Chapter 3 (Briff) Controlled

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Riff pov

I gulped nervously walking upstairs hating how differently barb was acting

Why would barb just stayed locked in her room like that? And she has anger issues she can't handle that's absolutely insane....

Me and barb been the closet friends since we were little we had a perfect bond we never left each other side never left each other behind always had each other's back for anything....
all of a sudden barb locked herself in her room stopped leaving outside like she used to and never spoke much even though I'm her band member that didn't change that barb and I had an un unbreakable bond

I finished going up to see her door was surprisingly opened I went in and seen no one in there the promise is....where on earth could she be? I continued walking all around her room calling her name

"Barb!! it's me Riff! Y'know you're best friend for like ever until you closed yourself in the room and never talked to me again I said becoming a bit salty

I turned to see a closet door I opened it to see more stairs downstairs to another room could she be down here? I used to know she would make her room a bit bigger because she always loved more space and privacy
I went down the stairs opening the other door to see a bigger bedroom


I said and turned around to see the door closed I ran to it trying to open it to noticed it's locked I sweated in panic trying to get it opened

"Riff?" I heard a voice asked I turned around and saw barb standing there with her arms crossed looking at me very pissed

B-barb I'm sorry....I snuck in you're room I was worried you haven't came out you're room in months!" I reassured her she chuckled

"You're forgiven cutie and besides I was busy those few months why you here? She asked

"I came looking for you" I said nervously

Y-you did?Why?" She asked

"Cause I love you" I answered

" love me she repeated

"Yeah of're my best friend" I said with a smile it looked like she had growled......werid

"It's been so long..."I said trying to break the silence

"I've missed you...."Barb said walking towards me smiling at me

She embraced me in a tight bone-crushing hug she was so strong I begin to shiver once again

"Why don't you stay down here awhile" Barb said

"Sorry barb I just came to check on you I have to get going?" I said getting out the hug

"Don't leave yet please just stay a while.....Barb said a bit desperate with a sad smile

"N-no...I have to go...I love to stay I just have stuff to do? I said moving away but she stopped me

"NO RIFF" Barb stated

"Barb I have to go I have stuff to do what don't you understand?"I asked angrily getting annoyed

"We haven't spoken in months what's so wrong staying spending time with me again" Barb said looking at me getting angry gripping my hands harder

"I CAN'T BARB NO" I said loising my patience pulling away from her


You......know what barb if you willing to not understand that I'm busy.....I WON'T TALK TO YOU ANYMORE OR STAY ANOTHER MINUTE!" I said as I began stroming away trying to open up the door

"You're staying" Barb stated

"No, I'm not I said still trying to get out the door

Yes You ARE!!" Barb shouted as she grabbed me forcing me on the bed while she gets on top of me I looked at her in shock

YOU'RE STAYING WITH ME!! FOREVER OR I'LL HAVE YOU AS MY PRISONER!!! YOU'RE CHOICE Barb shouted as she held me down by my wrist threateningly

"Wh-what....what's happened to you?" I asked on the verge of tears

"You made me this way" she said with a laugh

"You're insane if you think I would stay after you pulling a stunt like that I said trying to get her off

She smirks evily at me as she tied my wrist to the bedpost getting closer to my face

"You're....mine riff I've wanted you for so long now that I have you I'm in control now....she said licking her lips kissing down my stomach

"W-what are you doing....

She looked at me pulling off my pants and boxers begin sucking me up and down making my head fall back moaning mess

Barb pov

I continued to suck him ignoring him he immediately cummed in my mouth I pulled away removing my shorts and panties and shirt she immediately took his shirt off leaving us naked  got on top of him begin riding him a few minutes



He was mine forever now because I'm forever in control of him

Request from Soarzz

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