34|thirty four|34

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This is officially the last actual Chapter of renegades!
So time skip 3 years later.
⟟ have no fucking idea how proposals work 🤠

Please play sparks by coldplay

Dream walks up to the lady at the desk in the store and puts a ring on the desk.
"Hello are you buying something?" She says smiling.
"Yep! This wedding ring"  He says beaming.
"Alright! Who's the lucky girl or guy?" She asks.

"My boyfriend, George." He answers.
"Well good luck!" She says handing him the ring.
"Thank you!" He says walking out to his car.
As he drives home he randomly says something. "I'd sell my own bones just for him"
As soon as he gets home he puts on a suit and tells George he's going to take him to a restaurant.
"Hi George" he says nervously.
"Hi baby"
"Why the sudden date?" George asks.
"It's-its a surprise" Dream answers.
"Is something wrong?"
"No! No nothings wrong don't worry" Dream says.
"Did I do something wrong?" George asks.
"Nope! Bubs it's fine you didn't do anything wrong"


Once they get to the restaurant and get a table, they sit down as a waiter comes by.
"Hello! What would you two like to order today?" He asks, a bit too cheery.
"I'll have chicken Alfredo" Dream answers.
"Alright! Anything to drink?"
"Alright! And you young sir?"
"I'll get the same thing as him" George says.
"Baby?" Dream says, blushing.
"I-uh..do you still love me?"
"Of course I do! I will love you until the end of time" George says running his hands through his hair.

Soon enough, they see the waiter come back with their food.
"George uh..can we stand up real quick?"
"Yeah of course!"
They both stand up and step a small bit away from their table.
"George Davidson.. I love you so so much. You mean the whole world to me. I wanna be with you for the rest of my life" he says getting down on one knee.

George puts his hands to his mouth and gasps.
Dream pulls out the ring from his pocket.
"George..will-will you marry me?" He says as his eyes fill with tears.
People are staring now.
"Yes! Yes a million times yes!" He says beaming with tears slipping down his face.
Dream picks him up and spins him around, bringing him down and kissing his lips.
"I love you so much baby" Dream says pulling away.
All that matters in his world is George.
"I love you too" the brunette says smiling at the blond.


They've left the restaurant now, and are driving home.
"George?" Dream says looking at him.
"I'm so lucky To have you and to be able to call you my fiancé"
"Dream.. I'm more than glad to be able to say im your fiancé. You've showed me how to love and how to love myself."
"I love you baby" Dream says putting his hand on George's thigh and looking back at gthe road.


Once they get home, Dream pulls George into a tight hug, sobbing.
"I love you so fucking much George" he sobs.
"I love you too baby" George says rubbing the tallers back.
Still hearing Dreams sobs, he rubs his back more, hushing him.
"Shh baby I'm so glad that you proposed" he whispers.
"I love you so much George" he says.
"I love you too baby"
"Can we go lay down? I'm exhausted" Dream asks. 
"Of course"
They both walk to Dreams room and lay down.
Dream puts his arm over George's body, pulling George close to him.
"Im so glad you said yes" Dream says kissing George's head.
"Dream, the reason I said yes is because I love you so fucking much. We've been through so much together"
"Baby?" Dream says.
"We we're just like renegades. All these years, through everything we went through, we still loved eachother. We didn't let some stupid fight get in the way of our relationship." He says.

And that's a wrap! I wanna say thank you so fucking much for all the support and love. It has been so damn fun writing this story. I remember that I posted a screenshot of it on my very first mcyt TikTok account and it got around 20k likes. So many people have seen this story. I love you all so fucking much. Thank you for all the support. I've had so much fun making this story. <3

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