Marinates quotes

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Time to transform!

Yours truly!""I, uh, I wanted to, um, gift you a make— I mean, gift you a give I made— I mean...""I've got to find his newest villain ASAP.""But adults keep children safe and protected. They care for their kids; they love them!""We can't stay stuck in this bubble together forever!""Sorry to burst your bubble. [...] No one wants to party with you anymore, Bubbler.""Derby hat, derby hat, derby hat, derby hat...! I don't have any derby hat designs. I've got top hats, caps, even two-horned hats! Need a beret? I'm your girl. A sombrero? No problem-o. But a derby?!""You know what, it won't even matter because I'll probably make a total fool of myself at the event, most likely trip over my stupid derby and collapse on Mr. Agreste, give him a full-blown concussion and Adrien will hate me. I'll never be a world-renowned fashion designer! My life is over!""Geez, it's hard to be creative under pressure.""Hmm, a cake derby hat. Stylish and tasty.""You're the cat! Don't you eat these things for breakfast?""You wouldn't wanna let the cat out of the bag.""Everything on my derby hat is handmade, from the embroidery to the weaving of the band to the stitching of the brim. All done by myself. And last, there's a special design element that only the true designer knows about. I signed mine!""Then? I'll invite [Adrien] out for a fruit smoothie at the end of the photo shoot! Then, we'll get married, live happily ever after in a beautiful house, and have two kids! No, three. And a dog! Maybe a cat? Nah, forget the cat. And a hamster! I love hamsters!""I thought cats always landed on their feet.""No time for your childish charms, Cat Noir.""Whoa, kitty, kitty. You better think before you leap.""Listen. I know it seems unbelievable, but trust me, I mean, trust... yourself?""How do I get myself into these crazy situations?""Responsibility isn't something to be taken lightly. I should know.""What? What did you expect me to say? "Hey, hot stuff, this is Marinette. I'd ask you on a date to a movie, but I've got such a crazy crush on you that the only way I can talk to you without foaming at the mouth is over this stupid phone." Pretty ridiculous, right?""I called [Adrien] "hot stuff".""Cat Noir may be a lot of things, but he's not a thief.""It's Adrien! He's looking for his phone! What if he tracks it? He'll figure out I stole it, I'll be arrested for grand theft, I'll spend the rest of my life in jail, and worse, I'll never get to go to the movies with Adrien!""Sorry, but liars are losers. Cat Noir may annoy me to pieces, but he's never lied to me.""I told you from day one, Tikki. I'm a total klutz!""If by brave, you mean bossy, feisty, and bold? Yup, that's [Alya]!""Everyone does have a past they can learn from.""Now you know why I'm so much wiser than you. Hm!""It's Marinette; leave a message. Beep! He he!""Ladybug saved Paris from destruction once again, but who's gonna save Marinette from her homework?""And besides, who would believe that Chloé's the original Ladybug? She's obviously just a die-hard fan. A... copycat?""Nobody must know who we really are. Not even us...""Sometimes, your heart tells you one thing, but a great superhero always listens to her head.""Sabrina, Chloé's totally taking advantage of you. You don't have to do what she says. That's not how a real best friend acts!""Fewer puns, more action!""Sorry, Tikki... Chloé! She just... fires up this little red bug!""I'm thinking poor Nathaniel's got a crush on me. And his alter ego, the Evillustrator's gonna get crushed by Ladybug!""Come on! Seriously? Why is everybody comparing me to Chloé tonight?""No cat dragged me anywhere, Cat Noir. I flew in all on my own.""Me, scared? Pfft, it was a dream. I mean, you're a dream. I mean, in your dreams! Huh? Oh, this is a nightmare...""