Chapter 2

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We arrived at practice and This was my outfit:

"Okay, so we have to practice for tommorows Kingdom episode

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"Okay, so we have to practice for tommorows Kingdom episode." Juyeon said. "We Will practice No air, soooo Fighting!" We all Got up and began practicing. "Woah!Tana you improved!" Haknyeon said. "Thanks hyung." I smiled at him and we continued to practice for the next 4 hours before we was ready for tommorow.

When we were done we packed up and stopped by a restaurant to eat. While eating we just chatted a bit. "Y/N do you know what Yunho and his group Will be doing tommorow?" Eric asked. "Nope, and even if i knew i wouldnt tell you." I giggled. "But his Your brother!" Younghoon complained. "He should tell you those kind of things." "First of all, Im adopted we are not even related, He is my foster family brother. And second of all, we Will find out tommorow Anyways." I answered and Younghoon and his sassy ass rolled eyes of me.

When we arrived at Home Yunho facetimed me and i answered happilly. "Hi Oppa." I Said and Yunho smiled, He sat with San and Seonghwa too and when i noticed i began blushing. "Ya!Why are you blushing?" Yunho giggled. "It's hot." I lied and Yunho shaked his head. "Anyways how are you?" He asked. "Im fine, we just finished practicing for kingdom." I answered and San and Seonghwa moved closer to the screen causing my ears to get red. "We cheer for you." Seonghwa Said. "Haha, Thanks, we are cheering on you too." I answered and smiled. Then Sunwoo came and sat besides me. "Hi Sunwoo." Yunho Said. "Ah, Hi hyungs" He Said and smiled. "Are you taking good Care of my sister?" Yunho asked. "Yeah, they are Yunho." I answered and giggled over his overprotective ass. San and Seonghwa giggled too.

After talking to Yunho, San and Seonghwa Changmin called me. "Y/N, you have to go to sleep now." He Said while walking towards me. When He noticed Yunho, San and Seonghwa He bowed and they did the same. "Okay, Hyung. Goodnight San and Seonghwa hyung and Goodnight Yunho oppa." Yunho smiled at the fact that He was the only One i called oppa.

After hanging up i brushed my teeth and Got ready for bed. I Said goodnight to all of the members and went to sleep.

(The next morning)
I woke up by Hyunjae jumping in my bed. "Hyung! What are you doing?" I asked. "Im waking you up ofcourse." He answered cutely and i chuckeled before we all ate breakfeast. "Im so nervous." I Said to the guys. "Dont worry, it'll be cool." Chanhee Said and patted my back, making me feel a Little better.

(At the studio)
We was the second group to perform and i was so nervous but the members was good at calming me Down. The first group to perform was Ateez and me and the members cheered extra much for Them. Everytime Yunho came on the screen i littereally screamed. "Thats my brother you guys!" I yelled and all the members laughed.

After their performance it was our turn and we walked on stage.

Yunho POV
I Saw Y/N and her members walking on stage and we all cheered. I knew that Y/N was very nervous but it calmed me Down to see the members patting her back or hold her hand.

She looked so pretty on stage and i was the proudest brother in the whole world. When Y/N came on the screen my members Said: "Woah Hyung, Your sister is so pretty." Or "She has such good vocals." And that made me very happy.

But at the last part she accidently made a mistake and did a movement a Little to fast, i could see how worried she was as they finished the performence and After the performance you could see on the screen that she started crying.

At the end of the performance i made a mistake, i was so dissapointed in myself that i started crying. At the interview After our performance they asked how i felt.
"Im very sorry for the mistake i made. I really feel bad for the members. I know it sounds silly but i feel like i ruined the whole performance." I giggled softly while wiping my tears.
The members turned around and hugged me. "You didnt ruin anything." Eric Said and kissed the top of my head. "No, you was still amazing." Sangyeon reassured me.

