I'M SORRY (Auth. Message)

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To my dear readers,

First of all, I want to say I'm sorry. I know that some of you guys have been hoping for a happy ending, others not, but nobody was expecting Zhan to die that way. I'm sorry if I didn't meet any of your expectations. I've tried my best, I really did but, as I said in the last part, not everything is a fairy tale.

Also, I want to thank you all for the support of this story! You guys are the best. I am very thankful for all of your support, for backing me up and for lifting my spirit whenever I feel down and in doubt of myself. This story is very important to me for it is the first story that I have ever written and let me say this to you now..

As I said before, I don't care about the followers I have or the votes that I get. What's important to me is that the emotions I give to you when you read my stories. I enjoy reading your comments a lot but, sadly I can't comment back to everybody. With just that, it gives me energy and motivation to continue. A simple thank you from you guys makes my day brighter. You have no idea what you do for an author like me who suffers from mental illness to be appreciated like this.

So, again, I'm sorry for disappointing you with this,


It's not the end. HAHAHA! I was just teasing you guys! Seriously, what makes you think that I will give you such a tragic one?! I wouldn't do that to you! I'm a reader myself and I know how you feel. And, what makes you think that I will let Yibo get away with that so easily? Lol!!


Last night, I told myself that I will make you cry a little and I think I did. Sorry about that but, let's just have a good laugh at this. I was just too tired to continue last night and so I decided to tease you guys a bit. Hope you don't hate me for this🙏 Just a token of my appreciation😂

Anyway, so, just give me a week before I continue again. Is it okay? I just need to update my other stories. I don't like to keep the others waiting.

And, I decided to add one more character to this. Who do you think it would be? Still debating myself, too, so don't worry😂

So, Good Morning and have a fabulous Monday! I love you, guys!😘 PEACE!✌

So, Good Morning and have a fabulous Monday! I love you, guys!😘 PEACE!✌

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Btw, you wanna see what I really look like? I'm just curious. I haven't seen any YiZhan author use their real picture as their profile.


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