Through the days ..

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Ahhh , of course .
He talks to me everyday (:
He told me he loves me all the time .
We fought , ALOT .
We oovooed each other a lot . But we got through the bad .. The good . Through everything . We had our songs we dedicated to each other .. We had everything . But he decided to throw it all away .
He was done .
It was over .
This could be something real?? No .
This wasn't fate . This was bull shit .
This was full of shit .
I'm not sad .. I'm mad . I won't care . I don't wanna care . But I actually liked this guy . But ahh fuck it . Shit happens . They ask me " are you sad ? " I say no, cause I can do better . & he broke up with me right after he says he loves me .. Ahh fake as fuck . But guys are guys ..
There's gonna be the gentlemen.
The players.
The fuck boiis.
& the loyal lovers.
Soon I will meet my loyal lover . 👌
Just not yet .

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