When we walked to our Room again to watch the other Groups performances Chan and Felix hyung from Straykids came running towards me and hugged me. "You was really good." Felix Said. "Yeah dont worry about it." Chan agreed. "Thanks guys." I Said and smiled at Them before walking to our rooms to see the rest of the performances.
Every group Said something Nice about you in their interview After their performances:
"Dont be sad Y/N, you were great!"
-Minhyuk, BTOB
"We loved The Boyz performance a lot!"
-Seungmin, Straykids
"Dont Worry too much, it was amazing."
-Taeyang, SF9
"I agree with Bobby, everyone is still whipped for Y/N lol"
-Jay, Ikon
"I love you sis!"
-Yunho, Ateez

I was so greatfull for their positive comments but i was still mad at myself.

(Back at the dorm)
"WE WAS LIT!!!!" Eric yelled when we arrived at the dorm. "Yeah, we was actually AMAZING!" Hyunjae agreed. I smiled a little. "Im gonna go grocery shopping." I said. Some of the members asked if they should join but i answered i would just do it myself.

I bought the things we needed and went to a café to get a coffee and just relax a bit. After i ordered i Got my coffee and drank it while looking at my phone. After a while i Saw someone familiar coming into the café. It was Soobin from TXT. We knew eachother Well because we was trainees together, back Then. "Soobin-ah!" I yelled from my table and when He Saw me He smiled and sat Down at my table.

"Y/N. How are you doing?" He asked. "Im fine, we performed at kingdom today." I answered him and took a sip of my coffee. "Did it go Well?" He asked again. "Yeah, i made a Little mistake, but besides from that it was amazing." I answered a Little sad but still happy at the same time. "Dont worry about it, everyone makes mistakes." He Said and patted my head. "You never make mistakes." I pouted. "Of course i do, everybody do." He Said again and smiled. "Thanks Soobin." I smiled. Then Soobin looked out of the Window and i Saw another familiar face. It was Yeonjun. Soobin turned to me. "I gotta go, it was Nice to catch up, see you." He Said and walked out the café to Yeonjun Who waved cutely at me and i waved back, before they both walked away.

After meeting Soobin i was happy the whole Way Home and the members looked weird at me. "Why are you so happy?" Sangyeon chuckeled. "I met an Old friend of mine." I answered and began filing the fridge with the groceries i bought. "Who?" Younghoon asked. "Soobin.....from TXT." I answered. "Is He Your boyfriend?" They all yelled jealous at the same time. "OMG! NO DUMMIES! I just Said He is a friend. Are you guys stupid?" I rolled my eyes of Them.

Just Then the doorbell rang and i opened to see Soobin. "Hi Soobin?" I greeted him confused. "Aha, uh, Im Sorry if i interrupt. You just forgot Your shoulderbag in the café, and i just wanted to give it to you." He smiled and gave me my bag. Then i felt someone beside me and looked up to see a Overprotective Hyunjae looking at Soobin. I ignored Hyunjae and turned too Soobin again. "Thanks." "Uhh, No problem, uhh bye." He Said nervously and left. Hyunjae had a Big smile on his Face. "I Think that Soobin-guy felt intimidated by me." He Said proudly. I turned to him. "What is Your problem? Hes Your hoobae, you should be Nice." I yelled while hitting him with my bag. Then the doorbell rang again. Sunwoo rushed and opened it before i could do anything and Soobin was in the door again. Younghoon stood in front of me so Soobin wouldnt see me.

"What do you want?" Sunwoo asked. "I just wanted to tell Y/N something...." He began but Sunwoo cutted him off. "Y/N is on a walk with our non-existing dog and cant talk to you right now....Sooo bye." He Said and closed the door in Soobins Face. All the members smiled i just stood with my mouth wide Open in shock. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" I yelled while switching between hitting Sunwoo and Younghoon. "What do you mean?" They asked "confused". "Omg!" I Said and walked into my room. "I Think we pissed her off." Juyeon laughed. "It was great." Changmin Said. "Yeah, i dont like that Soobin-guy." Chanhee agreed.

Author Note (pls read)
So i really want to start a Enhypen imagine, with Jungwon as the love interest. Causeeeee He is my bias. All the members are Ofcourse going to be in the story, but mainly Jongwon.
Hope you Will read it

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