[Adrien] touched my shoulder... I'll never wash my jacket again!""Well, if you're so rich, obviously you don't need free croissants!""I was only trying to defend myself! My dad's right. I ended up accusing everyone in the process. Truth is, Tikki, I don't think any of us took it.""Listen! You're Sabrina's dad and a good cop! Don't let the evil person who gave you these powers make an evil cop out of you!""I'm no good at this love letter writing thing... I sound like a total dorkasaurus!""I hate to burst your bubble, but hate doesn't conquer all. Love does!""We're about to turn into pumpkins, and personally, I'd rather not see that.""I realized that even with all this hate everywhere, love still wins. But if I wanna win over Adrien, he needs to know the truth about how I feel.""I don't know! The ladybug came along while I was writing, then you were yapping about your blog, and then... It's all a blur!""Hey, hey! Everyone chill out! You're right, Chloé is lame. But fighting isn't gonna bring Mylène back. I'm the producer, and I'm gonna do everything in my power to finish filming tonight!""Adrien and Chloé kissing cannot happen! No way!""Looks like it's time to bring in the alter ego...""Stay together, right behind us! You too, Spielberg!""And yet again, Marinette hopes she'll finally have enough time to complete her magic box.""Do you realize that you're all being bribed? Concert tickets are awesome, but they aren't gonna solve classroom problems.""I just wanna be voted in fairly, not because you don't wanna vote for Chloé, but because you believe in me! I'm not gonna make promises that I can't keep, and I'm not gonna be able to get you everything that you want. But I am resourceful and I know how to prioritize. I'm a good listener and a great multi-tasker. Representing you all is something I truly believe in. And most importantly, I believe in myself. So... vote for Marinette, for class representative!""Apparently, not seeing is believing.""Cat Noir, you're good at annoying people. Do your thing!""Speaking of calling, there's something I gotta tell you, Alya. I... accidentally erased your Ladybug video on your phone, and then, when I tried to fix the problem I dropped the phone in a dumpster and now it stinks like bad, like really, really bad, and I'm sorry, so, so, so sorry. I know how much that video meant to you and I'm the lamest of friends. Lamer than lame!""No, Tikki. I'm not making the same mistake twice! We have to get you to the healer now!""Cat? Um, right. Rare hairless flying species from Kingdom of Achu. I was allowed to have one, because I won a zoo tap-dancing contest when I was in the Kingdom of Achu.""I know, but I mean, Tikki, you're more than just my kwami for me.""Yes! I'm a f-f-friend of Chloé's. We're BFFs!""Don't worry, I'm not a stranger to disasters.""Ahh! Help! It's a giant bug! A mouse! A... a bug-mouse!""Ahh! Bug-mouse talks!""This must be a mistake! The only superpower I could possibly have is super-awkwardness...""Okay, I have special powers! ...And apparently, this amazing super yo-yo thingy?""Ladybug! Call me Ladybug.""So that means... this is all my fault? I knew it! See, Tikki? I'm not cut out to be a superhero! I'm only gonna keep messing up.""I told you, I'm clumsy! I create disaster all the time! I'll only make things worse for me, for you, and for everyone. Cat Noir will be better off without me. I'm quitting.""Well, I'm still not sure I'm up for this, but Alya's in danger. I can't sit back and do nothing.""Oh, you're quite the jokester, aren't you? But your comedic timing needs work.""Nice try, Hawk Moth, but we know who the bad guy is. Let's not reverse the roles here. Without you, none of these innocent victims would be transformed into villains. Hawk Moth, no matter how long it takes, we will find you, and you will hand us your Miraculous!""Let me make this promise to you. No matter who wants to harm you, Ladybug and Cat Noir will do everything in our power to keep you safe!""That's it! We don't separate Stoneheart and Mylène, we bring them closer together! They're made for one another! It's just they don't know it yet.""Yeah... It's beautiful... and amazing... It' Miraculous!""It means that I'm not putting up with your crud anymore, Chloé, and neither is anyone else around here. So take your attitude and go on, get lost!""Uh... see you tomo... Haha! Whoa, why am I stammering?""Oh, where are you, love of my life?""Stay put and you'll be safe!""A ladybug? Smart choice.""T-Rex may have disappeared a long time ago, but technically it's still an animal!""I guess being grounded comes with the territory of being a top secret superhero. Doesn't seem fair, though.""Oh yes, [Adrien]'s perfect. I mean, um, I don't know him very well but he seems—""This is our last chance to capture the akuma and