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Morning saterday

Today i have  a mission with the boys
I get ready as i put on my jogger and a shirt and black boots (not like dat)

I grab my phone as i go out to the house
i see the boys with guns ready to leave

He says as he tosses me a pistol as i put it in my pocket and i grab my fav

Y:mineKai:hereHe says as he tosses me a pistol as i put it in my pocket and i grab my fav

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My fav

^What he tossed me

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What he tossed me

Y:where too
Y bet i say as i hop in the car as they grab bombs and shit like that
The man starts driving as i fix my guns to not be noticed YK?
once we get their we get out and we scatter
I get to where kairi was
Kai:be safe
I say with a smile as he kisses me

I then start to walk as i get close to the building i step on something and it clicks
I say in a low voice
And it the walkie-talkie heared me
Kai:what happened
Y:i think I stepped on a land mine
Kai:what where are u
Y:to the side frony of the house
Kai:I'm coming
I as i look thru the window and the people in side start shooting i duck down as they come running out and i shoot them  and everyone else dose so to
Once they all dead mattia runs in and grabs something
Mattia:time to go
Y:i can't
I say
Kai:I'm here
He says as he comes to me
Mattia:why can't you
Y:i stepped on a
Mattia:land mine...fuck
Y: Alejandro is their anyway to disactivate it
Ale:no its the 10 the let me see if there is thou
Kai:no we'll find a away
He says as he starts digging around the dirt looking for the  bomb
Y:kairi... no stop
Kai:no I'm leaving with out you
Mattia:fuck.. fuck
Alejandro:i'm sorry
Y:guys go
Kai:what no
Y:kairi i love you ok now go
Kai:i can't
He says as he starts to cry
Y:pls kairi go I'm not gonna let u die with me....go
He says still crying digging around
I hear someone coming up from down slowly so I did what had to be done

I look at mattia as he looking at kairi and looks up
I mouth i love u to mattia and i nod and he nodes aswell as he takes kairi off of the floor and forces him to leave
Kai:no mattia stop!!
He starts yelling
As mattia keeps pushing him to go
I look at how far away they are as i talk to the walkie-talkie
Y: i love u Ale and tell mattia and kairi i love them to and I'll see them in another life
Ale:wait no u can't do this let me find a way atleast
Y:no my time has come i lived an amazing life with y'all while it lasted live your lives and be happy
He starts crying as i tear up as i see someone come out
??:been waiting for me
Y:ofc how are u my love
I say
??:oh come in
He says
It's a the leader*
Y:no hug before going in
??:rue come here
He says smiling as i smile and he hugs me as i pick up my leg and the bomb goes off

Killing both of us into pieces

Finished on


while it lasted ♡k.CWhere stories live. Discover now