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   Damian wanted to toss a couple thousand bricks at Todd. The man was taunting him with a plate of fruit that was supposed to be his. Since he was finally getting off the liquid diet only. Alfred wasn't helping as he kept giving the older batboy more.

   "I hate physical therapy!" Damian finally hissed out as he gripped the bars tighter between his bleached knuckled fists. He was tired of the taunting, but movement meant more icy sharp pain. "I... I can't." The teen was frustrated. He hated this. He hated that movement, something so natural before, so taken for granted hurt. He despised having to admit defeat. But he could not move anymore. He was tired. He hurt. He was two feet further then he was the week before. He just wanted that last strawberry and a spice of orange.

   "Shit," Jason literally fell from his chair coming to catch the tired, frustrated, crying teen from falling. "Hey, heyheyhey." The teen's hits against his chest almost felt none existent. This caused the teen to be more frustrated. "Hey, babybird. You did good. See. Two feet further then last time. And I wasn't there to cause you to panic again." The teen nodded.

   Jason was upset with himself. Despite knowing being behind Damian was what caused the teen to panic the first time, he should have at least been near. Or paying attention. The boy almost got hurt because of this carelessness.

   "Come young masters," Alfred smiled softly at said males. "I think Young Master Damian has more then earned his snack." Jason swooped Damian into a bridal carry, something the teen has had to get used to, not that it's any more comfortable now as it was the first time to his ego. "Here young master." A plate of sliced strawberries and peeled orange slices was set in front of him.

   "Thank you Pennyworth," the teen muttered to tired for anything informal, so fell back into his mother's teaching of manners. The strawberries tasted like heaven to the emotionally tired teen. That was until Jason sat next to him. "Go away," the teen slid the food closer and away from the older male. "You had enough."

   Jason nodded and watched his baby brother eat his food. He didn't realize just how much he actually missed the bratty behavior until Damian PT. Watching the child that had never cried in front of anyone burst into frustrated, and self hatred, tears was heart breaking. Realizing that said teen made sure to never cry in front of anyone of the Batfamily was an even more eye opening, heart breaking event. He and Alfred were the only people in existence to see this headstrong, stubborn, child cry. Not even his mother had seen him cry. Since she only cared to see him when he was training. And he learned crying during training wasn't a good idea.

   "May I sleep now," Damian asked. The tiredness of both his mind and body, showed in his slumped form. Having it to ingrained to always sit up, to lay his head on the table, like either Dick, or Jason himself would do. His green eyes muddled with unshed tears.

   "Of course young master," Alfred said moving Damian so a wheelchair to get him back to his bedroom. "We will work more in three days time. Until then we shall get your arm strength back up also. Would you like to write more letters to your brothers?"

   "After I wake please," Damian sighed. "Are they reading what I write?"

   "Your father has religiously read his," the teen sighed in defeat. "I did see Master Richard reading his last night. Master Timothy seems to scared to read his." This caused the teen to look back at the old man. "Something about a booby trap?" The teen only snickered. Because only Drake would think of Damian booby trapping a piece of un-enveloped paper.

   With that knowledge Damian was able to fall asleep a little more restful then the past two physical therapy sessions. Because really. If the male was so scared of a piece of paper he shouldn't be Red Robin. Or just give it to Todd to test if it was. And he is supposed to be the smart one.

- filler/deep hurt feeling on both sides. ^~^


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