Mia kom Louwoda Kliron is the last true nablida.
she survived due to her nightblood. 56 days after Praimfaya she meets Clarke and they earn a beautiful bond.
season 5 - currently writing
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56 Days after primefaya
"wait until you guys see this place. It's like the death wave skiped over the entire valley but the radiation did not. I found out that this place belongs to the shadow valley clan, I have lost track of how many bodies that i have found but i gave them a proper send off. It's been 56 days the algae farm should be up and running by now, how much does it such? On the plus side i found berries a whole feild of them im preety sure they are used to dye hair..."
clarke stopped talking when she saw a young child in the trees infront of her she got upo and went after the child. Yes that child was me at 6 years old.
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I ran and as i suspected she followed me. i kew i had to rid of her when she said " laik yu a nightblood? sha ? its ok im nou na hurt yu (are you a nightblood? yes ? its ok im not going to hurt you)"
I immedietly thought of her as a flamekeeper trying to take me from my home so I got her caught in my bear trap I yelled "DIE FLAMEKEEPER" i caught her arm and when I saw her blood I muttered out "Natblida" and ran.
That night after I saw she past out form stitching her leg up I snuck in to the gas station and took all her stuff. I then waited for her to get up by looking through the window.
The next day I was down near the lake using my spewar to catch fish then the woman emerged from the trees once again and said "can yu show me how kom do bilaik?(can you show me how to do that?)"
I got scared so I ran and hid behind the trees I heard her call after me saying"hod op give me back ai things(wait, give me back my things)"
After a while she gave up and sat on the rocks and rested her leg, she muttered something under her breath but I was too far away to hear what she said.
I was watching her draw and when she left I noticed she left her picture so i grabbed it and looked at it and i found it was a picture of me.
6 years later
I drove up to the village where me and clarke live. Over the past six years she has become a mother figure to me. I see clarke putting our fish for dinner in to the pot and i ran out of the rover and up to clarke. "The berries are ripe." i told her. "Thats nice." she replied with. "Oh come on Clarke you promised, Last year there were not enough berries but now there are you can die your hair again now. I will cook and clean for a week"i said trying to convince her.
"Two weeks." she replied with finally giving in. "Deal!! Come on ill drive."
That night Clarke was dying my hair red and i was looking through her artbook.
"im just saying skiripas a beast gon course em would win (im just saying skiripas a beast of course she would win)"
"English mia" Clarke warned
"I'm just saying you are so lucky to be friends with her!!" I flipped the page and saw the ship that took her friends to space, "I'm sorry they left without you." I said glumly to her.
"Well i'm not because otherwise i would have never met you."
7 days later
I was asleep in the rover and Clarke was at the cliff trying to contact Bellamy.
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All of a sudden there was a rumble but i ignored it. Clarke came up to the rover and shook me awake and said "time kom ge up ai strik nightblood (time to get up my little nightblood) "
"no more lessons today" i mumbled
I heard the rumble again and i shot up
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"took you long enough" she replied with while smiling.
I looked at the ship and said " Nomon (mother) wasn't the ship meant to be small"
Clarke looked alarmed and hurrily told me to get her rifle. I brought the rifle to her. After a minuete or so she said.
"Mia i want you to go to the rover and get the guns ready!"
"all of them?" I asked
"All of them." she confirmed
Authors Note : yes mia does call clarke mum but clarke is used to it so its not a shock to her they have a very loving relationship. Dont forget to follow and put the book in the library you wont regret it