I can't do it alone. If we free Simon Says, we free Mr. Agreste, too.""This is either gonna be the most amazing pair or the ugliest pair of shades in shades history. Miss Bustier is grading me on effort, right?""Pixelator would never imagine his idol would actually want a day out at school. ...I mean, isn't school awesome?""Oh, this isn't creepy at all.""Oh, why does Jagged Stone want to change his style? XY's music is so cold and lifeless, repetitive, mundane, the total opposite of Jagged. And what I've just done here is... ugh... is so not my style, either.""I'm going to design Jagged Stone's next album my way, and no one else's!""Uh, talking bag! New technology! Imported from Japan!""We only rock the real Jagged Stone!""I can't feel my legs anymore. Hold me up! I'm gonna fall over! Is [Adrien] still around?""Sorry, Adrien. I really thought [Wang Cheng] couldn't speak English!""Silly me, you don't have any taste! I mean, look at what you're wearing.""If we're not careful, we'll be the mashed potatoes!""Dear diary, guess what? I was two spots away from transforming back and revealing my true identity to Cat Noir.""And now, a Quarter-Super-Plus Heavy Kick, and Flying Hyper Storm! Triple head combo, Marinette style! Booyah!""Um, no no no, I... No, you're so good. I mean, I'm the one who's not good. I mean... I'm lucky, that's all.""Don't get me wrong! I love gaming, but it's not my heart and soul. This is your baby. It's your tournament, Max. I don't wanna take that away from you.""Sorry Cat Noir, but you — you just... you just don't look like yourself anymore! But uh... thank you!""You've not just lost your body, Cat Noir. I think you've lost your sense of humor, too!""Ladybug and Cat Noir always win, and the bad guys always lose.""Puppeteer! Such a shame; it's really not nice to steal from your babysitter.""Hahaha! I think I liked [Cat Noir] better when you sounded like a five-year old girl!""I won't tell you again, Chloé, so listen up. You need to leave! You're putting yourself in great danger, and us, too. Got it?""Nice yo-yo; mine's better!""Cat Noir and I, we're an unstoppable team.""Cat Noir and I are a team. If you take me on, you take Cat Noir on, too. It's not my problem if you don't have any friends.""Did you see that? Chloé smiled nicely! Kinda. I think she's actually happy to have Sabrina back.""Who is this girl and what is she doing next to the love of my life?!""This is super bad! What if Adrien totally falls for her?! I've never flown in a private jet, nobody's ever written a song about me, and I don't know a single person in Hollywood! Adrien will forget I even exist!""You'll see Ladybug isn't just a figment of your imagination, Volpina.""This book could've been my connection to Adrien without my Ladybug mask for once, but I get it. I'm not gonna be returning it to him.""Excuse me, wait! If you don't mind, this is-this is for Adrien. Can you wish him a Merry Christmas? From me that is. I mean, it could be from you, too. In fact, Merry Christmas to you, from, uh, me, of course.""I know when I'm looking at an akuma victim, trust me. You're safe now; go on home.""Wait a sec, you mean whoever owned the spellbook could be Hawk Moth?""Adrien can't be Hawk Moth! But what if he is? Th-That would mean that I'm crazy in love with a supervillain! I can't be in love with a supervillain, I-I'd have to fight him and—""Something's up. Adrien never misses his fencing lessons.""Adrien doesn't have an evil bone in his body.""Less talking, more doing.""Oh, all right, yes, Adrien is amazing. I couldn't stand the thought of him being a supervillain.""Don't encourage him Nadja, or the cat won't stop purring all night.""Hey, I thought we agreed on no more Bugaboo calling, pussycat.""I'm very sorry Nadja, but we're superheroes. We're not here to answer such personal questions.""We're superheroes, not stars. We should be doing our jobs, not looking like fools on TV.""I'm not gonna let [Chloé] get away with this.""Chloé? No, she's the exact opposite of nice.""Please don't compare me to Chloé.""Too bad I had to stop dancing with Adrien. It felt like I was dancing on a little cloud! An out of body experience!""Chloé, would you be so kind?""Oh, nothing. Just saving your skin with the help of our new little sidekick.""A-Adrien! Nice to fencing, I'm totally into you! Uhh, I