Chapter 20

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We waited a long ass time before they went and came back and Stefan and Lydia came to keep us company. And Stefan was there for safety as well as Elijah and Finn who were enlisted by out mates who were worried for no reason. They finally came back with one tall brunette Parker.

"Well hello, I'm Malachi Parker but you can call me Kai. Now why'd you save me?"


We all stared as he backed away warily from my mates and Bonnie while trying to keep him cocky unafraid composure. I could tell he was confused why he was grabbed out of nowhere just to be brought back to the real world, questioning weather this was a trick from his cruel family or some mistake.

"Kai I'm Kol Mikaelson. I apologize for my brothers annoying behavior and not having a chance to explain much to you but I assure you we are of no harm to you" Kol stepped forward cautiously, keeping careful not to trigger the powerful siphoner

"Mikaelson? As in the Mikaelson family? First vampires to ever exist?" Kai asked incredulously before a smirk formed on his face after Kol nodded "Cool"

"Look I know your most likely confused as to why we saved you but if you just calm down and stop trying to reach for that stone, we could explain" Nik spoke up from his position next to Damon

"Yea well when a couple rando's show up in my punishment with promises of helping only to be knocked out cold and brought here against my will" Kai sassed, crossing his hands revealing the rock he actually had in his hand

"Wait who knocked you out?" I asked confused before turning to face Damon and Nik, crossing my arms like a mother would "Damon did you knock him out?"

"Why do you assume it's me? It's not always me you know, I'm not the only psycho in this relationship. There are two others" Damon pointed out, smirking cockily at me

"It was Nik, wasn't it?" I asked, rolling my eyes at they're idiocy when they both nodded, and turned to Kai again "I'm sorry he doesn't have much patience"

Nik came up behind me and pinched my behind in retaliation before shrugging, knowingly.

"Ignoring the ill-mannered people I surround my self with" Kol started making all of us behind him scoff  "We met your sister and found out about you, I didn't like it and decided to get you out. My brother was not patient, and for that I deeply apologize, but it was the only way we could get you out without wasting time"

I could tell wasn't really sorry from the smirk on his face but I also knew he genuinely felt as if he could relate to how Kai was treated and wanted him to be able to live his life and learn.

"Look all we ask for now is that you come with us and try and not kill anyone and after that you can decide if you want to leave or not" Stiles compromised

We sat in silence for a few minutes before we got a faint nod from Kai that we barely noticed but had all of us breathing out in relief.

"Okay now that that's done, why are you staring at me like that?" Kai nodded toward my left where I saw Lydia staring at him eagerly

"I'm Lydia Martin and I'm your soulmate" She stepped forward regaining her always confident composure

"Well that's our cue" Damon muttered grabbing Stiles waist and jumping out of the cave with his vamp abilities followed by Elijah, Finn and Scott.

"Don't drop me" I said to Kol who had his arm around my waist, getting ready to jump along with Nik.

"I'll try not too" He winked at me teasingly and before I could respond he suddenly jumped high.

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