behavior for Nezha, I want to see if he is as kind as you say. I am willing to give second chances so hopefully he will use it well."

Ao Bing bowed and thanked you. You both waved goodbye as you went home and thought about what happened. You decided not to tell your parents, figuring they would freak out and prevent you from going. So when the next morning came, you took your walk once again.

When you got to the beach, you saw Ao Bing and Nezha playing Jianzi. It was a very intense game, so you thought it would be best to approach with caution. When Ao Bing noticed you, he stopped the game and pointed you out to Nezha.

Nezha quickly recognized you as one of the villagers and his previously joyful expression switched to one of anger. When you approached, you waved at both of them.

Nezha turned toward Ao Bing yelling at him. "WHY THE HELL IS SHE HERE! THAT WHOLE VILLAGE HATES ME SO WHY HER!"

Ao Bing looked at Nezha with worry. "Wait! Before you jump to conclusions, she said she was willing to give you another chance, and maybe even become your friend!"

Nezha turned to you, asking if it was true. You gave a gentle nod and smiled. You were still scared but they looked like they were having fun and being nice.

You began walking to the sidelines. "Well I'm going to sit on the rock like last time."

Nezha looked at you, confused. "Aren't you going to play?"

You laughed and said, "Well I like to watch. Plus I don't know how to play."

Nezha and Ao Bing looked at you with awe. "What? Is it so weird to think I don't know how to play? I'll just watch."

Nezha looked at Ao Bing and said, "Your friend is weird. Welp lets play!"

You giggle at the comment and watch them play for an hour. Nezha had to return home, however, because his parents were looking for him, which left you and Ao Bing alone once more.

Ao Bing turned to you, holding out a hand. "You know, I could teach you."

"Teach me what?"

"Jianzi, what else?"

You laughed, looking down at the sand. "My parents never allowed me too but, I will admit, I've always wanted to."

Ao Bing smiled, extending his hand further towards you. You took his hand and he brought you up on your feet. He explained how the game works and then showed you how to move your legs. You spent the rest of the day practicing, and by sundown, you were able to hit it back at him.

The two of you played for hours until you were so tired you fell on the sand, a large smile on your face. Ao Bing knew you were tired so when he saw you laying on the ground, he went over to you and fell on the ground next to you.

You laughed, turning your head to look at him. "Well why did you do that?"

Ao Bing looked at you, matching your smile. "Well to be with you, of course!"

Your face went red as you attempted to cover it with your hands, and Ao Bing laughed.

"Shall we meet here again tomorrow? Maybe you'll be able to play with Nezha!"

You laughed, sitting up. "Of course! Although I must leave, my family is probably looking for me."

Ao Bing nodded. "Well it was good to see you. tomorrow same time!"

You bowed, walking back towards your home. "Bye Ao bing! I'll see you tomorrow!"

Ao Bing smiled and waved. "Goodbye Y/n, until tomorrow."

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