mean, nice to see you! Yeah, I'm totally into fencing.""Between you and me, [Cat Noir]'s much better at fencing!""Great, so he likes me. But I don't want him to just like me! I mean— I do, but, you know, I want him to LIIIIIIKE me!""See, Alya's gonna pretend to take me to the dentist, but she'll really be taking me to my surprise party!""Never too late to tell the truth, right?""You're so wonderful... Oh, uh— it's wonderful, what a charm! Uh... the charm! I-I'll wear the charm um, with luck! Basically, um... thank you.""The most important thing about a present, Tikki, is the person who's giving it.""That was wit and a little bit of luck.""Everyone can feel negative emotions from time to time. It's important to accept that and forgive. Follow your heart.""Wow, that principal sure is holding a grudge.""Heroes don't hurt innocent beings, Dark Owl!""A superhero never reveals her secrets. I thought you'd know better. I've got a plan A, plan B, and all the alphabet to Z. Did you really think we'd give you our Miraculous?""Triple Dragon-Kick! Perfect! Marinette wins!"""Operation: Secret Garden", here we come!""Caution! The photo shoot of "Buttercup" will be over soon!""I don't wanna play around with your feelings. It would be the same as lying to you. I don't wanna do that. You're more than a partner, Cat Noir. You're my friend. And I'd never wanna lie to a friend.""Because there's this boy, I... [...] It's— I can't tell you who it is. We can't know anything about each other. Our identities must remain a secret. We're both superheroes, Cat Noir. We don't have a choice.""You have to trust me!""Oh Tikki! I went to the movies with Adrien! This is the best day of my life!""Oh no! I went to the movies... with Adrien, in my pajamas, wearing funny glasses, and a towel! Oh! It's the worst day of my life!""Alya Césaire, here is the Miraculous of the Fox, which grants the power of illusion. You will use it for the greater good. Once the job is done, you will return the Miraculous to me. Can I trust you?""What if [Adrien] doesn't know Juleka's address? Or he got the wrong day? Or he's lost? Could you check with Nino please? You know, of course, just... casually.""Hey, my name's Mama uh Mamamarinette! Your mom sent me down here. The groove...uh... the group's waiting for you.""What? Luka? No way! You're being ridiculous! Pff! Sure he's cool and nice and everything...but there's only one statue that drives this compass crazy!""I hope you've got your sea legs kitty.""Enjoy your gig; bug out.""Two is always better than one!""Hey wait!... I've changed my mind! I do wanna be Ladybug!""Our last weapon can do her harm. It is my...Lucky Charm!""Fifty plus fifty — the sum doesn't rhyme! One more false move and you're trapped, big time!""[Chloé's] got no heart!""But Miss Bustier, it's so not fair! It was Chloé, pulling another.... (ugh) Chloé! And I'm the one who's getting in trouble?!""Miss Bustier, please, snap out of it!""Paw-ssibly, kitty cat.""Having some trouble?""Phew! Hopefully, [Adrien] didn't see me!""Well, uh, look...about what you saw on the show last night— [...] The totographs, in my room—""It-it's not what you think. (pauses) See...I'm really into fashion, and, umm...""No! I'm so not into you— I mean, sure, I'm interested in you, but, um, not in that way; well, you know, ha-ha-ha-ha...ha ha!""You're so weak that when you're shadow boxing, your shadow wins!""It's all up to you, Captain Turtle!""Throw like a ladybug, scratch like a cat!""We must work together as a team. All right, Queen Bee?""(With Chloé) Pound it!""Rena Rouge and Carapace, I need you both!""It's like [Hawk Moth]'s been preparing for this for a long time. But we... we're not prepared for this.""If we wanna win, we have to defeat Hawk Moth, even though we've never fought him before. Hawk Moth! I hope you enjoyed Volpina's illusion, because the real Ladybug will never hand you over her Miraculous!""Don't forget our main objective. We want to get to Hawk Moth.""Your swords are no match for Cat Noir! Show 'em what you got!""Your days of attacking innocent people will soon be over, Hawk Moth!""Stay focused, guys! Villains must never prevail!""I need all of us to make [my Lucky Charm] work! I can't do anything with it now!""Don't forget to put your diving gear on. Tikki, power up!""You sure don't wanna miss what's coming next! Time to show everyone that the real Ladybug is back!""You are all fantastic. Thank you! Take care!""