🌺 Final selection 🌺

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(Y/n) Pov

The beautiful purple wisteria flowers were hanging off the trees, glowing as I walk up the mountain while my (f/c) haori flowed in the wind.

As I was walking you noticed more people on the mountain. You saw a girl with black hair with a butterfly clip in her head, a boy with yellow hair who looked like he was scared out of his mind.

While I was zoned out I felt someone bump into me, I looked behind me to see a boy with dark red hair on the ground. "I'm so sorry for bumping into I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings." The boy says to me.

"It's fine do you need help up?" I ask the boy who was still on the ground. "Oh no need" he says while getting up and dusting his cloud haori and clothes. As he's done he looks up and stops what he's doing and looks into my (e/c) eyes.

"Are you ok?" I ask him. "YES" he suddenly bursted out yelling it, some people started to stare and others just kept talking to the ones beside them or just went back to being quite.

"Um... sorry for yelling hehe.." he says nervously. "It's fine but um, you have a twig in your hair, let me get that for you".  You tell the while grabbing the twig from his hair. "Oh thanks, by the way my name is Tanjiro kamado what's yours?" He asked me. " My name is (Y/n) (l/n), and nice to meet you Tanjiro".

'so his name is Tanjiro...I feel like I've heard that name before.. somewhere'  "Everyone" I hear two voice's say, me and tanjiro both look over to see two twins. "We thank you for coming here tonight, to the demon slayer corps final selection". Then the one with white hair starts to speak. "Here on Mt. Fujikasane there are several different demons who were captured by different swordsman and are kept here for this event".

Then the one with black hair started to speak, they seemed to be taking turns talking. After they were done talking the bid us good luck and walked away. "So we have to stay here for a week, well let's get going" I say to Tanjiro.

"Wait before we walk in there do you wanna stick together?" I suddenly hear Tanjiro ask. "Sure" I answered.

(Time skip)

Me and Tanjiro are both in the forest running around trying to avoid demons that could pop out any second then we stopped. Tanjiro seemed to be looking around. "Tanjiro look!" I yelled to him, two demons seemed to be coming out of nowhere.

We both block them with are swords But then the demons seemed to arguing about something. "Damn you!" One of them yelled."Don't even try to grab my prey's, man!" One of them yelled. "How about we split you have the boy and I have the girl?!" The other one yelled which causes me to take a sword out.

Both of the demons started to run at us, but before they could even touch us me and Tanjiro sliced through there necks. "Woah so these swords can actually kill the demons here". I say "yeah, so you really can't use anything else but these swords". Tanjiro says right back at me.

"What's that horrible smell?!" Tanjiro suddenly yells. I then hear a yell that sounded five feet away, me and Tanjiro ran over to a tree to see what was going on but as soon as I saw it I could never forget it. As the boy who was on the ground tried to crawl away there was a big demon that seemed to be a greenish color, with arms and hand all over there body, they also seemed to be carrying a person.

The person in the demons hand was dead, I wanted to puke right then and there but I had to keep my composure. Then the demon started to left one of the lifeless boy into his mouth at and ate him whole, I look over at Tanjiro to see he also had a frighten face.

As the demon started to grow and try to grab the boy Tanjiro ran out and cut the demons arm off, I then ran out as well to try and help the boy on the ground. "Another sweet little fox has come to me." The demon says aloud. "Another?" Me and Tanjiro say in confusing tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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