Chapter 2 - Dinner

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It was a whole week later on a Saturday. Y/n was in her house, jamming to some music as she bobbed her head side to side. She was finishing up some work, her earbuds in/headphones on as she listened to her favorite song. "Hmmm hmm hm hmmm hmmm," she hummed to the tune, her mini study session being interrupted by someone knocking at the door, and it sounded like someone was trying to break in. That's how loud the knocking was. You paused the music, getting up and quickly going to the living room where the door was, opening the door to see a tall male figure standing there.

"Sup," he said. It was Ohma. What was he doing there at this hour? It was only 8:30 in the morning. "Wh- Ohma? What are you doing here?" He didn't answer, instead pushing past you, now standing in your living room, looking around. "Hey! What's wrong with you? I asked you a ques—"
"Busy?" He glanced back at you.
"Um...yes, I am busy—"
"Great. You're coming with me for dinner later on. Bring your wallet."
"Bring my...wallet?" He didn't reply, shrugging his shoulders as he turned his body toward you, someone else making their way to the door.
"Ohma! I thought I told you to wait! What's with you and leaving me behind?" You recognized that voice from anywhere. It was Kazuo Yamashita. "Oh, hello!" you greeted.
"Oh yeah, by the way, I forgot to ask the last time. What's your name?"
"Me? It's Y/n L/n."
"Y/n L/n....what a weird name."

"I'm so sorry about this, Miss uh...Miss L/n. Ohma doesn't have the best way of greeting people," Yamashita said with a light chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck. "And my apologies if you were busy. I told Ohma to wait until later on, but we were already this way. The both of us wanted to invite you to dinner tonight, if you can come!"

You hummed. You had plans for later on, but they weren't all that special. Besides, this was a chance for you to hang around the man you were a big fan of! Why would you pass up the opportunity? "Sure! I'd love to go out and eat with you guys. I'll make sure to bring my wallet."
"You better," Ohma said, making you roll your eyes with a huff. Kazuo saw, shaking his head. "That's fine, because Ohma will be paying the expenses for our meal."
"I what?"
"You have expenses now, Ohma. You can pay for us and yourself, can't you? Besides, you owe me back for all the time I paid for your food. I think it'd only be fair if—I mean if you want to, of course, I was just..s-suggesting..." Ohma was glaring holes into Yamashita's face, making the old man turn silent. You stood there, not knowing what to say, or rather too scared to say anything.

"Fine, I'll pay. Y/n L/n, we'll be picking you up at 7 sharp, be ready."
"Hey, hold on! You speak as if you actually own a car!"
The two headed out, Yamashita waving to you and you waved back, closing the door with a sigh. "Well, guess I better get my outfit ready for later on," you said to yourself, heading back to your bedroom.

Soon, 7:00 came, and you were ready for dinner. You were wearing whatever matched your style, along with whatever make-up you prefered, (or no make-up, your choice.) Soon, you heard a knock at the door, getting up and going over to open the door. There stood Ohma, wearing something...that didn't seem like him at all. This had to be Yamashita's doing! He was wearing a pair of black slacks and a white button up shirt. You could tell he had undone his tie because it was hanging loosely around his neck. Well, Yamashita wouldn't be happy with that.

For some reason, you couldn't hold back a laugh. It's not because he looked funny, but it was because you never expected to see him in something like this. You slapped a hand over your mouth, eyes threatening to tear up as you turned away.
"Hey, the hell is so funny?"
"Nothing, nothing! I just— you look nice—" you couldn't help it, letting out a laugh, Ohma just standing there. He already felt out of place with what he had on, so this wasn't helping. "Yeah, I'm changing. Get in the car before we leave you."
"Aww, come on, I'm sorry. You look nice, I promise! I was just laughing at something else." He stayed silent. He was about to compliment you, but now he just didn't have the confidence to do so.

Kengan Romance - Ohma Tokita x Reader story Where stories live. Discover now