[Because people are amazing]'s precisely why you should never give up hope, kitty!""We are changing the world for the better every day, by our actions, not just by wishing it or at the expense of innocent citizens!""You're such a coward, Hawk Moth!""You're caught in our net, Hawk Moth. You're not going anywhere!""No. Um, go away. No, I mean, go ahead. Please stand, I mean, sit.""[Lila] lies with every breath!""I thought Chloé was evil, but Lila really takes the whole cake! She's like a supervillain who doesn't even need a costume!""You won't get me! I'm proud! I'm confident! I'm Marinette!""We should be friends, not anemones!""You don't have to lie and pretend to be something you're not. People will like you just for being yourself.""Over to you, Cat Noir.""[Kagami]'s so smart I'm sure she'd figure her way around; probably even do it twice as fast by herself. In fact, I'd just slow her down.""Kagami! Whoa, this must be fate! I mean, what were the odds of you and I being paired up? One in ten million, at least, right? So awesome!""[My favorite season is] summer, I suppose; why? Or spring, because that's when nature awakens. Or maybe the fall: the colors are so gorgeous at that time of year. But then again, winter inspires me so much!""I was completely wrong about Kagami!""Hello; I'd like to see this movie, please. [...] Master Fu?!""As elusive as the wind, as powerful as the flood, as swift as lightning — yeah!""You made a mistake, as I do every day, but that's not a reason to give up fighting. You're the only one who can help me; that's why I chose you — but we must work together as a team!""(With Cat Noir and Ryuko) Pound it!""Keeping one's true identity a secret is a very important rule among superheroes. Without it, you and everyone you love would become endangered: your family, your friends...""It's not important to have lots of friends. What matters is that the ones you have are true friends.""Well, we won the right to get orange juice together — if you still want to, that is. Nothing can stop us now!""No worries, guys! Listen, you go and do your homework together and I'll write out the lessons and drop them off at Adrien's later on.""Aurore won't be transforming, because her grade average will be up again next term. Don't hesitate to ask if you need any help.""Unlike you, Chloé, people do change for the better!""Chloé might not be completely wrong, you know, Tikki. I haven't changed. Look at how I always fail when I try to have a basic conversation with Adrien. As soon as I'm in front of him, my heart starts beating like crazy and my words come tumbling out, making no sense whatsoever. It seems like I'm paralyzed.""[Adrien's poem]'s so beautiful. But I'll never know what he thinks of me, or who this poem he wrote was meant for. Oh, I'm so... so lame!""You're right! I have changed. I got more and more clumsy since I met [Adrien]!""Yeah, how could I forget that? In my PJ's wearing a towel!""Adrien's become a friend who I can talk to about anything — except when it comes to my feelings for him.""Can you still be in love with someone even after they become your friend? Do you think I'll ever be able to tell [Adrien] that he means much more to me than just a friend?""Ouch. It's true; [Stormy Weather] really is a lot stronger than before... but we're also stronger than before. Cat Noir and I have gotten to know one another better, and we've learned how to fight together.""[Cat Noir and I]'ve learned to trust each other. [...] And now, we have new superpowers!""After all, we've been through a lot together. We're not gonna let Stormy Weather defeat us, right, kitty?""Hello, I'm Marinette, and I'm in Adrien's class. I'm bringing him the schoolwork that he missed today, and the homework that is due tomorrow.""You tell him it's from Marinette, his friend from school, and that I did it as a friend to help him, okay?"""See you tomorrow at school[, Adrien]. Love, your friend, Marinette."""Every day I think about how lucky I am to live in Paris, and I'm even luckier for getting to see all those places through Ladybug's eyes. No one knows the city like Cat Noir and I do. Even when we're on a mission, we can't help but stop for a minute and marvel at the magical city we live in.""What I love most of all is creating. I really like inventing, designing, sewing. I've already created hats, clothes, accessories like jewelry, and even some glasses for Jagged Stone, the famous rock star.""Most of the time, I'm wearing my own designs. This little purse I carry everywhere, for instance. I made it. I love to stroll around Paris for inspiration. I could spend hours watching people, and what better place than Paris to be inspired!""Alya and me, we're BFFs. It's so amazing to have a best friend like her.""