Without me

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Found you when your heart was broke
I filled your cup till it overflowed
Took it so far to keep you close
I was afraid to leave you on your own
Said I'll catch you if you fall and if they laugh then fuck 'em all

Wang Yibo's life took a turn when he met Xiao Zhan who was becoming an alcoholic after his fianceé broke off the engagement,he immediately took a shine to him and befriended him whist helping him get his life back on track ,Yibo started having feelings for him and did every thing just to keep him close,Zhan become open to Yibo and was glad to know that he won't face world alone and if he falls Yibo will be there to catch him.

Gave love 'bout a hundred tries
Just running from the demons your mind
Then I took yours and made 'em mine
I didn't notice cause my love blind
Then I got you off your knees put you right back on your feet
Just so you could take advantage of me

Yibo and Zhan started dating even though Zhan was warly of it Yibo always showed Zhan that he love him and won't leave he alone. He purged his insecurities from Zhan and did everything in his power to help Zhan reach his dream of owning an advertising company as he was great in art and was great at it but sadly to reach that Yibo had to give up his dreams and for the first time in three years he sought help from his father just to stablize Xiao group co. In the year that followed the two got married by the Zhan always used Yibo to promote his company, get deals through by name dropping the Wangs as they were one of the big companies in China and it got him to be at the top and through it all Yibo was to much in love to notice.

You don't to say just what you did
I already know,I had to go and find out from them
So tell how does it feel?
So tell me how does it, sitting up there feeling so high but too far away to hold?
You know am the one who put you up there, name in the sky does it ever get lonely
Thinking you could live without me
Thinking you could live without me

Few months in the marriage and Xiao Zhan changed he only went home twice in a week for a change of clothes and when Xiao Yibo asked he was repeatedly told the same old excuse of work being too much but Yibo noticed the female perfumes and lipstick marks on his shirt collars but he believed that Zhan wouldn't cheat on him but the ilussion was broken when he visited the office without informing Zhan and found Zhan's ex-fianceé kissing him, his heart broke and left trying to convince himself that it was a mistake. Life being a bitch opened Yibo's eyes in form of divorce papers two months later which Yibo signed defeatedly and after putting his broken life together moved on to pursue his dream which he did succeed but Zhan's life took a dip as he realized that being on top of the world surrounded by vultures without someone who means we'll is lonely making him regret ever betraying Yibo who wanted what's best for him and loved him whole heartedly opposed to his now newly married wife who loved luxury more than Zhan. Yibo was content watching from afar as Xiao Zhan realised he couldn't live without him as he put on a happy and content mask to mask his loneliness.

The end____________________________________Ok that's a wrap for yah fellas if you can make a better fic and improve the plot feel free to do so but do notify me so I can read it too

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The end
Ok that's a wrap for yah fellas if you can make a better fic and improve the plot feel free to do so but do notify me so I can read it too.
Ok my first song fic am an amateur at this so please do forgive me for typos , mistakes and cringy plot if it's too common just love the song and I wanted to try out and am open if you want to help me to improve my writing 💓❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖
Thank you for reading till the end please do leave vote.

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