[Alya and I] love to go to the cinema and talk about the movies afterwards. It's always so interesting because Alya often notices things I didn't see at all, in movies and in real life.""[Alya]'s the most observant person I know, and she has an interest in everything. She's also very curious, maybe too curious, but this is why she'll be a great journalist — that's what she wants to be in the future.""Sometimes, it's hard being both Marinette and Ladybug. Of course, I love being a superheroine, and it's awesome to protect Paris against Hawk Moth and save all these innocent victims. But on the other hand, I always have to come up with excuses to explain why I'm late or absent to Mom and Dad, to my teachers, and even to my best friend Alya.""I can't let anyone see Tikki, my kwami, who never leaves my side. Without Tikki, I can't transform. She gives me my powers.""I think [Cat Noir]'d love to know who I am. He's so nosy. But there's no way I'm letting that happen. No one can find out.""There's absolutely nothing between [Cat Noir and me]. He's just my partner — uh, my teammate is what I mean. Besides, he's not my type. He's a bit too cocky.""What I really can't stand is that [Cat Noir] always has to show off when we're on a mission, and I'm not into guys like that.""I think [Cat Noir]'s got a bit of a crush on me, you know, except I love Adrien.""Okay, so maybe I'd see Cat Noir differently if there was no Adrien. Wait, what? For real, what am I saying? A world without Adrien? That would be horrible!""Oh well, if I can't [talk to Adrien], I'll ask Nino to help. He's a really great guy.""Wait, what? Am I crazy? I'm not inviting [Chloé and Sabrina]. They make my life a misery.""It's not my fault. [Adrien]'s so amazing that I completely freak out every time I talk to him. I mean, seriously, he's super smart, he plays the piano, he's a great fencer, he speaks Chinese, and he's so cute, too.""I'm not very good with words. I'm more into fashion and creating things.""It's [Adrien's] birthday soon! I checked on the table I made of his detailed schedule. ...What? I like to know where he is during the day.""Nathaniel has a real talent for drawing stories, but he needed someone to write them. So I introduced him to Marc Anciel. Marc reminds me so much of Nathaniel at the beginning of the school year. He's just as shy as Nath used to be, and he's really talented, too, except his thing is writing. Plus, Marc is a big fan of Nath, but being the shy guys that they are, the two of them needed a little help to actually meet.""[Nathaniel and Marc] ended up realizing that they're made to create comic books together.""[Nathaniel and Marc] became friends. Since then, it seems like Nath has been more interested in the manga contest they're entering together than his feelings for Ladybug, which is a good thing."""Dear Rose, this notebook is just like you: pink, stylish and unique!"""Well, I have to give some of the credit to Paris, the most fashionable city in the world! It's so easy being inspired here, you know? Everywhere I look there's something interesting.""Actually, you know what? I think that for the first time in my life, I'm going to listen to Chloé.""[These pictures of Adrien]'re all nice, Tikki! He's so perfect. Actually he's too perfect. That's why I'll never be able to talk to him.""I'm not sure [who I'll write about], Tikki. A lot of people inspire me every day. Like you, for instance.""Wow, that's amazing! You really don't look your age, Tikki.""I worked really hard on this banner... I hope Adrien likes it. That way, it'll feel a bit like he's with us and we're with him!""Just do what you always do, Kitty: ruin everything!""We're not afraid of you, Silurus! You're nothing but a big fish in a small pond!"

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